View Full Version : What is the cost of a level 8 BD upgrade cost

10-16-2012, 04:39 PM
I can't find the chart

10-16-2012, 04:42 PM
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqX4lDb5cyUvdGxyTXZFeTRBc1poXy1xcVg0cHFKQ UE#gid=1

Oops that's just the money buildings... My bad.

10-16-2012, 04:46 PM
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj9pi1nr5A99dFF0UWZKZWxzSGVyZkh5ekhnUnh0e lE#gid=60

It's in Ghost's Beginners Guide For Kingdom Age

10-16-2012, 04:54 PM
Thx bad news

10-16-2012, 05:18 PM
690000 less 6900 for each level of your lumber mill. Im trying to do the same upgrade but it looks difficult.....

10-16-2012, 05:32 PM
690000 less 6900 for each level of your lumber mill. Im trying to do the same upgrade but it looks difficult.....

if you think that's difficult, good luck with upgrades 9 and 10.

10-16-2012, 05:35 PM
690000 less 6900 for each level of your lumber mill. Im trying to do the same upgrade but it looks difficult.....

its not that bad since you can stack up bosses on maps along with aligning buildings. You can get to BD8 without much overvault time.

10-16-2012, 05:50 PM
Even with bosses (about 100k) and buildings (another 100k) I'm going to be a couple of days way over vault. And at level 120 I get attacked daily by gem players. My def is 80k so above average. What do you say to selling a level 2 manor? Won't this get me around 300k? That's all I need.

10-17-2012, 08:16 AM
Even with bosses (about 100k) and buildings (another 100k) I'm going to be a couple of days way over vault. And at level 120 I get attacked daily by gem players. My def is 80k so above average. What do you say to selling a level 2 manor? Won't this get me around 300k? That's all I need.

I think a L2 manor would only get you 210k. From what I've read, you only get 1/2 of what the last upgrade cost.

Lt. Falcon
10-17-2012, 08:23 AM
$690000 gold....just finished mine at lvl 53, back to upgrading money buildings and saving for lvl 9.

Got raided by what appears to be a hacker yesterday...now this @ss is up to lvl 69 with stats of 197388att/134913def with 188 allies.

10-17-2012, 10:04 AM
I can't even imagine trying this at lvl 120. I'm currently at lvl 60 with a defense of 35k. With my IPH of almost 8k and my current units I figure I can max out at about 40k defense (old stats). Once I get there, I'm making my run towards BD10 because I rarely get attacked and lose (2 times in the last 3 weeks).

If you're getting hit every day by gem whales, then one strategy to consider is camping, building your economy and waiting for your attackers to level up.

10-17-2012, 10:36 AM
I can't even imagine trying this at lvl 120. I'm currently at lvl 60 with a defense of 35k. With my IPH of almost 8k and my current units I figure I can max out at about 40k defense (old stats). Once I get there, I'm making my run towards BD10 because I rarely get attacked and lose (2 times in the last 3 weeks).

If you're getting hit every day by gem whales, then one strategy to consider is camping, building your economy and waiting for your attackers to level up.

Just kicked off my L9 BD ($1,080,000) @ L125 w/ 475 allies - never camped. It can be done. It make the game more interesting when there is risk of getting attacked vs. sitting and camping @ level 50 waiting for all the good players to pass by.

10-17-2012, 11:00 AM
I did level 8bd a couple of weeks ago at level 103. Took me 1.5 days to get the 690,000 gold. I have purchased the lumber mill and upgraded it to level 10 since. I am at 107 with 61k attack and 56k defense. My iPhone is 7k. I am working on building my iph before I try for level 9bd.

10-17-2012, 12:00 PM
I just upgraded my bd to level 8 and I'm level 127, my upgrade cost 621,000

10-19-2012, 10:13 AM
I'm currently in the Upgrade status of my Breeding Den from 7 --> 8. :D I'm more than overjoyed to finally have set myself apart from many of the players in my PvP list.

My stats are: 11.6k atk / 11.4k def with 47 Allies. Level 105. This is going to make an awesome change up to my gamplay. Already have my strategy lined up for Lvl 9, too. I'm still working over things with Lvl 10.

With my Lvl 5 Lumber Mill, this upgrade cost me 655,500.

10-19-2012, 09:51 PM
I'm currently in the Upgrade status of my Breeding Den from 7 --> 8. :D I'm more than overjoyed to finally have set myself apart from many of the players in my PvP list.

My stats are: 11.6k atk / 11.4k def with 47 Allies. Level 105. This is going to make an awesome change up to my gamplay. Already have my strategy lined up for Lvl 9, too. I'm still working over things with Lvl 10.

With my Lvl 5 Lumber Mill, this upgrade cost me 655,500.

So you only have 47 allies at level 105? What makes you sure that you will not get raided or attacked with so few allies? Having only 11k A/D that is risky going overvault.

10-20-2012, 01:33 AM
Just kicked off my L9 BD ($1,080,000) @ L125 w/ 475 allies - never camped. It can be done. It make the game more interesting when there is risk of getting attacked vs. sitting and camping @ level 50 waiting for all the good players to pass by.

WTG Red! It surely can be done, ive done it at high 120+ too! Just bit of blood and tears, but remember to pop pills and watch out for your blood pressure. Good luck!

10-20-2012, 01:59 AM
So you only have 47 allies at level 105? What makes you sure that you will not get raided or attacked with so few allies? Having only 11k A/D that is risky going overvault.

Well, it's not too frightening when you anticipate a few things. I have invested in the Map boss 1 hit technique; as well as a few buildings (not gonna say which ones) that are basically banks for me. I know it's a loss on investment, but how many members sweat the days of over vault and lose money regardless?

I'm not sure why I have only 47 allies. Maybe I'll bump up to 100 or so?

And, I'm not sure if it came across strange, but I meant that in less than 21 hours I will have Hydras. :)

10-20-2012, 12:14 PM
I'm not sure why I have only 47 allies. Maybe I'll bump up to 100 or so?

And, I'm not sure if it came across strange, but I meant that in less than 21 hours I will have Hydras. :)

What is the use of good units if you cannot bring them to battle or defend your kingdom? Your allies are too few. At your level with your hydras coming soon, you should think of full allies.

10-21-2012, 02:26 PM
Thanks man for your insight. :) I'm thinking that with 200 allies (minimum) that will allow me what number of units to bring in? 600?

600 units consisting of nothing but my Indestructibles, Hydras & Basilisks.