View Full Version : KA scratchers suck

10-09-2012, 06:51 AM
It's true I cannot get anything other than a 2 PRIZE that is not cool only time I have gotten something there than a 2 prize is when I bought a scratcher and got a spirit of flame THESE THINGS SUCK

can I finally get something that is half decent From a free scratcher

Tony Centers
10-09-2012, 07:41 AM
Of the ones I can remember (and have tracked), I've gone through 18 scratchers. Below are my results.

Matches Results Percentage Expected
1 0 0.0% 1.5%
2 12 66.7% 61.7%
3 5 27.8% 31.5%
4 1 5.6% 4.8%
5 0 0.0% 0.4%
6 0 0.0% 0.0%

Yeah, Flan, these things suck. You're right. You should quit.

P.S. anyone know how to put columns in? The presentation above is lacking in visual appeal.

10-10-2012, 12:18 AM
It's true I cannot get anything other than a 2 PRIZE that is not cool only time I have gotten something there than a 2 prize is when I bought a scratcher and got a spirit of flame THESE THINGS SUCK

can I finally get something that is half decent From a free scratcher

Not only do they suck - they don't even get on my battle list so anything below a 5x is useless!

I spend a small fortune on CC Scratchers at 20 gold a pop. I bought 4 of the KA ones and won't be wasting my gold on any more.

10-10-2012, 02:36 AM
The scratcher prizes should be changed to give decent equipment rather than useless units.

10-10-2012, 02:40 AM
The units are useless. Keep getting stuff about 12/10 - pointless.

10-10-2012, 03:23 AM
Of the ones I can remember (and have tracked), I've gone through 18 scratchers. Below are my results.

Matches Results Percentage Expected
1 -------- 0 ------ 0.0% ----- 1.5%
2 ------- 12 ----- 66.7% ---- 61.7%
3 -------- 5 ----- 27.8% ---- 31.5%
4 -------- 1 ------ 5.6% ----- 4.8%
5 -------- 0 ------ 0.0% ----- 0.4%
6 -------- 0 ------ 0.0% ----- 0.0%

And they didn't even have a decent prize for the 1-match, with only 1.5% chance!
The least they could do is: no match = win a free scratcher...

10-10-2012, 04:18 AM
Why complain when they are free?? If you paid something for them then fair enough I guess but otherwise just hit "Scratch All" and ignore the outcome.

Best Prize I ever got from one was a Shadow Warrior (Infantry) with 290/185 A/D which was nice! Sometimes it is a unit I will never use but mostly it's a bit of gold or a few honour points which, as I have done or paid nothing to get, seems fine to me.

10-10-2012, 05:44 AM
Not only do they suck - they don't even get on my battle list so anything below a 5x is useless!

I spend a small fortune on CC Scratchers at 20 gold a pop. I bought 4 of the KA ones and won't be wasting my gold on any more.

I've done the same. The scratchers from CC are at least pretty decent. Even if you only match two you get some pretty decent stuff that is better than items you can buy in the equipment store. Here I have to match five just to get a unit that I can actually use. If I had at good shot at getting something I can use, I would be willing to buy scratchers here too. As it is I'll just take my free ones and hope for a miracle.

10-10-2012, 08:21 AM
equipment would be nice.

10-10-2012, 09:06 AM
Why do you complain. These are FREE units weather you can use them or not. They are FREE !! There are not to many things in life that free. Atleast you have a chance at something of value for FREE. I have 2 accounts the higher ranked account most of the units are no good to me but i have a lower level account and the 2x and higher units are great for me.

10-10-2012, 10:13 AM
Why do you complain. These are FREE units weather you can use them or not. They are FREE !! There are not to many things in life that free. Atleast you have a chance at something of value for FREE. I have 2 accounts the higher ranked account most of the units are no good to me but i have a lower level account and the 2x and higher units are great for me.
I have no problem with getting free units. I'm just thinking it would be smarter for Gree to make these units a little more worth while. I would spend money on gems to buy scratchers if there was at least a half decent shot that I would get something in return. I have bought more scratchers than I want to admit in CC, but the return has been well worth it. I'm not going to buy a scratcher here when I need to match 5 to get something that will actually help me. The best I've done so far is match 3. I'm not spending real money with those kind of odds.

10-10-2012, 04:19 PM
I am ok with scratchers. Maybe Gree should put the free scratcher in an optional tab, it's free once everyday but only if you tap to let it appear; all the players that dislike this option stay away of this option and everyone will be happy.