View Full Version : GREE Gold CHEAT

Philoe Beddoe
10-08-2012, 07:57 AM
All KA players

A group in CC called the Indians have apparently set up a cheat to obtain gold (also gems) at $20 for a 1500 gold vault through China. There source does this for ALL Gree games and is a major issue as Gree cannot detect this.

I urge each of you to visit the tread in my signature as I will be detailing how the cheat works today!

Hopefully we can expose them and get them banned from the game as some play KA too and use same system to buy gems!

Dexter Morgan
10-08-2012, 08:10 AM
The hackers are always going to be there. I used to play I mobsters by storm8, but luckily sold my account before the hacking and cheap iTunes cards became rampant and ruined the game.

10-08-2012, 08:13 AM
It's bad enough that one feels the need to cheat in a game that is not, frankly, going to really matter to your life. But to pay real money to cheat in such a game? Now, that is truly illogical.

10-08-2012, 09:03 AM
gaming the system will happen on any game like this.

10-08-2012, 12:06 PM
I urge each of you to visit the tread in my signature as I will be detailing how the cheat works today!

Can i please get the 10 minutes back I wasted searching the thread for those vital details ? All I get is a lot of sour g****s. If this is about some way of exploiting price variances between countries for the same cyberspace commodity then what exactly is the problem ? It doesn't matter if I'm competing against the prince of Dubai or a bunch of chinese with cash to burn - there will always be thousands that are willing to spend much more than me. All it boils down to is how much you are willing to spend for your own amusement. I'm sure Gree and all other companies tries to maximize there income and adjust their prices accordingly - wouldn't have it any other way !

Dexter Morgan
10-08-2012, 12:10 PM
Yeah I got through a few pages and gave up. Seems like cc is a lot of drama. Glad I deleted that app 10 min after downloading

10-08-2012, 12:24 PM
Help me understand something. Crime City is thugs going around stealing, killing, being bad right? They why does anyone complain when they do it in real life. You want to be bad on a game, then be goodie too shoes in real life. You have to hand it to them. They are "building their criminal empire". This is the goal!!

Sam @
10-08-2012, 12:26 PM
All KA players

A group in CC called the Indians have apparently set up a cheat to obtain gold (also gems) at $20 for a 1500 gold vault through China. There source does this for ALL Gree games and is a major issue as Gree cannot detect this.

I urge each of you to visit the tread in my signature as I will be detailing how the cheat works today!

Hopefully we can expose them and get them banned from the game as some play KA too and use same system to buy gems!

This TROLL aka Koralene/Poppins/Cybill and many other aliases is full of Sh!t !!!

He's just a bitter hater of the Indians. Please provide proof or get the Eff out of the forums!

He's the same person who claims he's 14 years old, his dad is a rich oil man, for the longest time, claimed to be a woman (Koralene), stop with the lies.

Your Koralene account got banned already for hacking/cheating. You need some serious help as you have mental issues. I really sorry for you dude.

Dexter Morgan
10-08-2012, 12:39 PM
You can be anything you want on the internets.

Sam @
10-08-2012, 01:30 PM
Yes apparently so lol.

10-08-2012, 03:48 PM
Help me understand something. Crime City is thugs going around stealing, killing, being bad right? They why does anyone complain when they do it in real life. You want to be bad on a game, then be goodie too shoes in real life. You have to hand it to them. They are "building their criminal empire". This is the goal!!

Do you cast spells and slay zombies?

10-09-2012, 03:15 AM
Do you cast spells and slay zombies?

I knew a couple of shockingly beautiful ladies who always left all the guys in the room spellbound and my office always looks like its filled with zombies on Monday morning ... does that count? :D

10-09-2012, 03:31 AM
Do you cast spells and slay zombies?

There are zombies in KA? I must have missed those