View Full Version : Attacked by alliance?

08-19-2012, 12:48 AM
Has anyone be attacked by alliance?

08-19-2012, 05:22 AM
Has anyone be attacked by alliance?

I think this happens when the allies are over 500. For some reason the player ends up in a battle list. So, if you were attacked by an ally it is likely that person has more than 500.

Ice Cold
08-19-2012, 05:47 AM
So is it necessary to build your mafia beyond 500? I have almost 700 but does that do me any good?

08-19-2012, 07:27 AM
No. Nothing beyond 500 does any good (except in having people not attack you - except when it bugs and declares you to be rivals anyway).

08-19-2012, 07:39 AM
No. Nothing beyond 500 does any good (except in having people not attack you - except when it bugs and declares you to be rivals anyway).

However, even at 500, you've probably got enough room in that allies list for anyone who is competitive or over competitive within striking distance of your kingdom if you prune a little.

Samantha Turtle
08-19-2012, 07:48 AM
You can always drop off players 50 levels below you or more to deliberately add players with stronger stats than you.

Valid or
08-19-2012, 09:03 AM
Hmm, what difference dose the other persons stats make? Could have sworn when I read that beginners guide in the sticky topic, it said your ally stats make no difference, your ally's just add to the amount of troops you take into battle. 3 per ally,what there stats are or wht equipment they have has no effect on you.

08-19-2012, 09:46 AM
Thats kinda how I saw it. Each ally just lets you bring three of your guys. 100 allies 300 of yer best troops and weapons.
Troops die weapons stay?

08-19-2012, 09:58 AM
Hmm, what difference dose the other persons stats make? Could have sworn when I read that beginners guide in the sticky topic, it said your ally stats make no difference, your ally's just add to the amount of troops you take into battle. 3 per ally,what there stats are or wht equipment they have has no effect on you.

The stats mean just about nothing except for the fact that when you get up into the upper levels you would really like allies of all the GEM players so you dont get constantly attacked/raided. This portion of the game becomes exceedingly important unless you want yout stats to be 500/10000 (w/l) vs 10000/500. ;)

08-19-2012, 12:30 PM
What is the significance of dropping players 50 levels below yours?

Funkey monkey
08-19-2012, 02:20 PM
What is the significance of dropping players 50 levels below yours?
They can't attack you. But I have some nice allies that are more than 50 that let me stick around. 🐵