View Full Version : What would you like most to have as an in-game change?

08-17-2012, 06:23 PM
Please vote which one you would like to see, from your viewpoint, as the most valuable in-game change. Then, add a response to the thread, giving any information you would like, and you’re your second preference, then third preference. If you have a forth, and so on, you can add that, too.

Explanation of the above answers:

1 and 2 – Able to sell back unused or unwanted units or equipment at 1/10th of the value obtained
3 – Able to select the gear that your hero equips during PvE
4 – The added effect would be elemental or something similar, to the weapon. If fire, would damage ice monster more; if ice, then damage fire monster more. Electrical for water, etc.
5 – At random times, for a day or two, specials for in-game playing are done by GREE. E.g.: All gold buildings produce 10% more for the day. Or all units are 5% cheaper for the day. Or 10% more honor from PvP attacks for two days.
6 – Larger quests are added to the quests on PvE or PvP that require more effort on the player’s part. Or additional map quests, such as mastery level 5, and you receive 2 gems for completing them.

08-17-2012, 09:11 PM
I think selling units would be best option just because I probably have thousands of unwanted units. My next choice would be to sell equipment because of the same reason. I have tons of unwanted equipment. It would also help with organizing my equipment, which is a big one. I can't wait until Funzio gives us the option to organize.

08-17-2012, 09:14 PM
No offense, but this pole kinda sucks - no mention of new buildings & raising above L10? There are far more interesting things than hero equipment, trading and "free gems."

08-18-2012, 11:08 AM
No offense, but this pole kinda sucks - no mention of new buildings & raising above L10? There are far more interesting things than hero equipment, trading and "free gems."

No offense taken. New buildings is in the other poll. I like the idea of buildings above 10 -- first time ever mentioned, so didn't take it into consideration with the poll. Can you throw that suggestion onto the other one as well?

08-18-2012, 11:11 AM
I'd like to sell equipment back, to the blacksmith perhaps. But I think I would like to see some more buildings added as well

08-18-2012, 11:37 PM
I want to see more avatar options. More armors that have graphics that actually load/appear on your hero! It's always about looking the coolest.

Also, the ability to choose which two monsters appear on the battle screen could be awesome! Allows a certain degree of army customization, rather than defaulting to the standard highest a/d. Im sick of looking at my cannons and demons every battle.

08-20-2012, 09:30 AM
Not to be a party pooper, but I would be THRILLED if Funzio would just fix the bugs that are crashing the app way to frequently. :mad: Happens nearly every time an Epic Enemy is first announced which also kicks me from the invasion in progress...and just when i was about to impale my enemy:( !