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View Full Version : Ccm where are you?

08-03-2012, 08:08 AM
CCM, to my knowledge you are the person responsible for communicating Gree's positions to this forum. The recent event has caused a little frustration and unrst with some the members here and there has been no official communication from you or another Gree staff member. I do not mean to be critical, but please do a better job of communicating with us, the forum members that play Gree's games (all three, not just MW). All relationships benefit from good communication and Gree's relationship with its players should be no different. There have promises in the past where better communication going forward has been promised.

Hey all,
Going forward we're going to make sure that information is communicated more accurately between departments, and that we have more information for you (the players) before, during, and after an event.

Please deliver on those promises. The members of this forum enjoy Gree's games and deserve better communication. Thank you.

Before everyone starts posting here, please wait for a response from CCM. Let him explain anything that he needs to explain or comment on first before you start piling up comments and things. Thanks.

EDIT: Turmoil may have been a little strong

Crime City Mark
08-03-2012, 05:37 PM
Threads asking for staff posts are not going to be responded to. You're welcome to create content that is critical of GREE / Me, but if you ask for me or anyone else to respond, you're just going to get a locked thread.