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View Full Version : Guide for epic boss events:

Q Raider
07-13-2012, 10:48 PM
Taking a line through the latest crate item which reduces the time required for Health regeneration in the Elite events then it stands to reason they are not going to go away soon. Hence figured might as well put down some of the things that have been discovered thus far.

If any of this info is incorrect please let me know and I will correct it.

If you have additional informaiton to offer, again let me know. The objective is to try to provide people with the best opportunity to achieve the maximum they can from this particular type of event. I actually expect that the next one will have subtle changes, however the fundamental strategies described here should remain unchanged.

The Epic Event is one in which you are required to defeat an “Elite” a certain number of times (currently 30) in order to receive a high level indestructible unit.

Each time you defeat the Elite you are awarded an indestructible unit AND some Cash.

These Units fall into three categories, Common, Uncommon, or Rare. Obviously the higher value items (Rare) are less likely to fall than the common items, however ALL are indestructible. For most players even the common units will provide an increase in their defence, their attack or both.

Different levels get access to different progressive units (higher levels get Hhigher stat units) however the end unit is the same for all.

If you manage to gain the top prize then you can continue to defeat the Elite to gain more indestructible units (Rare, Uncommon, Common) however there is never more than ONE of the top prize units awarded to a player.


1. Any event can trigger the Elite, once triggered then there is a 2 hour timeframe in which to defeat him.
2. If your Elite has NOT yet triggered, DO NOT hit a cash target of ANY kind. The Triggering event will wipe out any cash or unit returns you might have received. Best option is to find a multiple hit PVE target that is not on the final hit and use that to trigger the Elite.
3. Your Health rate increase at the rate of one point per minute.
4. The “Cost” of each attack is 25 health points.
5. You cannot get access to the “fight” screen with less than 25 points. If you need to get to it, then the only way is to use 20 Gold and purchase a “Med-Pack” (refer Point 12)
6. If you are in the fight screen you can carry out an attack with less than 25 health points, it counts as a full attack.
7. A “Free” attack will reduce the Elite’s health by approximately 67% of your RAW Attack .
8. A “Force Attack” will reduce the Elite’s health by approximately 100% of your RAW Attack.
9. The cash required for a “Force attack” goes up each time you defeat the Elite, it also increases the higher level player you are.
10. A “Mega Attack” costs 20 Gold and will reduce the Elite’s health by approximately 400% of your Raw attack.
11. Once you have expended all your energy and been “Defeated”, you need to wait for a minimum of 25 minutes before you can access the “Fight” screen again unless you use a “Med-Pack”.
12. A “Med-Pack” costs 20 Gold. It will always refill your health to the maximum value. Use it ONLY after you have exhausted all the energy you can on the Elite (ie you are defeated) AND you are certain that you cannot defeat the Elite in 13 hits or less.
13. Once an Elite is defeated, a screen comes up and indicates the item that you receive as a “reward”. There is also an amount of Cash paid out, REMEMBER to Vault it!

13 Hit Strategy (No Gold used):
1. Start with FULL Health. ABSOLUTE MUST, even a point off full health could cost you a hit.
2.On your initial attacks (Free, Cash, Gold) DO NOT do FOUR consecutive attacks.
To get the maximum hits without using Gold you MUST make sure you delay your fourth hit by at least a minute (I prefer to wait 2).

You can do any of the following sequences.
Hit Once, wait till health increase by a point or two, then hit Four times.
Hit Twice, wait till health increases by a point or two, then hit Three times.
Hit Three times, wait till health increases by a point or two, then hit Twice.

If your Elite has not fallen then you have now been defeated, your energy is depleted and needs to increase to MORE than 25. Again as a precaution I would recommend waiting 27 minutes and then returning to the “Fight” screen. This will ensure you can complete another TWO Hits. Again, you will have to wait 27 minutes before you can return to the “Fight” screen and repeat the two-hit sequence. The maximum number of hits you can achieve with this strategy is 13 in the 2 hour time limit.

Example of Timing for 13 hit technique starting with three hits straight up (in minutes from initiation of the Elite).

1. 1
2. 1
3. 1
4. 3
5. 3
6. 30
7. 30
8. 57
9. 57
10. 84
11. 84
12. 111
13. 111

A level up will put your health back to full. Timed correctly this can give you an additional FIVE hits on your Elite. For example if you had expended your energy at the 30 minute mark (hit 7) and then went and levelled up straight away, you should return to the fight screen immediately and repeat the initial sequence for getting FIVE hits as detailed above. You would then continue with the 27 minute intervals from there to the end of the 2 hour time limit.

If you can get your elite down in thirteen or less hits then try to make sure you DO NOT level up and waste an opportunity. When faced with an Elite that you know is going to take more than 13 hits but you believe you can finish off with the additional Five hits from a level up or with an amount of Gold you are willing to spend then wait till you are in a position to achieve the level up with a single hit, (PVE targets are really good options).

Personal choice again here; but I always try to do the level up and a renewed attack immediately the Elite is triggered. The timing of the hit sequences would be as follows 1,1,1,3,3 (Level Up) 6,6,6,8,8 giving me ten hits in under ten minutes. The timing sequence from there to the end of the 2 hours then becomes 35, 35, 62, 62, 89, 89, 116, 116. This leaves a bit of time at the end if something goes wrong.

Now I don’t KNOW how this is calculated so this section can only provide observations and a couple of ideas which you can use to evaluate the Elite you are facing. If you think some of these ideas are a bit “over the top” then consider that each of these event offers the chance to receive a significant number of indestructible units which can be of service to you for the remainder of your playing time.

1. Not everyone will get to 30. Some will do it easily; others will struggle to get a few.
2. It appears to be distinctly easier for lower level players to get to level 30 than for higher level players.
3. The FIRST Elite you face is based on your personal attack Stats, I have never heard of someone NOT being able to defeat the first Elite.
4. The rate at which ensuing Elite’s hit points increase is NOT related to your personal attack Stat. (I believe that it is somehow tied to an average strength of a certain group of fellow players around your level, however this is based purely on my personal observations.) The people who have currently achieved the most success to date have either been very strong players for their level or were capable of rapidly increasing their attack statistics, primarily by increasing unit density but increasing ally count does seem to have benefitted some players as well.

For many, the top prize (unless you want to spend a lot of Gold) will be well out of your reach. Therefore here is an idea to assist you in getting as far as you can.

1. MEASURE the length of the Elite’s health Bar. On my Ipad it is 1 7/8 inches or 47mm long. At my level the Elite’s health can increase dramatically from one to the next, therefore once I am getting to the point where I feel the hits are likely to go beyond (or are already over) 13 then I do the following.

Initiate an Elite by hitting a NON CASH or LOOT DROP related target, then do Three FREE hits.

Next, measure how much the bar has dropped. Three Free hits is equivalent to Two Cash Hits.

With a bit of basic math you can get a reasonable estimate of how many Free/Cash/Gold hits will be required. If you want to add a sizeable safety factor in then call it 50mm long and each mm drop equates to 2% of the total health of the Elite.

If you are using an I-Phone then obviously the length of the bar is different but the concept remains the same.

BEYOND 13 (ie Gold Play)
A Med-Pack costs 20 Gold and used correctly will give you FIVE additional hits.
Therefore 1 Med-Pack = 18 Hits, 2 = 23 etc,etc.

A Mega-Hit also costs 20 Gold and does FOUR times the damage of CASH hits and SIX times the damage of FREE hits.

If you are cashed up then use the Med-Pack option. If you are not cashed up then the Mega Hit is going to be your best option.

Final Word:
Unless you choose to spend Gold, many of us will not get to or even close to level 30. Even many Gold Players will look at the cost required and consider they are far better off using it elsewhere. Whatever level you get to, at least you have gained a few indestructible units, hopefully one or two decent ones that will serve you for as long as you choose to play this game.

07-13-2012, 11:10 PM
Very nice, Q. My only quibble is the 27 minute thing, 26 is all you need and it saves you some extra minutes at the end, which could be important, especially if you need multiple medpacks. There's always enough cushion that it's not a big deal.

Also, you almost have to use a timer app to do this, especially once you are using 13 or more hits. I and many others use the Alarmed app. This is also a benefit for timing building collections.

Using a ruler...I think if I tried that my wife would have me locked up! Lol

Thunder Child
07-13-2012, 11:21 PM
Awesome, QR!

I notice you make no mention of a strategy for the Mega Attack (MA)?

For those who continue into gold territory, especially higher level players who seem to need to spend proportionately more gold than their lower level counterparts, you may need to utilize the MA.

Here's my take on it, and of course I would love to hear alternatives:
follow the 5-step strategy above until all you have left is the 1-minute sliver at the end of your health bar
using the MA at this point will turn your 5 attacks into 8

Q Raider
07-13-2012, 11:23 PM
Got caught using 26 minutes a couple of times the previous event (it actually said I lost 26 health points when it did it) hence why I put in 27 for this. This is put together with a little bit of a more conservative approach than you can actually do, though this time round the health points lost have been 25 each time.

I've actually been using the energy bar timer in the game, which hasn't let me down yet. I will chase down the info on the alarmed App and include that. Thanks for the input.

07-13-2012, 11:24 PM
Q raider you should update this for those who win the event for 20% reduction on health regeneration time

Q Raider
07-13-2012, 11:26 PM
Good Point TC.
Will have a bit of a play in Excel and see what comes out as the best scenario for high end hits (ie equivalent of 23-50 cash hits)

Q Raider
07-13-2012, 11:29 PM
Q raider you should update this for those who win the event for 20% reduction on health regeneration time

Quick answer is that it just gives two additonal hits, however it might actually be able to give three. Another play in Excel will sort that out.

07-13-2012, 11:31 PM
I have had quite a few hits where it only takes 23 or 24 of my HP. Not like its a big deal, but it makes me wonder why???

It's also my opinion that the mega attack for 20 gold is 25% less effective then using the medpack. You should almost always be able to manipulate the medpack into 5 hits, instead of the 4x mega attack. The only time I find it necessary is if you screw up your timing, and must defeat him in the last minute. Happened once, when I fell asleep waiting.

07-13-2012, 11:32 PM
Well done Q. I am assuming that the raw Attack at the start of the event establishes the health gauge of the boss. Increasing your raw Attack has an impact of causing greater desctruction only beneficial with large increases at higher boss levels, in order to advance further without spending gold.

Thunder Child
07-13-2012, 11:37 PM
I have had quite a few hits where it only takes 23 or 24 of my HP. Not like its a big deal, but it makes me wonder why???

It's also my opinion that the mega attack for 20 gold is 25% less effective then using the medpack. You should almost always be able to manipulate the medpack into 5 hits, instead of the 4x mega attack. The only time I find it necessary is if you screw up your timing, and must defeat him in the last minute. Happened once, when I fell asleep waiting.
Others will put me right, but at higher levels I'm not sure you can go all the way without the MA. My raw attack is just under 80K, and even timing the whole operation to perfection, it simply isn't enough. The last two bosses (#23 & #24) have all needed MAs

Q Raider
07-14-2012, 01:10 AM
TC based on the rate of increase around our levels I believe that it would be difficult for many to get to Level 30, even the high end Gold players, though capable of achieving the required points may consider the cost to be an uneconomical amount to use.

Here are the points which were required to defeat the bosses I have done thus far.

1. 43k
2. 74k
3. 110k
4. 164k
5. 242k
6. 302k
7. 440k
8. 625k
9. 730k
10. 870k
11. 1.01M (upped Ally count by 4 units by 1k)
12. 1.01M (upped Ally count by 8 units by 1.5k)

13. Looks to be around 1.3M to defeat.

Based on the rate that it is increasing I would envisage that my number 30 would require at least 4.5M to defeat. That number is of course totally subjective however I do not feel inclined to drop the Gold that it appears to require to confirm this. Might get one more in if I get to a level up but that will be it.

07-14-2012, 12:54 PM
This really is an excellent post. Thanks for taking the time to do it!