View Full Version : Kill the glitch!!!

06-28-2012, 10:53 AM
Boom boom boom boom boom bang bang bang bang!!! Bombs bombs bombs bombs away!!! RPGs RPGs RPGs RPGs away!!! UAV inbound UAV inbound UAv inbound!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (ak sound) ac130 in the air!!! there I killed the glitch for you guys lol!!!

I can't wait for this piece of sh!+ glitch to go away!!! This thing needs to be patched!!! Or damn it let us all get the glitch... Millions of dollars spent on units... Half of them are gone in a day... Even the silver medal units don't stand a a chance against the glitch... Can't wait for the update... If that dosent patch it I'm only gonna play cc....