View Full Version : Vials stats?

06-26-2012, 05:17 PM
Have just loaded the new KA version, so am a bit late to a new event.
Do think that it might be interesting to compare stats for the event day by day, somehow. Have drafted the tentative list below – sorry it is not a spreadsheet – any improvements/changes/ideas/etc. are welcome.

Alas, only one try and one sorry so far. Will post end of the day summary by around 2AM EST:

Attempt number
Option used ( Free Gold Gem How much per pop, if gold)
Primary Outcome (opened, or not)
Conditional outcome (what is in the box, if opened)
Comments, Suggestions – for example whether you got any loot while hunting for the boxes, what loot, if any, etc.

06-26-2012, 10:08 PM
As promised, here is my summary for the Day 1

Have just loaded the new KA version, so am a bit late to a new event.
Do think that it might be interesting to compare stats for the event day by day, somehow. Have drafted the tentative table below – sorry it is not a spreadsheet – any improvements/changes/ideas/criticisms are welcome.
Alas, only one try and one sorry so far. Will post end of the day summary by around 2AM EST:

Attempts number 6
Option used Gold at 2325/pop
Primary Outcome (opened, or not) 3 out of 6 50%
Conditional outcome (what is in the box, if opened) 3 vials
Comments, Suggestions – Have got 8 boxes left; no boxes out of PvP (done about 80 of those), all through PvE at about 1 box per 5 monsters killed; no loot whatsoever, which is sad.

Will post next day's summary tomorrow night. Hope to get some 3-5 per day with gold option only at around 14 attempts/day. We'll see.

Please post your daily stats - would be really interesting to compare...

06-27-2012, 05:18 AM
have been playing boxes sense yesturday evening around 7pm eastern time.

attempts 9 at 1100 a pop
opened 2 out of 9
outcome 2 vials
I have 12 boxes left really easy to get boxes this event versus last event. non through PVP, all in one area "Highlands Pass" mastering that area I am only killing Harpies. lowest energy cost.

06-27-2012, 07:59 AM
Have 6 attempts so far all using the gold option. 4 vials 2 sorry try agains. Just trying to get to the second reward as this is a cash based event and I am a free player. Looking at he stats funzio is making some coin on this one, but hen again that's what hey are suppose do so no worries. I've managed to get to 9 of 10 in the last two events

06-27-2012, 08:45 PM
Day 2

Attempts number 17 (some getting up at night including:))
Option used Gold at 2325/pop for the first 7 tries, 2350/pop for the remaining 10 - not cheap...
Primary Outcome (opened, or not) 6 out of 17 35% - considerable decline vs. Day 1, expect continuous diminishing returns, as the event progresses :(
Conditional outcome (what is in the box, if opened) 4 vials, 1 - 150 h points (CHEAPOS!), 1 - 4k gold (not much, considering my costs) - 67% NOT BAD
Comments, Suggestions – Have got 39 boxes left; some 8 boxes out of PvP (done about 140 of those), rest through PvE at about 1 box per 6-7 monsters killed; VERY FEW loot whatsoever, which is getting annoying - I dont expect to get to the top 500 with no gems used, but WOULD REALLY LOVE TO HAVE MY LOOT DROP TO CONTINUE THROUGHOUT THE EVENT(S) WITH SOMETHING MORE USEFUL, THAN JUST ALL THOSE BOXES, I WOULD NEVER MANAGE TO OPEN!

Well, till next evening :) So far 1 prize is in ideally, a few more to go :)

Everyone's daily stat is welcome - would be great to see comparative dynamics by the time the real run for the first 500 starts in 3 days!!!

06-28-2012, 01:03 AM
Ok now 15 straight failures to open a box using gold. Would be better spent on the game itself. Sitting on 4 vials so unless I get one more then a total loss. We are being shaped to spend real world money.

06-28-2012, 08:23 AM
Last 24 hours

I have 24 boxes left.
In 24 hours I have opened 23 boxes, (there was 1 hour I was away from WIFI) I lost sleep.
last post I had 2 vials I now have 11 vials.
I also recieved 250 hero points once, and 2k gold.
23 opens = 9 vials and 2 other rewards. Thats 11 opens and and 12 sorries.