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View Full Version : Improvements Game Center Integration?

06-11-2012, 06:34 AM
I'm sure it's been asked before, but can we have some better GC integration, i.e. more leaderboards for things like:

* most fights won - cumulative/today/this week/this month
* most robberies won - cumulative/today/this week/this month
* best mafia attack
* best mafia defence
* best income per hour

All this data (excluding the cumulatives which I guess is on Funzio's servers someplace) is already in our profiles and therefore available. Can't be that hard to extact and integrate?

An added bonus would be that we'd be able to track suspect cheats pretty easily too...when they suddenly appear from nowhere in the top 20 or whatever.

The current stats that are tracked in GC are really too centred around the individual and consequently really miss the point of the social aspects that GC is all about.

06-11-2012, 06:38 AM
Leaderboards are a great idea to satisfy the players; they would've better goals to conquer.