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View Full Version : Results and Prizes for the Income Event (news)

06-04-2012, 04:10 PM
Hey all,

Crime City Mark here (edits are fun). The prizes for the event have been given out. We will not be posting a winner list for this event.

When the event went live there was an internal communication issue that caused various departments to be working with different sets of data, which led to a disorganized event. After a lot of internal work we sorted things out and started looking at the event results only to find a fair deal of cheating. We spent countless hours going over the cheaters, and now we're confident that no cheaters were given event prizes.

Going forward we're going to make sure that information is communicated more accurately between departments, and that we have more information for you (the players) before, during, and after an event.

I apologize for all of the confusion during this event and hope that you'll all bear with us as we try out these new event types.

Here is the minimum IPH for each level bracket:

Level 100 or lower minimum IPH: 99,504
Level 101 or higher minimum IPH: 375,630

If you had more than that at the end of the event, please use the in-game contact method to reach support. Please note that due to support being backed up we are only going to be taking these tickets for another day. Any tickets about this sent in after today will not be investigated.

G Wiz
06-04-2012, 04:11 PM
Yessssss funzio lives!!! Thanks bud!

Have a coke on me *tosses cj a coke*

Gaming Will
06-04-2012, 04:13 PM
Thanks CJ!

06-04-2012, 04:15 PM
Very good to hear, thanks CJ

06-04-2012, 04:17 PM
Thanks for the info

06-04-2012, 04:19 PM
"Unavoidable delay"? Does that mean Funzio will hold off on starting any new events (ie. some sort of pvp and/or collect 10 items event) until it's finished with this event including the distribution of the prizes? Or should we just expect another "special" event as has been the situation?

06-04-2012, 04:21 PM
Underboss Tournament prize delay: several days.
Big Earner Tournament prize delay: up to a week and a half (?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!)


Thanks for the update CJ. The future of this game is looking grim at best.

06-04-2012, 04:23 PM
Thanks CJ. I'm not concerned about delay and I'm pretty sure most of us feel same. Worst thing is silence and false promises. Now that I know ETA I feel much better.CJ can you speak to someone and ask them to post on forum changes in gameplay or rules: Thug Life goals how many levels added? New change in fighting 5 instead of 10 hits, what is cool down period. And other things we need to know.

06-04-2012, 04:23 PM
CJ please could you also clarify the aim of the event ie is it simply based on income per hour as in a player's fixed stats? It does seem this way but there has been confusion as to whether there's more to the event than just that.

Hopefully you'll be able to answer this now the event is over.


Dr BoneCrusher
06-04-2012, 04:24 PM
Cool beans thanks for the update

06-04-2012, 04:26 PM
Underboss Tournament prize delay: several days.
Big Earner Tournament prize delay: up to a week and a half (?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!)


Thanks for the update CJ. The future of this game is looking grim at best.

Thanks for update CJ and congrats to all the potential winners out there

i actually believe with the new tournaments that the game is looking more brighter and better than "grim" i am liking the spin they are putting on things. as far as delays with awarding prizes and publishing winners is a side effect that hasn't been quite worked out yet. but i do think the game is going opposite of what you think

06-04-2012, 04:26 PM
Finally some information on that event.

I hope you use the time to check each wining player for cheating and ban the cheaters.

It woud be nice to know the score for number 500 so even if I'm not on the list then I will know how much I'm off.
I did not participate in any of the earners events this weekend simply because of lag of information from Funzio side about the event. The ingame event text was very unclear and very open for interpretation.
This leads to at least 5 deference theories on how who the events works.
We players can't participate without knowing which theories was right.

The idea about an earners event is a very good idea. But this weekend events were Epic Fault because:

5) No clear instruction on how do the event (lag of communication)
6) No leaderboard with relevant numbers (lag of communication)
7) No information about price in KA event (lag of communication)
8) The Event time was way too short if it is was about Income Per Hour stat at the end of the event. Most players only had time to do 1 or 2 upgrades within the event time.


06-04-2012, 04:30 PM
Thanks CJ can't wait for the lists

06-04-2012, 04:31 PM
Gracias! Can't wait to see how the forum members fared. :-)

06-04-2012, 04:33 PM
Unbelievable, they are alive!!! What about WAR PROFITEER TOURNAMENT, do we get an update 15 th as well?? We are in the 21th century right now, speed up your updates!!!! Thanks

06-04-2012, 04:33 PM
Thanks CJ! Good to hear! Hopefully I can get the prize.

06-04-2012, 04:39 PM
I know I probably didn't even come close, but I'm just glad that there's an update on this :)

06-04-2012, 04:39 PM
Fisk. You couldn't have said it more correctly - LACK OF COMMUNICATION WITH FUNZIO, - BIG TIME

06-04-2012, 04:41 PM
Thanks for update CJ and congrats to all the potential winners out there

i actually believe with the new tournaments that the game is looking more brighter and better than "grim" i am liking the spin they are putting on things. as far as delays with awarding prizes and publishing winners is a side effect that hasn't been quite worked out yet. but i do think the game is going opposite of what you think

Introducing new content such as tournaments is fine and great, but I'd love to hear what this "spin" is that you're liking so much.

This past event has got to be the poorest idea and execution of an event ever. First, they create an event where pretty much the winners are already determined as it's near impossible for anyone to increase their Income Per Hour significantly over the span of a weekend without spending tons and tons of gold. Is it really an "event" when players such as Koralene can be away the entire weekend not playing the game, yet still win based on her status pre-event? (Nothing against Koralene, just using her to illustrate a point.)

In that regard, Funzio didn't provide any specific rules or guidelines regarding the event, causing people to speculate whether it was based on the overall money collected through robbing during the event, which would actually make some sense in the context of a set time period. Moreoever, there was no type of leaderboard posted as to the current top 500 income earners, so people had no way of gauging where they were, and whether they needed to spend even more gold to even qualify. With the number of cheaters that are prevalent in the game, including those constructing multiple buildings at once, the likelihood that the top 500 income earners all being legit is little to none.

Lastly, the fact that they simultaneously released a collect 10 items event just goes to show that Funzio only cares about forcing people to spend even more money on gold. If Funzio really wanted to develop some new content, why not actually make the awards you get through completing the in-game storyline worthwhile. That would at least give people the choice of whether they want to farm for a certain item, or instead progress through the storyline at a chance for potentially good rewards. Right now, people have absolutely no incentive to complete the in-game goals other than Thug Life.

06-04-2012, 04:50 PM
No need to post a list btw.....just say "all parties who ended the event above such and such amount were winners and can expect the gun soon". Somebody at Funzio must already know that amount. Would at least end the suspense for us all. :-)

06-04-2012, 05:09 PM
the spin is the new events they come up with. with regards to simultaneous events the weekly event is a normal thing that has been stated by funzio so any new tournament they start will most likely always overlap the weekly event

as far as providing specific instructions or guidelines it was pretty clear to me in the pop up screen "hourly income from money buildings" i dont see any much clearer than that. to those who interpreted anything other than that were just hoping there was some other way or possibility they could win other than there own income per hour.(if im wrong i stand corrected but i dont think so).

to answer about cheaters. everyone knows by now funzio does squat to cheaters so they are here to stay so if you get beat out by a cheater well thats just SOL deal with it and move on nothing you can do and nothing funzio gonna do.

i believe we the forums members as a whole whether you contributed or not screwed up the chances of funzio ever posting leaderboards again so again get over it and deal with. all you can do is your best during a tournament and hope you make the cut.

Come'on Funzio isnt forcing anyone to spend gold. if you buy gold its by your choice and your own greediness to win the prize or get the event item at any means possible.

you do get awards through storylines and in game play everyting you complete a city to level is it the greatest prize no it isn't but you do get a prize. if you want a better prize then you need to tell yourself be gratefull for what you get for free.

lastly big earners tournament wasn't the best idea but its still a good event because its giving out free items with no gold purchase with great stats

06-04-2012, 05:26 PM
@Illuminati, I think events will start to repeat after all phases of the game have been contested in future events. Play long enough and you will have another shot at this and other events the next time around.

06-04-2012, 05:36 PM
Someone needs to shell out the cash for a little overtime for these guys!!!

06-04-2012, 05:37 PM
I seriously don't think I have a chance at this event (nor have I ever hit 10 items in a lockbox event and failed to qualify for the black widow) ....

Even though that is the case I think this event was very beneficial to me because it caused me to take a hard look at my income and I realized next to other forum members I was very low.... I started building other items (not necessarily with gold) and was able to increase my income decently over the time of the event. I see a bunch of forum members who gloat about the slew of 10th lockbox items they have (and congrats to you...), but people get so far bent out of shape for nothing...

I for one say *applause funzio*... The events have at least renewed interest for some folks and also given us some ability to get some nice free items.

06-04-2012, 05:40 PM
Someone needs to shell out the cash for a little overtime for these guys!!!

Hahaha....GREE only has 2 billion, let's not have them go broke doing the right thing.... :rolleyes:

06-04-2012, 06:25 PM
This event was great as it offers a spin from the previous events and was one that everyone could participate actively or not.
Yes, some like myself have an advantage as we have been diligently working on our economy from day 1 or whatever extended period. I can counter that the previous pvp event was unfair because those who invested heavily into stamina would have a huge advantage. I could even the playing field by investing in stamina refills just like in this event by buying gold buildings and complete upgrades sooner. Of course it would be very expensive for someone with mediocre economy to make headway but that is the nature of the game path you take. Those who are more pvp and pve centric without emphasis on economy will have a distinct advantage in most other events. Overall I would trade winning this event (guessing based on my stats) to having wins/access to all the previous 8 or so events on my tortoise or crawler account.
I agree Funzio dropped the ball on explaining things clearly and on execution as leader boards weren't provided. However, it was pretty clear to me from the get go that this was purely an income/hr competition. Also, due to cheaters I can accept why leader boards weren't provided as Funzio needs to vet each successful player.
I think we should all reserve judgement until Funzio has a chance to check the validity of each event winner.

06-04-2012, 07:05 PM
Hey, I have some results, come look at my new shiny thread:

You results will be in the future and whoever won last night, that we will announce when we get to it, we hope you enjoy your weapon we will give you on an exact day a little over 1.5 weeks from now.

What kind of "news" is this? Hilarious stuff. Keep up the "news" please!

06-04-2012, 07:08 PM
@ emcee I also considered the lack of list or even a winners list now was due to cheaters, We don't know how they handle banned accounts but if they aren't deleted off the server then they might be showing up on a list of highest IPH. I would imagine the time it takes to sort that out is where the next friday date came from. But I'm of course just guessing.

06-04-2012, 07:15 PM
@ emcee I also considered the lack of list or even a winners list now was due to cheaters, We don't know how they handle banned accounts but if they aren't deleted off the server then they might be showing up on a list of highest IPH. I would imagine the time it takes to sort that out is where the next friday date came from. But I'm of course just guessing.

Um...a post that makes sense out of this? It can't be!

06-04-2012, 09:20 PM
Thanks for the news. :) What are thoughts on the lowest income for the top 500?

Kiss Of Death
06-04-2012, 10:16 PM
Look I play all three, I started with KA, grew to CC and the MW just to try it. In CC I won the black widow and have only been playing for 30 day when it 'finished' in that time I started out playing in character of the game... I'm a thug so I rob people... with that in mind I focused on Stamina... I came 218th and spent 30 free gold from Tapjoy on the last day (was 208th) just to be sure...

I also win 3-4 prizes with each of the weekly events... I did and regret blowing 1000 gold trying for the last piece of the sniper rifle with +40% Respect... I had 9 in 2 days out of 24 cases... then used gold and including 6 resets in the last 60 seconds... I opened more than 80 more cases... NO final piece. So gold does NOT secure you the prize. Really peeved about that one :(

but... in KA and MW where troops die so much... getting 3-4 free indestructible units... (and by the way how many wingers have compared the stats of those first 4 free wins to gem or gold items? They are quite valuable!)... is a god send....

I was very angry my black widow took so long but now see why verifications may have been needed and more, and I am happy now I have it - Point by the way is a non gold spending (don't drivel about 30 gold to me..)noob player can hit 218th against all those 'predetermined' players so many of you throw their arms in the air about and say 'it's not worth trying...'

The free units and chances are worth at least trying... this building one... I knew only playing for a month I had no hope but I managed to increase my income in 72 hours from $5,000 to $10,000... NO GOLD.... and I had limited land (Couldn't afford 400,000 for the next one) AND I know that in another few months I will be a serious contender for this stuff. It was fun to see just how cleverly I could maximise my growth in 72 hours... now I realise the value of it I haven't stopped (except during work time)


SO yes there are many money grabs by Funzio.... but wingers.... they're a company paying wages so you can play.... spend regular money and then perhaps your words will have weight!

I am upset about cheaters too... I hit one at level 55 with max items in every category you can't even unlock at level 100! but I moved on... if Funzio don't clean ship, then those of you who just can't take it and need to have mental breakdowns about it, cry in your sleep and shake your fists at the world... turn around... see that thing called a door... walk out it and discover there is a world outside your iPhone or iPad... it's not the be all and end all you make it sound.

I play for fun, and doing so seem to be thriving on all three games (add me and visit my stats and cities). I like to win... I do now spend real money if I think its tactically advantageous, mostly on triple crates which by the way are the best ever value for indestructible units in KA & MW.

I said my piece... how many wingers and whiners will respond... come on, tell me why I'm so wrong or not down with it...

06-04-2012, 11:51 PM
Wow! That's a big delay! I appreciate the update, and hopefully the delay is you booting the cheaters off the list...

If you could give us a ball park of where the 500th person is sitting as far as income it would be a nice help...

Whyte Realdeal
06-05-2012, 01:58 AM
Look I play all three, I started with KA, grew to CC and the MW just to try it. In CC I won the black widow and have only been playing for 30 day when it 'finished' in that time I started out playing in character of the game... I'm a thug so I rob people... with that in mind I focused on Stamina... I came 218th and spent 30 free gold from Tapjoy on the last day (was 208th) just to be sure...

I also win 3-4 prizes with each of the weekly events... I did and regret blowing 1000 gold trying for the last piece of the sniper rifle with +40% Respect... I had 9 in 2 days out of 24 cases... then used gold and including 6 resets in the last 60 seconds... I opened more than 80 more cases... NO final piece. So gold does NOT secure you the prize. Really peeved about that one :(

but... in KA and MW where troops die so much... getting 3-4 free indestructible units... (and by the way how many wingers have compared the stats of those first 4 free wins to gem or gold items? They are quite valuable!)... is a god send....

I was very angry my black widow took so long but now see why verifications may have been needed and more, and I am happy now I have it - Point by the way is a non gold spending (don't drivel about 30 gold to me..)noob player can hit 218th against all those 'predetermined' players so many of you throw their arms in the air about and say 'it's not worth trying...'

The free units and chances are worth at least trying... this building one... I knew only playing for a month I had no hope but I managed to increase my income in 72 hours from $5,000 to $10,000... NO GOLD.... and I had limited land (Couldn't afford 400,000 for the next one) AND I know that in another few months I will be a serious contender for this stuff. It was fun to see just how cleverly I could maximise my growth in 72 hours... now I realise the value of it I haven't stopped (except during work time)


SO yes there are many money grabs by Funzio.... but wingers.... they're a company paying wages so you can play.... spend regular money and then perhaps your words will have weight!

I am upset about cheaters too... I hit one at level 55 with max items in every category you can't even unlock at level 100! but I moved on... if Funzio don't clean ship, then those of you who just can't take it and need to have mental breakdowns about it, cry in your sleep and shake your fists at the world... turn around... see that thing called a door... walk out it and discover there is a world outside your iPhone or iPad... it's not the be all and end all you make it sound.

I play for fun, and doing so seem to be thriving on all three games (add me and visit my stats and cities). I like to win... I do now spend real money if I think its tactically advantageous, mostly on triple crates which by the way are the best ever value for indestructible units in KA & MW.

I said my piece... how many wingers and whiners will respond... come on, tell me why I'm so wrong or not down with it...

I like your perspective on things and I do agree that in MW not getting the top item is not so bad. Having the items that are indestructable is great. I think that people are frustrated and venting because they have spent so much real money and it feels as though they are getting cheated. Me personally I spend every now and then. The feeling of spending money and getting nothing tangible does not sit well to me, so I knowhow others feel. But they cant blame it on Funzio for fulfilling their inner ambitions and addictions.

I look at this game as gambling, never spend more than you can afford and the house always win!

Max Power
06-05-2012, 10:17 AM
As long as everybody gets theirs at the same time, that's cool.

Now that I may have won, can you tell me how to play the event? LOL!

06-05-2012, 10:57 AM
The event can easily be explained ---

The black widow f up was pushed and pushed so they had to release it, even though it was rife with errors after it was released they thought they could fix the back end issues with a counter balance (the math behind the black widow and income event - almost a wash). The income event was so haphazardly put out here that no one could make sense of it!!! It's not meant to though, it's just an attempted fix of the original black widow gun f up.

I can only expect that the exhorbitant delay is to mask any real winners and losers - I can only assume the only real qualifier will be the most active users who earn more than $X will get the prize .... But by then they'll have another or two events which will also further obfuscate the event.

Bottom line it's all smoke and mirrors to cover poor coding and atrocious communications but the good news is that the forum is full of funzio shills and sheeple who will poo poo all logical thinkers while they chant BOHICA!

06-05-2012, 11:02 AM

baaa baaa......

06-05-2012, 12:42 PM
Must be Booth 2810 taking up the time, 2023's my chosen favourite ;-)

Max Power
06-05-2012, 12:53 PM
The event can easily be explained ---

The black widow f up was pushed and pushed so they had to release it, even though it was rife with errors after it was released they thought they could fix the back end issues with a counter balance (the math behind the black widow and income event - almost a wash). The income event was so haphazardly put out here that no one could make sense of it!!! It's not meant to though, it's just an attempted fix of the original black widow gun f up.

I can only expect that the exhorbitant delay is to mask any real winners and losers - I can only assume the only real qualifier will be the most active users who earn more than $X will get the prize .... But by then they'll have another or two events which will also further obfuscate the event.

Bottom line it's all smoke and mirrors to cover poor coding and atrocious communications but the good news is that the forum is full of funzio shills and sheeple who will poo poo all logical thinkers while they chant BOHICA!

Yeah, this forum is full of shills.

Have you actually read anything here?

06-05-2012, 01:14 PM
I have Max, i see the shills derail almost each and every thread.

The effects are whiner titles, and sheeple mentalities. This is a good game, I've only been on for 30 some odd days but the back end is TARFU! I can assume many reasons for such corporate suicide but the net result is we keep getting f'ed and have this cloud overhanging that we will burn out before any real action is taken by funzio. They have something special here - monetization, loyalty, customer enthusiasm, endless resources and community yet everything points to negatives after more negatives. I'm trying my best to understand it and can't, the acquisition is one factor but can't be the only one. Do you have any ideas?!? As I said I like the game, but not being gamed nor lied to or being f'ed over as we all, unfortunately, are!

06-05-2012, 01:41 PM
...and sheeple mentalities...

A person is a very smart being.

People are just incredibly stupid.

06-05-2012, 04:37 PM
CCMark or CJ59, do you have an update? Do you know who are the winners?

06-05-2012, 04:46 PM
CCMark or CJ59, do you have an update? Do you know who are the winners?

Did you not read the very first post of this thread? :confused:

Dr Girlfriend
06-05-2012, 04:50 PM
I'd be very happy if someone came on and explained how the winners are being determined.

I'll also be happy if one of these guns miraculously shows up in my inventory next week without an explanation.

06-05-2012, 04:51 PM
Did you not read the very first post of this thread? :confused:Didn't you? :) They would post the winners when it's possible.

06-05-2012, 05:28 PM
obviously its not possible yet. but when it is, it will be posted.

King of the Dudes
06-05-2012, 05:37 PM
They are taking their time going through the winners to ensure they aren't cheaters. This was the perfect way to find all the cheaters at one time. If they don't have the purchase history to support their income, they don't get the prize and get their account shut down. Once they have 500 clear, honest winners they will post the results...

06-05-2012, 05:40 PM
They are taking their time going through the winners to ensure they aren't cheaters. This was the perfect way to find all the cheaters at one time. If they don't have the purchase history to support their income, they don't get the prize and get their account shut down. Once they have 500 clear, honest winners they will post the results...

sounds too good to be true.. hope ur right there

06-05-2012, 06:06 PM
They are taking their time going through the winners to ensure they aren't cheaters. This was the perfect way to find all the cheaters at one time. If they don't have the purchase history to support their income, they don't get the prize and get their account shut down. Once they have 500 clear, honest winners they will post the results...

i dont think you are correct on this statement. for the simple fact that funzio could have at any point and time go through there system and pull up a sorted list of highest to lowest income and could have scanned for cheaters without holding a contest or event. there is nothing special they have to do or there end to a list like this.

06-05-2012, 06:21 PM
Funzio is predictably unpredictable. You always know you will never know what they will do next. ;)

06-05-2012, 06:39 PM
It strikes me, and I could be wrong, that the whole problem is that the game is just too successful. It takes time, effort and energy to bring up an engineering and support team from where it probably was, up to the point it needs to be to support the number of gamers that we have now.

Given the current climate, I also suspect that the marketing and financial guys, who I have found are the ones who tend to least understand the physical effort it takes to get things done, are the ones who set the priority about where the resources go based on what they need.

Moreover, with e3, I expect that most people are being roped into supporting either a) something new or b) something important here which is taking developer timer away from providing the event rewards.

In general, aside from their general Über Nasgardian nature, I think neither CCMark, nor CJ have the power to divert the devs or possibly support away from what they are doing now in order to resolve or sort out this event. They are likely stuck in the horribly position of having their boss telling them they have to start new events, and telling them that they can't borrow Joe-code-monkey to polish it off.

In situations like this, when your marketing and senior management are telling you to do more, but giving you less, the office environment becomes somewhere between a trading floor of the Nasdaq, and the opening scene of saving private Ryan.

I have no problems with the real world, and having to wait for things: Im British, we queue for a living. But I can't help feel that this is having an impact on player relations, even though in a weeks time we fickle, immature netizens will likely have forgotten.

With this said I have a couple of minor things that aren't a problem now, but may be in the future.

1.) Where is LFizzle, I suspect I won't get an answer as she is unlikely to be not-here because of her own choice. As a CRM, she is not here to pick up a sword and slay the mighty beast that is the evil product manager, but to metaphorically hold our collective hands and say "there there, it will be better soon" and put on a plaster with a picture of superman on it. This helps a lot, a lot of us are big kids and knowing "why" makes us feel a lot more warm and fuzzy than simply "not now"

2.) That we do not know, makes us afraid. On the Internet doubly so. On a message board, even a few too many spaces leaves us confused and angry. This is not a new occurrence. Any politician knows that you have to get the info out, and get it out early. Even if you can't tell us why, tell us you can't tell us why. Those grown up to accept it, will accept it, those who aren't will fade into the background noise of internet buffoonery, and will probably be angry whatever you do.

King of the Dudes
06-05-2012, 07:01 PM
i dont think you are correct on this statement. for the simple fact that funzio could have at any point and time go through there system and pull up a sorted list of highest to lowest income and could have scanned for cheaters without holding a contest or event. there is nothing special they have to do or there end to a list like this.

You may be right...

06-05-2012, 07:05 PM
[...] In general, aside from their general Über Nasgardian nature, I think neither CCMark, nor CJ have the power to divert the devs or possibly support away from what they are doing now in order to resolve or sort out this event. They are likely stuck in the horribly position of having their boss telling them they have to start new events, and telling them that they can't borrow Joe-code-monkey to polish it off. [...]

See post #133 in this thread: http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?22406-CC-Mark-AMA

Pay special attention to point 3).

Fig Oni
06-05-2012, 08:21 PM
See post #133 in this thread: http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?22406-CC-Mark-AMA

Pay special attention to point 3).

That be easier.


06-05-2012, 08:27 PM
I had no idea he is one of the bosses? Interesting...

06-05-2012, 08:30 PM
That be easier.


Thanks Fig. That's what I would have posted if I knew how since I can't "reply with quote" to anything said in a locked thread.

Fig Oni
06-05-2012, 08:46 PM
This thread is an absolutely excellent read.

1. If a game account goes dormant, does the software hide the account from rivals or does a bot reset buildings and put the hood back into the rivals list for opponents to rob? If the latter, what is the period between building resets? And how long before an account is considered dormant?
2. All software developers and business analysts have "that" group of people or customers; the one's who ask for a lot, complain a lot, make bizarre and difficult requests, and are generally not that appreciative. Does the Funzio development team see the forums as "that" group?
3. Funzio has the best support of any app I have used; free or paid. There are mainly two support people who have helped me tremendously. I want them to know that their help and efforts are very appreciated. What is the best way to let them, but more importantly their bosses, know how well they are performing?
4. If Mark is not your real name, why use an alias? Also, why do the support people use aliases as well (e.g. "A" and "J")? Is that a Funzio request or a personal effort for anonymity?
5. Have you had to delete any forum posts or threads that you didn't want to delete, but had to because of forum rules? Like "haha. That was funny. [delete]"

1) Wow, complicated question. You can be attacked even if you stop playing. If you're all robbed out and don't have anything on hand you shouldn't show up in the rival list. So technically people who are dormant won't show up because they've probably been robbed out.

2) Nope.

3) Since I'm their boss, it's probably best to tell me.

4) Because we get harassed. In previous community and support jobs I've had we've experienced players hunting us down in our daily lives and bothering us (I'm talking threats, letters, "enticements", etc). The support team uses the first initial of their names as their alias. When I first started here I actually gave my real name and facebook account out, and by the end of the day I was getting threats on my linkedIn profile. Not fun. The alias Mark came from the developer account Mark Sheppard.

5) Yeah, any number of times.

This how we do it.

Gaming Will
06-05-2012, 08:51 PM
That be easier.


In my opinion, that was the best thread ever on this forum!

06-05-2012, 08:54 PM
This how we do it.

Eh, lol... Ok.

Reply with quote from any random post, change name of poster, copy/paste text... I can do that but it's more work than tapping "reply with quote", so I don't bother. :D

i need muney
06-05-2012, 09:54 PM
Two weeks delay? The system must be AWESOME! :)

Fig Oni
06-05-2012, 10:25 PM
Two weeks delay? The system must be AWESOME! :)

That only to find out who won and not the event prize.

G Wiz
06-05-2012, 10:26 PM
That only to find out who won and not the event prize.ugh...dont make me think about it

Fig Oni
06-05-2012, 10:33 PM
ugh...dont make me think about it

Just for lulz they probably announce that the bracket is 1-99 & 100-200.
That be worst than the wait.

If it's 1-100 & 101-200 then you won so just have to sit relax and wait.

06-06-2012, 05:02 AM
See post #133 in this thread: http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?22406-CC-Mark-AMA

Pay special attention to point 3).


You are here.

CCM is in charge of support, as he said, but Im fairly sure that he is not in charge of the devs, or in charge of overall planning, vision and direction (although I'm sure he feeds back the info, and fights our corner where relevant). These will be down to the individual product and development managers and will generally be a big bun fight over time, direction and resources.

Dr Girlfriend
06-06-2012, 07:15 AM
Pretty sure the pvp event didn't weed out any cheaters, I don't have a lot of hope that this event will. :(

I'd love to be wrong about that.

Crime City Mark
06-06-2012, 11:53 AM
CCM is in charge of support, as he said, but Im fairly sure that he is not in charge of the devs, or in charge of overall planning, vision and direction (although I'm sure he feeds back the info, and fights our corner where relevant). These will be down to the individual product and development managers and will generally be a big bun fight over time, direction and resources.

I can neither confirm nor deny the amount of influence I have or the corner I'm in when up to bat.

Dr Girlfriend
06-06-2012, 11:58 AM
I can neither confirm nor deny the amount of influence I have or the corner I'm in when up to bat.

Can you tell us how winners of the event are being determined? Is it strictly IPH at the end of the event? Or collections? Or even robberies (as some speculated)?

Any truth to the speculation that you're trying to weed out cheaters before handing out prizes?

G Wiz
06-06-2012, 12:15 PM
Just for lulz they probably announce that the bracket is 1-99 & 100-200.
That be worst than the wait.

If it's 1-100 & 101-200 then you won so just have to sit relax and wait.Lol!!! youuu....*self talk
* ok Wiz don't think about it, don't think about it.

CrAp; I just thought about it again.

06-06-2012, 12:19 PM
I can neither confirm nor deny the amount of influence I have or the corner I'm in when up to bat.

Switching sports metaphors just fried my brain.

06-06-2012, 12:34 PM
Switching sports metaphors just fried my brain.

I didn't reply to your post for a reason...

Now do you understand my point?

Edit: I've been looking everywhere to find where I read this, but I am pretty certain I saw CCM post somewhere that CC is his game, he invented it. Maybe I am mistaken, but I could have sworn I saw that posted by CCM himself somewhere.

06-06-2012, 12:41 PM
I didn't reply to your post for a reason...

Now do you understand my point?

Edit: I've been looking everywhere to find where I read this, but I am pretty certain I saw CCM post somewhere that CC is his game, he invented it. Maybe I am mistaken, but I could have sworn I saw that posted by CCM himself somewhere.

Actually, I could believe that. Ive not seen the original post you mentioned, but I took his original post in a different light.

Although saying that, the fact that I'm still alive after my previous comment here casts some doubt :)

06-06-2012, 03:20 PM
just re-read the first post

06-06-2012, 07:30 PM
I think this contest is the most unfair event I have ever seen. There is no possible way a player who is at level 20 can come close to the income of a player who is at level 90, nor is it a possible for a player at level 120 to compete with a player who is at level 190.

I always thought that the box/crate events were unfairly fixed since the same players get the 10th item over and over while others have been lucky to get the 10th item even once. Those is just another way for Funzio to make sure that some of the chosen ones will dominate. Unbelievable.

06-06-2012, 08:34 PM
I think this contest is the most unfair event I have ever seen. There is no possible way a player who is at level 20 can come close to the income of a player who is at level 90, nor is it a possible for a player at level 120 to compete with a player who is at level 190.

I always thought that the box/crate events were unfairly fixed since the same players get the 10th item over and over while others have been lucky to get the 10th item even once. Those is just another way for Funzio to make sure that some of the chosen ones will dominate. Unbelievable.

Life isn't fair my friend.

However, there are many campers at many levels throughout the game so you will be surprised that there will be winners for this event under level 10.

06-06-2012, 09:30 PM
I think this contest is the most unfair event I have ever seen. There is no possible way a player who is at level 20 can come close to the income of a player who is at level 90, nor is it a possible for a player at level 120 to compete with a player who is at level 190.

I always thought that the box/crate events were unfairly fixed since the same players get the 10th item over and over while others have been lucky to get the 10th item even once. Those is just another way for Funzio to make sure that some of the chosen ones will dominate. Unbelievable.

This is possible when you use gold. Food for thoughts. Is it fair for a level 20 or less to get the item with less time spend on the game compared to a level 90 or more who have spend more time on the game??

06-06-2012, 09:36 PM
I didn't reply to your post for a reason...

Now do you understand my point?

Edit: I've been looking everywhere to find where I read this, but I am pretty certain I saw CCM post somewhere that CC is his game, he invented it. Maybe I am mistaken, but I could have sworn I saw that posted by CCM himself somewhere.

I can vouch for you. I read that too

06-06-2012, 09:57 PM
I think this contest is the most unfair event I have ever seen. There is no possible way a player who is at level 20 can come close to the income of a player who is at level 90, nor is it a possible for a player at level 120 to compete with a player who is at level 190.

I always thought that the box/crate events were unfairly fixed since the same players get the 10th item over and over while others have been lucky to get the 10th item even once. Those is just another way for Funzio to make sure that some of the chosen ones will dominate. Unbelievable.

This event is great at least you could improve your hood instead of robbing people for little money.There are many players with trashy hoods in this game. its for big earners and players with beautiful hoods if your hood is not well stop your comments because its not for you.i always say these events can motivate players to build beautiful hoods.if you had a beautiful hood you wouldnt comment like that.

Ps:the only problem is i hope they wont give any rewards for cheaters,i cant be sure about it.

06-06-2012, 11:21 PM
I wouldn't get too excited either way. This prize is going to be won by a lot of hackers and cheaters. Ran across one tonight below level 100 with insane stats, literally more than a thousand chain whips and each other RP item, a casino and other items that aren't unlocked until much later and a ton of level 10 buildings, including a night club. His hourly income exceeds $3 million. I also ran into another clear cheater below level 100 with 500+ of each RP item that was constructing three buildings at the same time and more ridiculously inflated stats, while having hundreds of millions in statues and fountains. He also has a black widow shotgun, which just goes to show you that cheaters continue to win and prosper, and are even being rewarded by Funzio.

06-07-2012, 02:57 AM
I'd just like some results so we can put this bad boy to rest...I hope all the pvp contests won't be this poorly organized, even the US government moves faster than this!

Sav Clarke
06-07-2012, 03:57 AM
I'd just like some results so we can put this bad boy to rest...I hope all the pvp contests won't be this poorly organized, even the US government moves faster than this!

But is the delay is becuase they are weeding out some of the cheaters then I am more then happy to wait a little longer

06-07-2012, 09:26 AM
But is the delay is becuase they are weeding out some of the cheaters then I am more then happy to wait a little longer

Last event the delay was because of programming roadblocks, that is really all to hope for. I was hoping the delay for the black widow was from examination of the results...however I was proven wrong :P

I personally hope they comb through all of the results. All we need is one cheater to end up on that list and everybody throws their hands up in protest.

06-07-2012, 10:07 AM
This event is one of the best for me. Because I'm all about making your hood large and attractive. I'm a big camper!!!

06-07-2012, 11:16 AM
i will like to see better hoods in this game and if this event is repeatable it will be rlly good for this game.As i said before this is a nice event.

06-07-2012, 11:46 AM
I think this contest is the most unfair event I have ever seen. There is no possible way a player who is at level 20 can come close to the income of a player who is at level 90, nor is it a possible for a player at level 120 to compete with a player who is at level 190.

I always thought that the box/crate events were unfairly fixed since the same players get the 10th item over and over while others have been lucky to get the 10th item even once. Those is just another way for Funzio to make sure that some of the chosen ones will dominate. Unbelievable.

I tend to agree with you on this. Seems an unfair way to dish out prizes

06-07-2012, 11:47 AM
i will like to see better hoods in this game and if this event is repeatable it will be rlly good for this game.As i said before this is a nice event.

What has that got to do with anything.......honestly .....l

06-07-2012, 12:16 PM
Crime city has more dimentions than just attacking other players. Everyone can have their own special hood. This is an important and admired aspect by many.

06-07-2012, 12:30 PM
Crime city has more dimentions than just attacking other players. Everyone can have their own special hood. This is an important and admired aspect by many.

This is a good answer isnt it QPR???

06-07-2012, 12:35 PM
Oh btw i hate to see cowards in this game.They walk in their empty hoods but they dont have anything to be robbed.Because they are afraid to be robbed.i cant respect these players.i hope its enough to clear ur concerns about this event and our idea about why this event is good.High earners deserve price.i dont know i will be in that group or not but whoever that earns without cheat i respect them and their playstyle.

06-07-2012, 12:36 PM
Events will have to be repeated once all phases of the game are contested. Play long enough and you'll get another chance. The majority of players will not play this game for years and years...

06-07-2012, 12:53 PM
On a side not, I think part of the problem is relating to the files stored by CC on the iPhone/iPad. I believe this can cause a number of other issues.

Would it be technically feasible to add a 'clear cache' option in the global "settings" app (as other apps do) that allow this data to be cleared without uninstalling and reinstalling the app? This could help solve a number of problems without any hassle.

Dr Girlfriend
06-07-2012, 12:55 PM
Income events should be a month long, with 1/2 the prizes going to the people who increased their income per hour in dollars the most, and the other half to the people who increased their IPH by the largest percentage. I think that would better spread the prizes out across all levels. It would also involve real strategy, rather than just buying as many gold buildings as possible in 48 hours.

06-07-2012, 03:00 PM
Income events should be a month long, with 1/2 the prizes going to the people who increased their income per hour in dollars the most, and the other half to the people who increased their IPH by the largest percentage. I think that would better spread the prizes out across all levels. It would also involve real strategy, rather than just buying as many gold buildings as possible in 48 hours.
It will be unfair to mid-level players. They cannot beat high-level ones in net income increase or low-level ones in income increase percentage.

06-07-2012, 03:14 PM
It will be unfair to mid-level players. They cannot beat high-level ones in net income increase or low-level ones in income increase percentage.You not right about that. Look to threads there guys posting theyr stats weekly, you will see that in high levels it's harder to increase your income jump %, simply becouse we allready have all buildings we want and upgrades costly. In lower levels you have more options to choose from.

06-07-2012, 03:15 PM
Income events should be a month long, with 1/2 the prizes going to the people who increased their income per hour in dollars the most, and the other half to the people who increased their IPH by the largest percentage. I think that would better spread the prizes out across all levels. It would also involve real strategy, rather than just buying as many gold buildings as possible in 48 hours.

In the prize, it said money buildings, so I assume gold buildings don't count

Dr Girlfriend
06-07-2012, 03:18 PM
In the prize, it said money buildings, so I assume gold buildings don't count

Click the "money buildings" tab, and you'll see buildings you can buy with gold. Funzio isn't going to be holding any events that don't lead people to buy gold.

06-07-2012, 03:19 PM

You are one lucky person to have all these prizes.

06-07-2012, 03:25 PM
Click the "money buildings" tab, and you'll see buildings you can buy with gold. Funzio isn't going to be holding any events that don't lead people to buy gold.

I know that there are buildings that could be bought by gold, I have a few myself. I just stated what the requirements were. So for me I'm not counting my gold buildings in the IPH earnings, I hope I win the prize, I have been camping forever at a low level.

06-07-2012, 03:26 PM
GiedriusYou are lucky person to have all these prizes.Not really, receip is:1) Luck - main factor. 2) commitment - minimum 17 try's each day. 3) Gold - I spend loads. Out of last 3 events without gold only one prize. And if you don't have luck even with gold you can loose (3k gold on burner after 9th with cash only and I didnt get it.

06-07-2012, 03:38 PM
I know that there are buildings that could be bought by gold, I have a few myself. I just stated what the requirements were. So for me I'm not counting my gold buildings in the IPH earnings, I hope I win the prize, I have been camping forever at a low level.

Of course gold money buildings would count toward IpH. Any buildings on the MONEY BUILDINGS tab were contributors. Besides gold usage to speed construction/upgrades, gold money buildings were probably the best way for Funzio to gain from such an event.

so rediculous...

06-07-2012, 03:49 PM
You not right about that. Look to threads there guys posting theyr stats weekly, you will see that in high levels it's harder to increase your income jump %, simply becouse we allready have all buildings we want and upgrades costly. In lower levels you have more options to choose from.
I was not comparing income jump % with high level players. Here is the example. If you are in around lv 100 and your income is around 100K. In terms of net income increase, definitely you cannot beat a lv 120 guy, who spends just 220 gold for two PTs and 25K income increase. Also, interms of income increase %, you cannot beat a lv 1 guy, who has only 1 lv 1 laundromat and purchases another one (100% increase).

06-07-2012, 03:49 PM
Not really, receip is:1) Luck - main factor. 2) commitment - minimum 17 try's each day. 3) Gold - I spend loads. Out of last 3 events without gold only one prize. And if you don't have luck even with gold you can loose (3k gold on burner after 9th with cash only and I didnt get it.

Oh, I was sure gold figured into the equation. I hit the rest button myself, but not as much as you probably. Did u find it better when u did a rest or did a gold open, or is it just the combination of both? A also did u use gold near the end of the event or front the start?

06-07-2012, 03:53 PM
In the prize, it said money buildings, so I assume gold buildings don't count
Definitely it will count. "Money" describes the function of the building -- producing in-game cash, and "Gold" decribes the way to get the building -- spending gold. It does not conflict.

06-07-2012, 03:56 PM
Dear Funzio,
tomorrow is friday and people will expect prizes or winners list, i think by now you already know if the list of winners or prize will be distributed on time( or by date in OP) if this will not happen i BEG and PLEAD you give update fast and swift or I and many others will be reading whining complaining threads all morning long. PLEASE dont let the whiners run loose again on the forums

06-07-2012, 04:00 PM
Of course gold money buildings would count toward IpH. Any buildings on the MONEY BUILDINGS tab wer contributors. Besides gold usage to speed construction/upgrades, gold money buildings were probably the best way for Funzio to gain from such an event.

so rediculous...

Oh, I see what u r saying it isn't the fact that the building was bought with gold or cash, it's just that the earnings are from buildings.

Well, the house has to always win, what do you expect.

06-07-2012, 04:02 PM
Dear Funzio,
tomorrow is friday and people will expect prizes or winners list, i think by now you already know if the list of winners or prize will be distributed on time( or by date in OP) if this will not happen i BEG and PLEAD you give update fast and swift or I and many others will be reading. whining complaining threads all morning long. PLEASE dont let the whiners run loose again on the forums

Stop whining already! lol

Dr Girlfriend
06-07-2012, 04:05 PM
Dear Funzio,
tomorrow is friday and people will expect prizes or winners list, i think by now you already know if the list of winners or prize will be distributed on time( or by date in OP) if this will not happen i BEG and PLEAD you give update fast and swift or I and many others will be reading whining complaining threads all morning long. PLEASE dont let the whiners run loose again on the forums

Not this Friday, next Friday.

Whiners should really wait another week. :)

06-07-2012, 04:06 PM
Oh, I was sure gold figured into the equation. I hit the rest button myself, but not as much as you probably. Did u find it better when u did a rest or did a gold open, or is it just the combination of both? A also did u use gold near the end of the event or front the start?
My guess is that the chance is not totally random, but associated with the period you click during each hour. It means that you'll only get the artifact at some particular moments in an hour. That would better explain two common things happening on the forum.
1. A lot of gold is burnt but no sign of the 10th artifact. Because people usually do that in a short period (reset&open), where the "lucky" moments do not reside in. So no matter how much gold you burn during that period, you will not get it.
2. Dilligent players have worse luck than someone who play much less. Because the latter ones open at different and random moments, while the former ones open almost at the same moment during one hour (to save time for more opens).

06-07-2012, 04:24 PM
My guess is that the chance is not totally random, but associated with the period you click during each hour. It means that you'll only get the artifact at some particular moments in an hour. That would better explain two common things happening on the forum.
1. A lot of gold is burnt but no sign of the 10th artifact. Because people usually do that in a short period (reset&open), where the "lucky" moments do not reside in. So no matter how much gold you burn during that period, you will not get it.
2. Dilligent players have worse luck than someone who play much less. Because the latter ones open at different and random moments, while the former ones open almost at the same moment during one hour (to save time for more opens).

It is completely random. I Have tested this theory by performing multiple opens on two accounts at the same time, and getting different results. If time is a factor (which as a programmer I highly doubt as it is so much easier to implement just a simply randomise routine), then it sufficiently fine grained time so as to be unrelplicable. ( < 1 second).

I'm afraid that it's wishful thinking, and obviously would be nice to 'guarantee' an open.

06-07-2012, 04:32 PM
It is completely random. I Have tested this theory by performing multiple opens on two accounts at the same time, and getting different results. If time is a factor (which as a programmer I highly doubt as it is so much easier to implement just a simply randomise routine), then it sufficiently fine grained time so as to be unrelplicable. ( < 1 second).

I'm afraid that it's wishful thinking, and obviously would be nice to 'guarantee' an open.
Have you considered the case that the "lucky" moments for different players are different? And there's no truely "random" factor in programming. It's usually asscociated with time. That's why I have such a guess. Besides, I agree that it might be "sufficiently fine grained time". So we cannot do anything here...

06-07-2012, 04:42 PM
Have you considered the case that the "lucky" moments for different players are different? And there's no truely "random" factor in programming. It's usually asscociated with time. That's why I have such a guess. Besides, I agree that it might be "sufficiently fine grained time". So we cannot do anything here...

I understand that random numbers generated by a computer is a register that uses a bitwise shift operation, with the incoming bit in the shift calculated from xor and nors of specific current bits within the current value. The initial value is important as with a given starting point, you will get exactly the same sequence, which is why the current computer time is normally 'seeded' to the shift register to ensure the values are random. In some programming languages, this is done automatically when a low level randomise call is made. The term PRBS is used a lot in telecoms as a randomised set of bits to excersize all possible data points in a radio signal, yet easily calculable in order to be able to detect errors when receiving. Yes, I know quite a lot about how it works.

I also know that to get an effectively random number, you do the following:


There is no logical, programmatic, or gameplay reason at all why this would be 'based on time'.

Even if in the unlikely event that it was, the granularity of this 'lucky time' as you say, is so small that it is effectively impossible to tell the difference betwee random and random-based-on time. The opening odds are 50% and as such are prone to streaks. I suspect that if you looked at the toss of a coin on an hour per hour basis, you would find some 'lucky times' in the same way as well.

Dangerous Greg
06-08-2012, 03:00 PM
I really love this discussion because I have wondered about these elements.
There are more elements to consider as well. For example, how many artifacts does the player have? We all know that the chance of a desired drop rate is inversely related to the number of items already accumulated. Is there function that reflects the day of the event?: For example, is the event set up so that there is no chance to get the final item on day 1? My point is there are a great number of elements that can be drawn on by a programer to increase or decrease successful openings and/or final item acquisition.

If I were a programmer, I imagine that I would think about those elements of the game that could be utilized to make gold spenders more likely to spend more gold and to keep non gold player engaged in the game so they are more likely to become gold players. One implication of this line of thought is to make the odds slightly WORSE for aggressive gold spenders! (Why? Because they stop spending gold when they get the final item!) Even this programing stratagy has limitations...you dont want to fristrate the player to the point of quitting.

Obviously, the game creates an environment that has a competitive aspect, status, pride and random elements all work to create revenue for Funzio. So what would those programing element involve that could create more revenue? It seems that this insight (if there is any real insight here) could be leveraged to create a player stratagy that increases his chances of getting the final item by using gold only sometimes. Alternatively, is there a way that a gold spender can employ a strategy that would yield the final item with the same probability (or nearly the same probability) while spending less gold?

As a side note:
I realize my very competitive nature is driving me to do things I would not normally consider. For gosh sakes, I am spending REAL money for virtual items!! Dang it! I can't seem to stop doing it either! :-) I don't for one second have the illusion that the programmers are unaware of the elements of human nature that can be exploited to create gold spenders. (I've been reduced to a lab rat!) I know what benefits I get from playing the game and justify my "habit". Yes, I do feel exploited somewhat...but it is more like being exploited to spend money by watching a talented stripper in action! I know that she (Funzio) is interested in only my money....and I am ok with that!

06-08-2012, 05:31 PM
Stop wasting your real Money on the events I personally spent 3000 gold on one event and never unlocked the 10th item. The drop rates are horrible. Funzio don't care they are now corporate extortionists. If you think you can spend 20-40 dollars and unlock a 10th your wrong. So once again don't be a fool with it money and stop spending on there worthless scam events. I am telling all this from personal experience I was a gold buyer and I thought nothing about dropping 100's on these events. So I really hope you people listen to me and stop the addiction of buying gold it's the same like gambling and drugs. Don't waste your money on virtual nonsense go buy something nice in a real store for yourself or your family.

06-08-2012, 07:26 PM
people get the 10th without gold. people who want the 10th spend until they get it so you cant be the one who falls in between because you will loose everytime.

06-08-2012, 09:11 PM
Just got my Golden Defense :)

Also got 12 XP for making the Resilience Goal :(

IPH = $250994 @ level 11.

Barbie Girl

06-08-2012, 09:19 PM
Got mine as well, woohoo! Evry1 go check your inventories!

06-08-2012, 09:24 PM
Thanks for the heads up its in my inventory

white frog
06-08-2012, 09:32 PM
Got mine...

$181k Level 45

I still want to see the list of the top 500.. that way we'll know where we stand for the future!

The Billionaire
06-08-2012, 09:40 PM
Just got my Golden Defense :)

Also got 12 XP for making the Resilience Goal :(

IPH = $250994 @ level 11.

Barbie Girl

Congrats Barbie, thats one hell of an income for level 11??

Got mine too woohoo!!! Level 98 IPH $114,313

06-08-2012, 09:41 PM
Got it to, I want to see list.

06-08-2012, 09:47 PM
i received as well.
at end event time i was lvl 184 with approx 484k iph if that helps anyone

06-08-2012, 09:53 PM
Got a cheater in my mob who seems to have an inactive account now since he was reported. $86,364 income/hr at level 10 and no golden defense. Just waiting for list to see where the cutoff is.
In this case, either proper screening was done or cheaters gets account suspended but not deleted as it would effect my mafia member count, for instance.

06-08-2012, 09:53 PM
Damn I didn't get one

Mr BigBenga
06-08-2012, 09:54 PM
Fk, i dont won.

And i have 134k/h.

Edit: im lvl 141.

06-08-2012, 09:56 PM
Level 179, 290k and moving up fast....no gun. The cut off must be in the high 300k range?

06-08-2012, 09:58 PM
Level 179, 290k and moving up fast....no gun. The cut off must be in the high 300k range?

As I stated before I think it's around 400k

06-08-2012, 09:58 PM
Got it. What a nice surprise. Would still like to know what the rules were. Only had 330k iph, but collected regularly, lost none to robbers and upgraded twice during event. I am sure it was based on income actually collected rather than theoretical Also robbed a lot of other people in case that was part of formula

06-08-2012, 10:03 PM
I was at 350,000 iph at event end. I got it.

06-08-2012, 10:25 PM
I was at 350,000 iph at event end. I got it.

I knew my 290k would be close. Had I even thought there might be an event someday, I would have put more focus on it and been there for sure. Oh well...looking forward to the next event. :)

06-08-2012, 10:33 PM
Level 183, I had just over 300k at event end and did not get it. If I knew I was going to be that close I would have built a nightclub, but thought cutoff would be close to 500k.

06-08-2012, 10:46 PM
Deleted post.

06-08-2012, 10:54 PM
I blind attacked a rival who has it so I checked their income and it was about $390k. The cutoff was definitely <$400k, but probably not by a lot.

06-08-2012, 10:54 PM
Got it too - Level 91 IPH 135k.

06-08-2012, 10:56 PM
Got it. What a nice surprise. Would still like to know what the rules were. Only had 330k iph, but collected regularly, lost none to robbers and upgraded twice during event. I am sure it was based on income actually collected rather than theoretical Also robbed a lot of other people in case that was part of formula
What level are you?

06-08-2012, 11:00 PM
Got it. What a nice surprise. Would still like to know what the rules were. Only had 330k iph, but collected regularly, lost none to robbers and upgraded twice during event. I am sure it was based on income actually collected rather than theoretical Also robbed a lot of other people in case that was part of formula

I didn't rob anyone at all during the event, so I can't say if that had anything to do with it. I got the Golden Defense, but during the event I spent literally 100% of my stamina working on Thug Life goals. I think I finished the event around $685k/hr.

06-08-2012, 11:02 PM
The 330k was lvl 150

06-08-2012, 11:02 PM
Scratch that post.

06-08-2012, 11:03 PM
I didn't rob anyone at all during the event, so I can't say if that had anything to do with it. I got the Golden Defense, but during the event I spent literally 100% of my stamina working on Thug Life goals. I think I finished the event around $685k/hr.

The good thing I got out of the event was the fact that I'm way too low on IPH. I keep on hesitating on buying the NC given it's 6 hour collection time. I would always get it robbed every night while sleeping and then only get 2.4 of the cash opening 3 times a day, wouldn't I? That's what's holding me back right now.

06-08-2012, 11:03 PM
I was at lvl 136 with approx. 445k iph and didn't get it. So the cutoff had to be somewhere between 445 and 484k.

Edit: Guess I should have read the other posts. Looks like I misunderstood the rules - I was under the impression it was based on IPH.
It wasn't based on IPH?

06-08-2012, 11:06 PM
It wasn't based on IPH?

It clearly wasn't. Several people in the 100+ level bracket have the gun with a lower IPH than me. No idea what it was based on though.

Edit: Just showed up in my inventory. They must still be in the process of distributing the guns.

06-08-2012, 11:08 PM
The good thing I got out of the event was the fact that I'm way too low on IPH. I keep on hesitating on buying the NC given it's 6 hour collection time. I would always get it robbed every night while sleeping and then only get 2.4 of the cash opening 3 times a day, wouldn't I? That's what's holding me back right now.

I faced the same dilemma until I heard a good argument that 2.4 collections on a NC is still really good. I started my second NC just before the end of the Big Earner event for a last minute $33k/hr boost. I can see now though that I already had a spot clinched.

06-08-2012, 11:09 PM
I was at lvl 136 with approx. 445k iph and didn't get it. So the cutoff had to be somewhere between 445 and 484k.

Edit: Guess I should have read the other posts. Looks like I misunderstood the rules - I was under the impression it was based on IPH.
Have you ever cheated? I think the title by CJ54 is obvious. If it's the other way, it should be named money collection event. If you haven't, you can send in a ticket.

06-08-2012, 11:11 PM
Have you ever cheated? I think the title by CJ54 is obvious. If it's the other way, it should be named money collection event. If you haven't, you can send in a ticket.

See the edit in my last post. It just showed up in my inventory...looks like they weren't finished with the distribution.

06-08-2012, 11:13 PM
See the edit in my last post. It just showed up in my inventory...looks like they weren't finished with the distribution.
Congrats! We need more patience :p

06-08-2012, 11:15 PM
Congrats! We need more patience :p

Yeah, I was definitely jumping to conclusions.

06-08-2012, 11:36 PM
1.8m and got it haven't got one for modern war yet though.

06-08-2012, 11:42 PM
Funzio, thank you for the gun.

06-09-2012, 12:10 AM
yeah! Whooo, now to spend 400$ on gold

Eddie Eagle Eye
06-09-2012, 01:17 AM
I just turned off and back on again , then saw a beautiful gleaming golden defence gun
In my loot department !!!!!


06-09-2012, 02:08 AM
woot! got the gun, at income of 670k plus above lvl 100 =)

06-09-2012, 02:18 AM
Got it. Level 92, iph 135.000

It's look nice and sweet in my inventory

I think funzio had a look on cheater. I've check a cheater I knew (he has more than 500 of all best respect item in hand at level 92, and more than 600 millions cash), the iph of him is 240.000, it's more twice than me, but he do not received the gun. So I think this event had not for cheater. Its sweet.

06-09-2012, 03:40 AM
Funzio Thank You so much for this great event.As i said before it motivates people to build better hoods and im glad people with beautiful hoods are winners here.

06-09-2012, 04:09 AM
Funzio Thank You so much for this great event.As i said before it motivates people to build better hoods and im glad people with beautiful hoods are winners here.

You aren't a winner in Funzio's book until you spend money. :/

06-09-2012, 04:34 AM
I just got mine too lvl 176 $568k IPH, i did some robbings but not more then $100k during the event.
Didnt recieve 1 by MW i have IPH there $211k on lvl 28 ( campersss forever..... )

06-09-2012, 04:40 AM
is there a top 500 list already? cant find.

im glad i got it too but im very curious who the topdogs are :)

06-09-2012, 06:47 AM
You aren't a winner in Funzio's book until you spend money. :/

You are wrong yes spending money brings you huge advantage but you can be winner without gold buildings too.This is fair and a good event because im sure there will be winners who didnt spend money too.This is most earners event if you spend money you can get closer to the price.But you dont have to spend to get the price.You just have to be a big earner am i wrong?Big lvl loft brings you huge income do you pay for that?Normally i get mad at Funzio alot but this time they did a fair and good job.Expand your hood with or without gold so you can have chance to be a winner.
Not sure they will announce winners or not but im sure they cleared the cheaters out of this event and made me glad about it too.Btw any idea the people are earning the price one by one or is it completely finished?i mean if you dont have the price in ur inventory does it mean u lost or you can get later too?Because im not sure its over or not.

06-09-2012, 06:54 AM
i think they role em out in batches, thats what happened to the black shark heli over in mw. waited long time for it and thats what support answered, coz roll em out at once could hurt the server

06-09-2012, 07:25 AM
Had email from support that a league table will be released but date unknown.. Sounds good to me. I was level 178 iph $557k and got the golden gun.

06-09-2012, 09:13 AM
I have two below level 100 accounts with IPH at the end of the event of roughly $242k and $107k. Both got the gun. I also think they may have been looking at glitchers and cheaters, which typically have astronomical IPH. Otherwise, I don't know how $107k IPH is in the top 500 for sub-100 players, unless a very limited group of us have focused on economy.

06-09-2012, 09:45 AM
I had $54k IPH at level 98 and didn't get it.

06-09-2012, 09:56 AM
Stop wasting your real Money on the events I personally spent 3000 gold on one event and never unlocked the 10th item. The drop rates are horrible. Funzio don't care they are now corporate extortionists. If you think you can spend 20-40 dollars and unlock a 10th your wrong. So once again don't be a fool with it money and stop spending on there worthless scam events. I am telling all this from personal experience I was a gold buyer and I thought nothing about dropping 100's on these events. So I really hope you people listen to me and stop the addiction of buying gold it's the same like gambling and drugs. Don't waste your money on virtual nonsense go buy something nice in a real store for yourself or your family.

I have spent a tremendous amount of gold on events as well. I opened 75 coffers including resetting the timer and never got the 10 one. Out of the last 5 events, I open every single safe, coffee, etc. when I receive it. I have only gotten the tenth one once. I have dropped a ton on gold and it didn't increase my chances. I have 86 enhanced bikes, 77 batons, 44 vests, 82 sledgehammers. I can validate without a doubt that more gold and more items do not equal a bigger chance to win.

Dangerous Greg
06-09-2012, 10:04 AM
I'm not surprised I didn't get the golden defense. My IPH ended up at 230k but at lv 121 I just couldn't compete with the higher levels or the campers. I thought this was a really nice prize! Congratulations to all that got it.

Dr Girlfriend
06-09-2012, 10:10 AM
I thought at $555K that I'd be at the lower end of the spectrum. Very happy with the prize (my best weapon by far), and glad I chose not to alter my play during the event at all. :)

06-09-2012, 11:07 AM
I had about 160k @ level 87. The gun looks great

06-09-2012, 02:45 PM
Listen folks I have a problem, i didnt receive the gun yet I am under level 100 and my current IPh is 160k. At the time of the event I was around 150k and judging by what others have stated I should have received said gun. I have reported it already and am hoping this will be sorted, please don't leave me out funzio! I am very dedicated to this fun and calming addiction.

06-09-2012, 03:01 PM
Listen folks I have a problem, i didnt receive the gun yet I am under level 100 and my current IPh is 160k. At the time of the event I was around 150k and judging by what others have stated I should have received said gun. I have reported it already and am hoping this will be sorted, please don't leave me out funzio! I am very dedicated to this fun and calming addiction.I agree. I should get the gun, because I have a higher iph than one person in another thread that got it. He is also above lvl 100, so that would mean that I should get it.

06-09-2012, 05:37 PM
Was their a list posted? I expected to get it with 1.1mph income but would like to see where I placed

06-09-2012, 08:17 PM
You weren't good enough, accept the fact. You suck loser.Hahahahhaah Tahts funny

06-09-2012, 09:21 PM
i'm guessing there will not be a list posted due to the flood of support tickets they will receive on who is a cheater and not deserve the weapon and that would make a backlog and tons of work for them.

06-09-2012, 11:36 PM
Hmmm they didnt give the gun to cheaters or black listed accounts or tried to do something wrong( u know what i mean) so if you didnt get the gun you can be in the blacklist of Funzio.Maybe i dont know and i cant.But They wont make any mistake on that event as far as i know they checked every player during this time.i had 2 mafia in my friend list and im sure they were cheating i was keeping them just to check and at the end of the event even their income was more than 150 they didnt get the gun.Thats why im sure Funzio checked every player.i hope cheaters will be banned too.

06-09-2012, 11:42 PM
Oh btw im not sure about they will announce the winners because of the cheaters or black listed players.Because they cant explain to everyone why they didnt get the gun even their income is more than some winners.They cant say u cheated or attended to cheat or something like that but im sure they will be banned too i trust Funzio in this.

06-10-2012, 12:22 AM
Hey all,

Crime City Mark here (edits are fun). The prizes for the event have been given out. We will not be posting a winner list for this event.

When the event went live there was an internal communication issue that caused various departments to be working with different sets of data, which led to a disorganized event. After a lot of internal work we sorted things out and started looking at the event results only to find a fair deal of cheating. We spent countless hours going over the cheaters, and now we're confident that no cheaters were given event prizes.

Going forward we're going to make sure that information is communicated more accurately between departments, and that we have more information for you (the players) before, during, and after an event.

I apologize for all of the confusion during this event and hope that you'll all bear with us as we try out these new event types.

If you're not going to post a list of the winners, can you at least say what the minimum IPH cut-off was for each group (under level 100 and over)? That at least gives people who didn't get the item know where they stand if a similar event should happen again in the future.

Crime City Mark
06-10-2012, 12:33 AM
I don't have that information, but I'll try to get it on Monday.

06-10-2012, 12:39 AM
Bugger was interested to know if I was in top 10, 5 or whatever but at least we finally get some decent communication and an update.

06-10-2012, 01:55 AM
Disappointed also...really wanted to know where I ranked...somewhere in the top 10 I think...any chance of a u-turn? Maybe just a top 50 list?

06-10-2012, 01:56 AM
so I'm considered a cheat and have been blacklisted for this event? Absolutely charming that is. Ive been on this game since November building up my hood, I spent a lot of my time doing this and only started levelling up as the events started. Ive enjoyed the game up till now and have even started spending a little money on it but I feel this is not right at all. If your going to do these events at least make sure you ban the right people! funzio you know who the glitchers and cheaters are and I AM NOT ONE OF THEM.

I personally feel I've been pushed out of this one and that doesnt make me feel like I'm wanted here. I hope that you can explain to me the reason for this otherwise what's the point me even bothering with these events. Ok rant over sorry folks. Anyone want to check my stats/hood my code is 974 318 625. Any advice is appreciated and please excuse my players name it was first thing I could think of.

The Billionaire
06-10-2012, 02:00 AM
After a lot of internal work we sorted things out and started looking at the event results only to find a fair deal of cheating. We spent countless hours going over the cheaters, and now we're confident that no cheaters were given event prizes.

Does this mean you have removed all the cheaters from the game who you found whilst analyzing the data?

I can't believe there's so many cheaters in this game. Surely as soon as you discover someone cheating their account should be removed??

06-10-2012, 02:19 AM
so I'm considered a cheat and have been blacklisted for this event? Absolutely charming that is. Ive been on this game since November building up my hood, I spent a lot of my time doing this and only started levelling up as the events started. Ive enjoyed the game up till now and have even started spending a little money on it but I feel this is not right at all. If your going to do these events at least make sure you ban the right people! funzio you know who the glitchers and cheaters are and I AM NOT ONE OF THEM.

I personally feel I've been pushed out of this one and that doesnt make me feel like I'm wanted here. I hope that you can explain to me the reason for this otherwise what's the point me even bothering with these events. Ok rant over sorry folks. Anyone want to check my stats/hood my code is 974 318 625. Any advice is appreciated and please excuse my players name it was first thing I could think of.

Pls dont misunderstand me i didnt tell you are a cheater No offence.i just said cheaters are cleared from this event i didnt tell it personal to you.Sorry if u misunderstand me.But there can be other reasons also to disqualify maybe glitch used or something to gain advantage.maybe without realizing you could do something like glitch?im telling again pls dont misunderstand im just talking about possibilities.

06-10-2012, 03:48 AM
Sorry that message wasn't aimed at you didn't mean to come across in that way. Was more agreeing with you and generally moaning, I just wasn't expecting this to happen so I'm bit surprised. I Feel like I'm being put into that rather large group of blatant Cheats/scammers/hackers which i have come across and obviously reported. I have spent so much time with this game and I hope these players will be gone soon thanks to this event. It still alienates me and that is the problem.
Anyhow we will see in due time, sorry for coming across moody. I'm generally pretty happy with the game and appreciate the new game input. Just hope it gets sorted and I get a response from support.

06-10-2012, 04:52 AM
I don't have that information, but I'll try to get it on Monday.Question: What was the income/hr for the person at #500 for players above lvl100? I'm curious about it.

06-10-2012, 04:59 AM
Sorry that message wasn't aimed at you didn't mean to come across in that way. Was more agreeing with you and generally moaning, I just wasn't expecting this to happen so I'm bit surprised. I Feel like I'm being put into that rather large group of blatant Cheats/scammers/hackers which i have come across and obviously reported. I have spent so much time with this game and I hope these players will be gone soon thanks to this event. It still alienates me and that is the problem.
Anyhow we will see in due time, sorry for coming across moody. I'm generally pretty happy with the game and appreciate the new game input. Just hope it gets sorted and I get a response from support.

Glad to hear it thank you for the explanation and i hope your problem will be solved asap.it was a great event and i hope the same as you.Good luck bro

06-10-2012, 07:12 AM
CCM,I understand reasons for not posting winners list. But can we get short list of incomes required for certain positions. Something like: #1-2.2mil/h, #10-1.6mil/h and so on without names. I think 1,10,50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500 would please us. Mark as you know we like stats here in forum...

06-10-2012, 11:51 AM
so my question is why did it take an event for you to catch cheaters when you could have at any time gathered such a list of high earners and evaluated people on a regular basis. so im thinking this is the first time your team has ever looked at a list like this to find cheaters, i dont know how to say without trying to bash the good people over there, but "piss poor" comes to mind. i hope your team will use this technique more often to eliminate cheaters

06-10-2012, 12:33 PM
I can understand why a list of winners won't be posted, but what about a list of winning incomes? Even as Giedrius suggested, just a few key places would be cool since having two lists of 500 winning incomes isn't really necessary.

Crime City Mark
06-10-2012, 12:40 PM
so my question is why did it take an event for you to catch cheaters when you could have at any time gathered such a list of high earners and evaluated people on a regular basis. so im thinking this is the first time your team has ever looked at a list like this to find cheaters, i dont know how to say without trying to bash the good people over there, but "piss poor" comes to mind. i hope your team will use this technique more often to eliminate cheaters

You're plain wrong. We investigate cheaters every day. These weren't old cheaters that had been left lying around, but new players that decided to try their hand at cheating to win the event.

06-10-2012, 12:42 PM
I'm also curious as to what the minimum IPH was in order to have made the list. I'm not gonna list my income, but I thought mine would have been decent enough to have made the list. Obviously, I was wrong.

06-10-2012, 12:46 PM
im very glad i was completely wrong, my confidence restored, 3 cheers for the Team, i especially love the part about looking for cheaters everyday

Crime City Mark
06-10-2012, 12:57 PM
Okay, I think I have the minimum IPH for the brackets. I'll need to confirm this on Monday, but here is the information I have:

Level 100 or lower minimum IPH: 99,504
Level 101 or higher minimum IPH: 375,630

Hope this helps. Before you freak out, I still need to confirm that this is after the cheaters were excluded. If you're above that number at the time of the event ending and you didn't receive a prize, please contact support. Be patient because we're still sorting things out.

06-10-2012, 01:09 PM
Before you freak out, I still need to confirm that this is after the cheaters were excluded. If you're above that number at the time of the event ending and you didn't receive a prize, please contact support. Be patient because we're still sorting things out.

Haha you know these people too well, mark

06-10-2012, 01:46 PM
Easily made it on both, but really surprised the income below level 100 was just under 100k .

06-10-2012, 02:03 PM
er. I'm lame.

What was the prize again? I'm well above the 99,504/hr @ level 87. I didn't see any award page but I was looking at my loot to see, but i forgot what it was :P

06-10-2012, 02:05 PM
Golden defence gun 312 attack 488 defence

06-10-2012, 02:07 PM
Golden defence gun 312 attack 488 defense

Whoot whoot! Thanks Silverbackspur!

Yes i did get it :) I feel rewarded for all the time i've put in this game lol

06-10-2012, 02:10 PM
Whoot whoot! Thanks Silverbackspur!

Yes i did get it :) I feel rewarded for all the time i've put in this game lol

I felt the same. It's been a long grind getting the iph up

06-10-2012, 02:14 PM
Easily made it on both, but really surprised the income below level 100 was just under 100k .

I know I didn't make it but does anyone know the cutoff for over 100?

06-10-2012, 02:17 PM
I know I didn't make it but does anyone know the cutoff for over 100?

375,630 for level 101 and over

06-10-2012, 02:39 PM
Okay, I think I have the minimum IPH for the brackets. I'll need to confirm this on Monday, but here is the information I have:

Level 100 or lower minimum IPH: 99,504
Level 101 or higher minimum IPH: 375,630

Hope this helps. Before you freak out, I still need to confirm that this is after the cheaters were excluded. If you're above that number at the time of the event ending and you didn't receive a prize, please contact support. Be patient because we're still sorting things out.

Thanks for the clarification, Mark. I was wondering why people where posting that they got the gun with an IPH lower than mine. I didn't make the list due to the bracket range.

G Wiz
06-10-2012, 03:31 PM
gee that minimum makes me feel at least in the top 10 for lvls 100 and below!

06-10-2012, 03:47 PM
gee that minimum makes me feel at least in the top 10 for lvls 100 and below!

Sounds like it was a good decision for you to stay at 100 until the event ended.

06-10-2012, 04:22 PM
Level 40 w/ roughly 89k IPH, it's painful knowing I'm a nightclub away from getting this babe....T-T

06-10-2012, 04:37 PM
CC Mark or CJ54,

Please edit the original post with any updates. Anything posted in the chatter is going to get lost.

The original expected delivery date for the item was by 6/15/12 which was deleted with the edit.

There's also been an update, though not expected to be confirmed until Monday (PST), for the winning ranges. Again, going to get lost in the traffic and 21 pages so far to scroll through endless chatter to find it.

Crime City Mark
06-10-2012, 07:21 PM
CC Mark or CJ54,

Please edit the original post with any updates. Anything posted in the chatter is going to get lost.

The original expected delivery date for the item was by 6/15/12 which was deleted with the edit.

There's also been an update, though not expected to be confirmed until Monday (PST), for the winning ranges. Again, going to get lost in the traffic and 21 pages so far to scroll through endless chatter to find it.

Once I have full and accurate information I'll be updating the original post.

06-10-2012, 07:55 PM
I just like to say its sunday at 7:20pm and CC Mark is still posting. this is a good day and i hope many more like this one CC Mark thanks for the constant updates today when you could have been doing others things on your sunday

06-10-2012, 07:59 PM
I think Mark is really Payam. have you noticed they never post at the same time?

06-10-2012, 08:21 PM
As sad as I am for missing out that bada$$ prize, it's comforting to know that CCMark & team worked hard to not rewarding the cheaters! I can sleep good tonight....

06-10-2012, 08:35 PM
Was there a mod that came with the prize, or was it just the gun?

06-10-2012, 09:14 PM
Was there a mod that came with the prize, or was it just the gun?

Just the gun. 488 defense is pretty good though! Strongest defense item in the game that I've seen.

06-10-2012, 09:18 PM
Just the gun. 488 defense is pretty good though! Strongest defense item in the game that I've seen.

Yeah, it's a nice gun. Just couldn't remember.

King of the Dudes
06-10-2012, 09:49 PM
I think Mark is really Payam. have you noticed they never post at the same time?


06-11-2012, 01:21 AM
Easily made it on both, but really surprised the income below level 100 was just under 100k .

Many of those players won't have been playing long enough to build up a serious IPH, so unless you're a camper, the fact it's low is entirely expected.

06-11-2012, 01:42 AM
Okay, I think I have the minimum IPH for the brackets. I'll need to confirm this on Monday, but here is the information I have:

Level 100 or lower minimum IPH: 99,504
Level 101 or higher minimum IPH: 375,630

Hope this helps. Before you freak out, I still need to confirm that this is after the cheaters were excluded. If you're above that number at the time of the event ending and you didn't receive a prize, please contact support. Be patient because we're still sorting things out.Thank you for this information!

I had +-254K at the time, so this one was not in reach for me.

06-11-2012, 07:21 AM
Yay! I got this one! I didn't think I would this time.

King of the Dudes
06-11-2012, 08:04 AM
i dont think you are correct on this statement. for the simple fact that funzio could have at any point and time go through there system and pull up a sorted list of highest to lowest income and could have scanned for cheaters without holding a contest or event. there is nothing special they have to do or there end to a list like this.

Looks like I was right....

06-11-2012, 08:09 AM
I'm shocked theirs only 500 people above level 100 with an income greater than 375k per hour. I was expecting a number closer to 500k

06-11-2012, 08:11 AM
I'm shocked theirs only 500 people above level 100 with an income greater than 375k per hour. I was expecting a number closer to 500k

I'm not, I usually have to search through 20-30 hoods before finding someone decent to rob. shanty town hoods are all the rage these days

06-11-2012, 09:07 AM
I'm not, I usually have to search through 20-30 hoods before finding someone decent to rob. shanty town hoods are all the rage these days

Totally agree you.its rlly hard to find a beautiful hood.i was expecting lower average than this.

06-11-2012, 10:52 AM
The delays are totally fine for me. The events and competitions that you've started with is making the game much more alive and fun. Especially for us HL players who doesn't have very much to do besides farming. I'm just happy that you try to develop the game further, and while trying new things stuff doesn't always run as smooth as it should be.
Oh and thanks for sorting out the cheaters!

Joe Brown1
06-11-2012, 11:02 AM
+1 Well said Amber:cool:

Dr Girlfriend
06-11-2012, 11:10 AM
They did this one right. They didn't post a list of winners who would be complaining about their lack of a prize, and they overestimated when people would be getting their prize so that everyone was pleasantly surprised when it showed up in their inventories.

I do hope they do a breakdown of the winners in this one, even if they don't list the names. I think people would like to know where they stand within the top 500. I know I would.

Also hope the success here doesn't stop them from posting a leader board on any future pvp or robbery events in the future. I know getting listed there on day one led me to really push thru the entire event.

And yeah, catching cheaters is awesome. :)

06-11-2012, 02:15 PM
Hey all,

Crime City Mark here (edits are fun). The prizes for the event have been given out. We will not be posting a winner list for this event.

When the event went live there was an internal communication issue that caused various departments to be working with different sets of data, which led to a disorganized event. After a lot of internal work we sorted things out and started looking at the event results only to find a fair deal of cheating. We spent countless hours going over the cheaters, and now we're confident that no cheaters were given event prizes.

Going forward we're going to make sure that information is communicated more accurately between departments, and that we have more information for you (the players) before, during, and after an event.

I apologize for all of the confusion during this event and hope that you'll all bear with us as we try out these new event types.

Is there a way to not see the winners but maybe see what the top earner and the bottom earner were at.

06-11-2012, 02:29 PM
Okay, I think I have the minimum IPH for the brackets.

Level 100 or lower minimum IPH: 99,504
Level 101 or higher minimum IPH: 375,630

My guess is this is all the info you'll get from this event.

Crime City Mark
06-11-2012, 03:37 PM
I'm still in the process of getting a second round of information, having the winner list re-checked (for the third time), and we're going through all the people who sent in tickets. I may have more information today.

06-11-2012, 03:40 PM
I'm still in the process of getting a second round of information, having the winner list re-checked (for the third time), and we're going through all the people who sent in tickets. I may have more information today.

That sounds awesome, especially if the ranked winners list will be published! :D

Crime City Mark
06-11-2012, 04:10 PM
That sounds awesome, especially if the ranked winners list will be published! :D

Winner list won't be published. We're not doing that for this one. Future events should have leaderboards, better upfront information, better disclosure, all of that. This particular event had some serious speedbumps, but we've used it to identify issues and try to make sure they don't happen again.

06-11-2012, 04:14 PM
Winner list won't be published. We're not doing that for this one. Future events should have leaderboards, better upfront information, better disclosure, all of that. This particular event had some serious speedbumps, but we've used it to identify issues and try to make sure they don't happen again.

Shame but I understand the reasoning...thanks for clarifying and defo looking forward to the future events! :D

06-11-2012, 05:58 PM
Shame but I understand the reasoning...thanks for clarifying and defo looking forward to the future events! :D

if/when they implement leaderboards im sure you can see where you rank im sure(hope) they will have leaderboard for income

06-12-2012, 09:13 AM
Winner list won't be published. We're not doing that for this one. Future events should have leaderboards, better upfront information, better disclosure, all of that. This particular event had some serious speedbumps, but we've used it to identify issues and try to make sure they don't happen again.

its normal i mean not publishing the winners.Thx for your efforts you kept cheaters out of this.i saw one in my list with huge income but didnt get the gun.it shows you eliminated cheaters and bug abusers.Thx for your efforts again.i dont wonder about the winners i just care about myself.

06-12-2012, 10:44 AM
Thank you for weeding out cheaters! I'd much rather not see the leaderboard, than see a leaderboard that has a bunch of hackers on it.

I'll keep playing, and keep my fingers crossed for the next event.

06-12-2012, 04:24 PM
Winner list won't be published. We're not doing that for this one. Future events should have leaderboards, better upfront information, better disclosure, all of that. This particular event had some serious speedbumps, but we've used it to identify issues and try to make sure they don't happen again.

Good job Funzio. I like it when there is transparency and disclosure. I appreciate that there is an update on the information of the process. Thanks

06-14-2012, 06:16 AM
This should be de-stickied and closed, IMHO.

06-15-2012, 03:22 AM
Got all income event end items for CC, KA and MW on two accounts. MW took until today after I submitted tickets on Monday.

Kudos to support and management for weeding out cheaters as this event served a duo purpose. I suggest to implement future income events with further brackets say between levels 1-25, 26-50, 51-75....with 25 end items awarded to each bracket. This is a great check and balance in place to deter hackers as they will realize that this will be a reoccuring event. Moreover, more investment in a nice hood should in theory create a greater commitment to the game; think Sim City business model.

06-15-2012, 10:43 AM
This should be de-stickied and closed, IMHO.

06-15-2012, 04:54 PM
Sweet! I got the gun but I'd love to see where I placed on this list. All I've done in this game is build my income. I'm at Level 126 and was bringing in about $10,000,000 a day when this event ended. I know it's not gonna happen but I vote that you guys still post the winners since this is the first event where I excelled :)

06-25-2012, 06:39 PM
Same here CJ54 my CC account was lvl 89 and had around 200k IPH at event but got no prize either. Please check for me if you can thanks.

07-03-2012, 10:04 AM
What were the bonus stats of the gun again?

I won won and was wondering. I thought this was a great event as it rewards the people who play a lot and develop thier hoods as opposed to just doing missions and leveling as fast as possible.

my IPH is 134,596 lvl 88