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View Full Version : Enough is enough people!(pirates)

06-03-2012, 08:30 AM
I'm so tired of people starting threads about pirates! I can't take it no more. Can we talk about something good for once people. Do I have something against them no! Why not, because at the end of the day there's just like us, fans who love modern war! Do I agree with there bullying and other things they do no! But that's why you report them to apple because there bullying you and they will take care of it. First report it to funzio and then apple, so funzio can give apple there information to get them banned! But that being said I really think none of them wanna get banned for bullying, because of all the money they spent on the game and all the time they put into the game. Let's all move on from this and start talking about the fun stuff about modern war again! Please and thankyou guys and I hope the pirates read this to, to see how there really makeing people hate modern war for there actions! I have noting against you guys and here's a toast to being allies in the future. Only thing I wish you guys would stop doing is the bullying! I know it's just a game but still it's bullying! In not saying that none of this is related to what I'm about to say but it's always a start! Let's look at the big picture here everyone there are reall people out there takeing there lives out there because of bullying! Sometimes because of there race,or skin color, or body size, or if they gay, even if there poor and they can't aford to buy clothes like most of us here!!! Bullying is wrong and I hate it so please everone look at the bigger picture here!!! Let's all just get along and be friends. Thankyou for reading and lets stop the bullying it's not rite!!!

06-03-2012, 08:34 AM
You just started another thread about pirates lol

06-03-2012, 08:37 AM
You just started another thread about pirates lol

You beat me to it lol

06-03-2012, 08:39 AM
I know I did guys but I want this to be the last one! This is my point here...

06-03-2012, 08:44 AM
@Letsgo. Lol I was about to say the same thing haha. I never had any probs with any pirates.. And if I did get attacked by one who cares.. It's what the game is about lmao. Now if someone was abusing my wall with hateful sh** that's different. But a pirate is no different then us folks here. If there is a problem we try to band together and fix it. But like JP I shall not choose a side. Because I don't think their is really any differance to begain with..

06-03-2012, 09:02 AM
@Letsgo. Lol I was about to say the same thing haha. I never had any probs with any pirates.. And if I did get attacked by one who cares.. It's what the game is about lmao. Now if someone was abusing my wall with hateful sh** that's different. But a pirate is no different then us folks here. If there is a problem we try to band together and fix it. But like JP I shall not choose a side. Because I don't think their is really any differance to begain with..

Rite Luke!!! I have noting against them... Just the bullying.

06-03-2012, 09:03 AM
My (soon to be) gf had to update her CC like 3 days ago. But not me.... that's weird...

BTW, she has an android

06-03-2012, 09:46 AM
Pirates don't "bully" any ways unless you give them a reason to. If you don't talk sh!t to them or anyone else they may still attack you, but they attack you as much as any other player would. If one attacks you, he is attacking you as another player, not representing the pirates. There is no organized full scale attack unless there is a good reason. Don't know why all of you guys are talking about pirates so much, when you don't even know them or how they operate.

06-03-2012, 09:48 AM
Pirates don't "bully" any ways unless you give them a reason to. If you don't talk sh!t to them or anyone else they may still attack you, but they attack you as much as any other player would. If one attacks you, he is attacking you as another player, not representing the pirates. There is no organized full scale attack unless there is a good reason. Don't know why all of you guys are talking about pirates so much, when you don't even know them or how they operate.

Your rite there jmc...

06-03-2012, 10:26 AM
All I know is there a bunch of MFKRs choking on their nuts, gargle gargle save face sluts and save some dignity.

War Priest
06-03-2012, 10:28 AM
Damn, what is with all the pirate threads...

06-03-2012, 10:31 AM
Pirates don't "bully" any ways unless you give them a reason to. If you don't talk sh!t to them or anyone else they may still attack you, but they attack you as much as any other player would. If one attacks you, he is attacking you as another player, not representing the pirates. There is no organized full scale attack unless there is a good reason. Don't know why all of you guys are talking about pirates so much, when you don't even know them or how they operate.

Exactly. That's why I haven't jumped in anywhere but here on this. So many ppl know hardly anything about them, Includeing me. They seem to me just like any other players.. And doesn't sound like a big deal to me. Just let them be and enjoy the game that some of them pay for.

06-03-2012, 10:31 AM
All I know is there a bunch of MFKRs choking on their nuts, gargle gargle save face sluts and save some dignity.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaa hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahaahahaahahaahah ahahahahahahahahaah!!!!! That was your best post ever bro!!!

06-03-2012, 10:33 AM
Post removed instead action taken place!

06-03-2012, 10:34 AM
Exactly. That's why I haven't jumped in anywhere but here on this. So many ppl know hardly anything about them, Includeing me. They seem to me just like any other players.. And doesn't sound like a big deal to me. Just let them be and enjoy the game that some of them pay for.

That's why I'm saying a lot of people are saying they bully bully bully!!! But it's never happend to me! I'm just going with what a lot of people say... But you know what I think it's because who ever got attacked by them left them a mean message and that's how the beef started!

06-03-2012, 10:35 AM
Sorry to pull a Bronson and hijack this thread but, we are nominating Flan for UN secretary general for Modern war!

06-03-2012, 10:36 AM
You better not!!!

06-03-2012, 10:40 AM
Spread the word! Flan for leadership, Flan for the future!

06-03-2012, 10:48 AM
I collect your posts for forum moderator and will persue a ban on you if you don't change it! be sure about that!

"Miss! Miss! Seqwins said a bad word, here it is here it is, I have proof, this rascal needs banning!!!"

Dam boy are you in flans class in school?

06-03-2012, 10:51 AM
"Miss! Miss! Seqwins said a bad word, here it is here it is, I have proof, this rascal needs banning!!!"

Dam boy are you in flans class in school?

Lmaoooo Bronson your a fool...

06-03-2012, 11:01 AM
Oh snap I'm gonna get banned? Watch me if I care girly...why do you guys fail to see that to some people this is not everything? My life spent on this forum can easily be spent Doug something more productive..

If its not clear yet my posts are not meant to rally the approval of anybody in this forum but to spit the truth about what's going on here...

Sad for you buddy, do what you have to do...I'll be waiting.

06-03-2012, 11:08 AM
Seq I already know nothing's gonna happen to you.., if it does there's always the dark side, and you know what I'm talking about...

06-03-2012, 11:29 AM
I'm not worried about it Gin lol but on the other hand this guy Bron King is a freaking artist I don't understand how tension can be so high and he can make a thread make a complete change with just a joke.

06-03-2012, 11:33 AM
What thread post it I wanna read it...

06-03-2012, 11:35 AM
Lol Gin you crack me up bro...it's this thread when he made that joke.

06-03-2012, 11:38 AM
Oh yea hahah your rite... Yea bro people always wanna get serious about useing bad words! Who cares bad words are in movies tv music and in our everyday language... It's not that big of a deal!

06-03-2012, 12:03 PM
I respect his morals though. He knows they may be waiting when he gets in range. At least he is not kissing like some people hoping to join and hide in the shadows of the strongest. I have nothing against many on the pirate team but I can't speak to the actions of those on it that I don't know. The more and more I hear from people and read on walls I get mixed feelings. But I try not judge anyone without all the facts including pirates. But my respect of those kissing to gain favor is much less than any pirate. If you don't agree with their doctrine don't yield to it. I said no to the ally count at this time but in a respectful manner. I get attacked by them all the time but I seem to have some of their respect and haven't become a major target. I just made my case for why. In fact I might go lower to test a few things and find better hunting grounds if required. My ally count fluctuates but according to my needs. Sometimes it is over 500 sometimes lower. I don't mine valor. I attack mostly people under 499 for BP. I don't need valor I had 280k in valor weeks ago and still do as part of a future plan. I only have spent to replace losses and add what I earned through event opens and attacks mostly. I'm low for many reason. It is not to hide. I just can't reveal all my reasons and secrets yet so I hope they respect that.

06-03-2012, 12:09 PM
Hay maverick if your talking about me I thankyou my friend!