View Full Version : Rp items whats recommended

06-02-2012, 05:49 AM
Whats the recommeded amount to get on rp items

160 chain wips
300 rpg's
23 exelero
55 full combat gear

Looking to get a higher attack over a better defence

06-02-2012, 05:51 AM
Recommended amount is 500 chain whips, 500 rpg's, 500 exelero's and 500 full combat gears. Seems obvious, since there is no better free item (well, except the jet defense of 36 for only 84 mil).

06-02-2012, 06:19 AM
Excelero and chain whip give the better attack stats

Dr Girlfriend
06-02-2012, 06:24 AM
Usually quality vehicles are the hardest thing to fill out. I'm buying nothing but exceleros. I have 147 of them, and the last one still added 25 attack and 5 defense.

I think full combat gear is the worst value. You can get 16 attack from NVG for less than half the cost, and can buy FBI shields @ $1.5M for a comparable 24 defense.

06-02-2012, 07:54 AM
Excelero and chain whip

06-02-2012, 08:05 AM
I think full combat gear is the worst value. You can get 16 attack from NVG for less than half the cost, and can buy FBI shields @ $1.5M for a comparable 24 defense.

I personally started the game with the opinion of armor is for defense but then I realized that same exact true fact. I bought som FCB but then I was like...this is pointless. The combat gear is nice but the Goggles will improve you so much more so much more quickly. By the time the NVB starts to increase your armor to the point of you're starting to replace 12a/d items, then your economy SHOULD be enough to support a healthy supple of FBI shields in my opinion.

06-02-2012, 09:53 AM
Its hard to know the answer to this question without knowing the rest of your gear. When figuring out what RP item to get next I take a look at the AT gained per item and divide it by the RP cost. This will give you the most AT for your buck, though you might not be doing what everyone on the forums suggests.