View Full Version : In Response to the Negative Nancies

06-01-2012, 06:59 AM
This post is going to be a simple one. It seems lately all I see is a bunch of people complaining about KA. "Oh man the rune boxes are too expensive to open" "the casualties are too high for the units" "My graphics are all f'd up" "OMG THE LOOT DROP RATE CHANGED WTF?"

So, I just want to say that I love this game just like it is. I don't stay awake at night opening rune boxes every hour or set timers to make sure I am collecting on time. I actually have a life that requires me to do other things than tap a screen to win a bunch of imaginary 1's and 0's.

But, I do love this game, and I am not concerned if it has some flaws. I like it just the way it is and I think Funzio has done a great job to try to fix the issues it has. Still not perfect, but I don't care. I am just tired of all the negativity. Man up (or lady) and stop being such cry babies. If you don't like it, don't play or at least keep your negative vibes to yourself. Just saying.

06-01-2012, 07:12 AM
I agree with letting funzio know about bugs so they can be fixed. Or an open discussion that you can express what you like or dislike about the game. But I do agree that it is a free game. And most importantly, it's a GAME! I enjoy this game. And I enjoy the rune box event. Sure I would like things to be different but everyone would like something different. And that's just not going to happen. This game has had, what? 3 or so updates in the past 2 weeks? That right there should tell you they are trying to make this game better. Fix the bugs and help with complaints. That's my $.02

06-01-2012, 07:12 AM
I agree to an extent, but part of the purpose of this forum is to provide feedback to the devs. If nothing negative was ever said the game would not as likely be updated as much, meaning this game which is already great, would never be perfected.

06-01-2012, 07:45 AM
I agree with the original poster - I love when people claim wildly they're not a
gem player (IE not paying a red cent) then go on to moan about the game having
a couple of issues here and there.

I'm happy this is a free game where Im not abused with popup banners all over the
place and other forms of ads.

06-01-2012, 05:21 PM
I agree with the original poster - I love when people claim wildly they're not a
gem player (IE not paying a red cent) then go on to moan about the game having
a couple of issues here and there.

I'm happy this is a free game where Im not abused with popup banners all over the
place and other forms of ads.

We agree on a lot of things. Why do you insist on attacking me still ;)

06-01-2012, 11:28 PM
Get on my level bro!

Kiss Of Death
06-02-2012, 05:52 AM
This post is going to be a simple one. It seems lately all I see is a bunch of people complaining about KA. "Oh man the rune boxes are too expensive to open" "the casualties are too high for the units" "My graphics are all f'd up" "OMG THE LOOT DROP RATE CHANGED WTF?"

So, I just want to say that I love this game just like it is. I don't stay awake at night opening rune boxes every hour or set timers to make sure I am collecting on time. I actually have a life that requires me to do other things than tap a screen to win a bunch of imaginary 1's and 0's.

But, I do love this game, and I am not concerned if it has some flaws. I like it just the way it is and I think Funzio has done a great job to try to fix the issues it has. Still not perfect, but I don't care. I am just tired of all the negativity. Man up (or lady) and stop being such cry babies. If you don't like it, don't play or at least keep your negative vibes to yourself. Just saying.

Here Here, I do spend gold now because I love the game and like some of the creatures, I like thier look and want one in my list... but I also make sure I feel I am getting my own personal value for my money. If it doesn't seem ok... dont pay. Pretty damn simple. If its free shut up unless you want to pay and support the guys who have to make and maintain the changes... play for fun... or go play your playstations instead, or get a job, or pay attention to your partners and kids... just stop winging unless you actually pay for somthing and it stuffs up (normal consumer issue) and Funzio don't fix it then sure make a complaint about it, reverse your transaction or somthing and move on.