View Full Version : Cement factory and Infirmary

05-29-2012, 11:04 AM
What good is the cement factory if there is no noticeable action for it,construction and upgrade cost stay the same. I have my cement factory at level 5.the same with the infirmary, casualty are the same. Why do the units have very high to very low casualty rates when I notice that I have lost high and low at the same rate.Ive also encounter a few players in the early 90s level with no infirmary have no casualty after I have attack them, can anyone give me any info about these two issues other then what funzio say?

05-29-2012, 11:15 AM
Not sure about the Infirmary - that is to say - I've not tried to do the math. But I have a Lvl 8 Concrete Factory and it does make a difference - recorded my potential upgrade costs on a few buildings before and after the last upgrade. Definite difference there.

05-29-2012, 11:26 AM
Cement factory works, not sure why you see nothing.

Infirmary is another story... In defense, generally you lose fewer units defending to begin with, not even accounting for the fact that most defensive units are usually low casualty rates. I think this s a good thing, especially for the weak who get pounded. 20% reduction is a fifth of a unit, if ya lose 2, that's not even half a unit. I'm thinking by the simple math, every ten attacks might being 2 fewer casualties if you lose 1 per attack on average. Not sure it's really worth it until every other building is upgraded, the benefit is surely felt on other boost buildings likenthe Hangar or Naval Research buildings.

05-29-2012, 12:19 PM
Thanks for the info guys, maybe I should upgrade both to level10 and then I'll see the change.