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05-29-2012, 06:20 PM
^ legit. Btw, how are ya old adversary? What level are you? I'm getting ready for a sync and you're welcome to be the beneficiary.

05-29-2012, 06:29 PM
I'm in, i'm in!!!!

#477 here. Level 95, 29 stamina, goodfella and 0 gold in this event. Just working in a factory at diferent hours (shifts is the word that i wanna mean? the online traslaters sucks)

05-29-2012, 06:41 PM
I finished 191st. No gun yet. Number 69 on the list has their gun. Must be going manually in order. Hopefully soon. Maybe tomorrow as the workday is done on the US West coast. I had only 29 stamina when the event began. now I have 36. I used 150 gold for refills. I got off to a late start (the 25th) and didn't make the first list. When I realized top level players had in excess of 100 stamina I decided to use gold in hopes of catching up. It seems not too many spent gold to win the event. I am certain the people higher on the list spent gold. If they didn't they kept their stamina from filling up. If they have 100 stamina it takes 300 minutes to refill minus 10% = 270 minutes. So every four hours they come back on stomp on ten people 10 times and off the go to live their lives. So 4 hours = 100 attacks or 1 hour = 25 attacks. Check in four times a day and you have 400 minimum attacks a day. Factor in level ups and toss in a few gold here and there and you can easily get 1600+ attacks over the four day event. I had about 2400 successful attacks. So I would assume there was gold involved with most of the top 500. I might be wrong. Any critics care to rip me apart.

05-29-2012, 06:57 PM
I finished 191st. No gun yet. Number 69 on the list has their gun. Must be going manually in order. Hopefully soon. Maybe tomorrow as the workday is done on the US West coast. I had only 29 stamina when the event began. now I have 36. I used 150 gold for refills. I got off to a late start (the 25th) and didn't make the first list. When I realized top level players had in excess of 100 stamina I decided to use gold in hopes of catching up. It seems not too many spent gold to win the event. I am certain the people higher on the list spent gold. If they didn't they kept their stamina from filling up. If they have 100 stamina it takes 300 minutes to refill minus 10% = 270 minutes. So every four hours they come back on stomp on ten people 10 times and off the go to live their lives. So 4 hours = 100 attacks or 1 hour = 25 attacks. Check in four times a day and you have 400 minimum attacks a day. Factor in level ups and toss in a few gold here and there and you can easily get 1600+ attacks over the four day event. I had about 2400 successful attacks. So I would assume there was gold involved with most of the top 500. I might be wrong. Any critics care to rip me apart.

I was 136 and don't have yet also used no gold, leveled twice for a bonus 220 stam so was the same as using 40 gold so don't think too many used gold

Munch on it
05-29-2012, 07:03 PM
Anyone got the gun yet?

And I was 40th

King of the Dudes
05-29-2012, 07:06 PM
I finished 191st. No gun yet. Number 69 on the list has their gun. Must be going manually in order. Hopefully soon. Maybe tomorrow as the workday is done on the US West coast. I had only 29 stamina when the event began. now I have 36. I used 150 gold for refills. I got off to a late start (the 25th) and didn't make the first list. When I realized top level players had in excess of 100 stamina I decided to use gold in hopes of catching up. It seems not too many spent gold to win the event. I am certain the people higher on the list spent gold. If they didn't they kept their stamina from filling up. If they have 100 stamina it takes 300 minutes to refill minus 10% = 270 minutes. So every four hours they come back on stomp on ten people 10 times and off the go to live their lives. So 4 hours = 100 attacks or 1 hour = 25 attacks. Check in four times a day and you have 400 minimum attacks a day. Factor in level ups and toss in a few gold here and there and you can easily get 1600+ attacks over the four day event. I had about 2400 successful attacks. So I would assume there was gold involved with most of the top 500. I might be wrong. Any critics care to rip me apart.

No gun for me yet and I finished 32nd, so this theory is no good...

05-29-2012, 07:18 PM
I was 136 and don't have yet also used no gold, leveled twice for a bonus 220 stam so was the same as using 40 gold so don't think too many used gold

Aren't you level 200?

King of the Dudes
05-29-2012, 07:21 PM
No gun for me yet and I finished 32nd, so this theory is no good...

Maybe alphabetically?

05-29-2012, 07:39 PM
I finished 49, no gun yet. Not complaining, just sharing info for those who care.

05-29-2012, 07:42 PM
Maybe alphabetically?

Im B and none for me yet finishing 86th

05-29-2012, 07:48 PM
So when will they credit that Rusty Black Widow? :))

05-29-2012, 07:50 PM
I goofed. I mixed up the blackout RPG and the black widow. No gun for 69 rank like previously stated. Hmmm. Where's that gun. At least they are working out the bugs so it will run better. CCMark said so himself. Patience is a virtue they say.

05-29-2012, 07:54 PM
Not holding my breath

05-29-2012, 07:57 PM
I'm a level 125 good fella! I finished 25 in the pvp event and I did buy gold :( hahaha! No fun yet! I'm more interested in the +100 attack skill anyways! The gun is just a perk!

05-29-2012, 08:13 PM
With you on 100 attack skill. Need all I can get now that the 200s can see me

05-29-2012, 08:15 PM
Nice bud! I won 100 attack skill in a crate event so this will bring me up to 321 attack ~>=D

King of the Dudes
05-29-2012, 09:07 PM
I goofed. I mixed up the blackout RPG and the black widow. No gun for 69 rank like previously stated. Hmmm. Where's that gun. At least they are working out the bugs so it will run better. CCMark said so himself. Patience is a virtue they say.

Awwww Scht!

05-29-2012, 09:13 PM
After ending my semi-camp state, and refusal to spend gold, I had to get busy and start attacking. I had know idea I even had a shot, so when I saw I was at 428, then 404 at yesterday's update, I figured I'd drop a few gold. I didn't spend much on gold, maybe 6 refills at most (for only 50 each). Which bothered me a little as I have 85 stamina and would think a refill, is a refill. Turns out I probably didn't need the refills at all as I fell asleep 4 hours before the event and jumped from 404 to 244.
This was by far my favorite event. I like the idea of being able to control my chances and I think most of you feel the same way.
Thank you Funzio for trying something new. I hope you felt the rewards were worth it and that the next event is something similiar to this one.
To you all; The big spenders will always have a better chance at success in the events, but this event rewarded a lot of non-gold spenders.

Now when is that Black Widow going to hit my inventory??? :)

+1 jobadass...exact same as you...busy all day Saturday, so dropped off the list, jumped back on the last update and bought 6 refills to guarantee...finished something like 229

Vince the Fist
05-29-2012, 09:42 PM
Sigh! Still no gun and it's already night time in Funzio land, so I guess that means we'll have to wait until tomorrow. Still, as Annie would say, it's only a day away.

Btw, if you want to know what it took to get into the top 50, I ranked 50th with 3211 fights. Cheers and well done all.

05-29-2012, 11:46 PM
I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today......

I guess someone drank too much on Monday and couldn't come to work and get us our stuff...kind of sad....and we atleast deserve a post of when it is coming...some kind of update and such...

Crazy Horse
05-29-2012, 11:47 PM
I will admit I spent some gold (20) and I probably didn't need to. Placed 130. 118 stamina helps and being an enforcer. I spent the 20 gold before the first stats were out as I missed day one and figured I had to catch up. Given the gold I have, I couldn't find another use. One crate opened? Then I'm left with 5 gold. What can I really get with that? (already have basketball courts. Go okc!) so I have no regret but for me it was pointless. You can still have a life. 5+ hr regen. Congrats everyone!!! Show me the gun!

Just wondering. Is there a limit when you do a refill? Take your case as an exampe, do you pay 10 gold for 118 stamina or do they limit it to say 50 points max.

King of the Dudes
05-29-2012, 11:49 PM
Just wondering. Is there a limit when you do a refill? Take your case as an exampe, do you pay 10 gold for 118 stamina or do they limit it to say 50 points max.

Limit to 50...

05-30-2012, 12:25 AM
So let me get this right. They've managed to release new special weapons and a whole new set of crate weapons, yet 24hrs later I still have no Black Widow? Genius

Vince the Fist
05-30-2012, 12:37 AM
Yup. And I just bought a thermal grenade to fill the black gaping void of my absent black widow. Clearly it was all part of Funzio's cunning mercantile plan all along!

05-30-2012, 02:26 AM
Thanks a lot buddy. On the numerous occasions I have been accused of being a cheater I have followed up with funzio to inquire of anything that may have happened intentionally or not to my own personal gain. Each time funzio support has confirmed that I am in fact a legitimate player and have not cheated or had any glitches in my favour throughout the entirety of my funzio gaming experience! I'm not that kind if person! Cheaters never prevail and that's why I'm doing fine! I busted my ass with those attacks throughout the entirety of the event and even spent money on gold and thats why I'm on that list! Head to toe legitimate! The insecurity with some
Of you folks is unbelievable!

More lies.

That's why myself and others have seen you discussing your latest cheats on your comments wall, not to mention your questionable inventory and stats

05-30-2012, 02:32 AM
^Check your head buddy^ I invite all players, creators, administrators and anyone else in the world who could give a damn to do a full on investigation of my account in its entirety! You won't find any dirt because I haven't cheated! Hahha! Do I sense some serious jealousy! You'll just have to do better buddy! You need a self help book or something! Clearly video games do not go well with your psyche! I feel sorry for you man!

05-30-2012, 02:38 AM
^Check your head buddy^ I invite all players, creators, administrators and anyone else in the world who could give a damn to do a full on investigation of my account in its entirety! You won't find any dirt because I haven't cheated! Hahha! Do I sense some serious jealousy! You'll just have to do better buddy! You need a self help book or something! Clearly video games do not go well with your psyche! I feel sorry for you man!

Not at all I just don't like cheaters ruining the game for others

05-30-2012, 02:45 AM
I agree with you there that's for sure. I have yet to
Come across this yet myself.

05-30-2012, 03:37 AM
Now that they have added the item in the data today, you should most probably get it in the account by today, or latest EOW.

BTW, pic has always been there, old item pic


05-30-2012, 03:40 AM
Now that they have added the item in the data today, you should most probably get it in the account by today, or latest EOW.

BTW, pic has always been there, old item pic


nice pic, thx for the heads up Jimmy

05-30-2012, 03:44 AM
id didnt get my blak widow shotgun either??!!

Max Power
05-30-2012, 04:45 AM
But the difference the guy with feet didnt work hard to get those feet, i worked hard to get the gun give me what is due. If u did a job and u werent paid when u were suposed to be paid u wouldnt be happy to, sorry if u didnt make it but u only have urself to blame

I am not blaming anyone else for me not getting it. I have 35 stamina, had a busy calendar that weekend, and that was my choice.

Completely not the point of my post at all.

You will get your gun. You will get it at the same time everyone else gets theirs. Quit crying about it. Nobody wants to see contest winners cry. It's ugly.

05-30-2012, 05:03 AM
seriosly xclusiv u r the biggest cry baby ive eva seen, u whinge about geting a prize when others out there werent as lucky as u just be hapy u got it u sook!!!

05-30-2012, 05:04 AM
pisses me of

Dr Girlfriend
05-30-2012, 05:38 AM
$200M buys a helluva Memorial Day Weekend barbecue. Hopefully they're all over their hangovers today. :)

05-30-2012, 06:42 AM
I was 479 on day 3 the i start spending 220 gold and i ended at 92 i am lvl 175 eith 62 stamina and dit about 900 fights without gold and dit about 1300 fights with gold but i thonk it was not needed but i wanted too be sure to have this item because all other events i was with all of them stuck for days at 9 !!! So this 1 is welcome hahaha

05-30-2012, 07:46 AM
Hi guys I have just registered so I can post on here I have only had crime city for a little over a month now. I believe I have managed to get 125 place on the leader board is there any way I can tell for sure this is me? I'm pretty sure I did enough attacking approx 2000 maybe more. I mean take Alex for example there are a few up there, so how can you tell who is who? Maybe they should have put the codes up there next to the names?

05-30-2012, 08:16 AM
if you have 2000 attacks then im sure its you. they haven't put the gun out to any accts yet. thats whyyou dont have it yet.

05-30-2012, 08:28 AM
if you have 2000 attacks then im sure its you. they haven't put the gun out to any accts yet. thats whyyou dont have it yet.
Thanks for the help!

05-30-2012, 08:32 AM
no problem, happy to help.

Kiss Of Death
05-30-2012, 08:39 AM
Anyone actually heard from Funzio why no one has the prize?? I'm really disapointed they set this up so badly. New owners slack or Funzio always been like this?

King of the Dudes
05-30-2012, 08:49 AM
Anyone actually heard from Funzio why no one has the prize?? I'm really disapointed they set this up so badly. New owners slack or Funzio always been like this?

I heard that the pvp tourney was created to create them some extra cash and part of their exit strategy. They came to agreement with gree that they could keep all revenues from this last event. That's why they ran events on all platforms and games ( android, iOS, cc, mw, etc). They are adding up their income and are getting ready to,turn over the keys to Gree. They are going to,let Gree fulfill the obligation and provide the prizes once they take over. Many of us may fall through the cracks and not even receive our due. That said, it is not true and I just made it up to keep you from thinking about the gun. It will come when it comes. I know, I'm not funny..

05-30-2012, 08:53 AM
I heard that the pvp tourney was created to create them some extra cash and part of their exit strategy. They came to agreement with gree that they could keep all revenues from this last event. That's why they ran events on all platforms and games ( android, iOS, cc, mw, etc). They are adding up their income and are getting ready to,turn over the keys to Gree. They are going to,let Gree fulfill the obligation and provide the prizes once they take over. Many of us may fall through the cracks and not even receive our due. That said, it is not true and I just made it up to keep you from thinking about the gun. It will come when it comes. I know, I'm not funny..

Funnier with proper grammar. Just sayin'....

King of the Dudes
05-30-2012, 09:00 AM
Funnier with proper grammar. Just sayin'....

My fingers are fat and my keyboard is small... My apologies. But I have to point out correcting my grammar using the word "sayin", is oh so ironic!

05-30-2012, 09:22 AM
ok people how about we all just take a chill pill here? im 31st and I spent gold and today is my birthday so if anybody has a reason to whine about not having the gun yet its me WAAAA WWAAAA I WANT MY GUN WAAAAA Really? its a FREE item and it seems the ones crying the most are the one that are bragging about how they didnt spend any gold to get it? ITS FREE youll get it when they give it out and it isnt like half of the people have it and half dont. wait until you have something to cry about, this aint it..... lol grammer de bamned!

Crazy Horse
05-30-2012, 09:31 AM
Happy Birthday!!! Johnny

King of the Dudes
05-30-2012, 09:32 AM
ok people how about we all just take a chill pill here? im 31st and I spent gold and today is my birthday so if anybody has a reason to whine about not having the gun yet its me WAAAA WWAAAA I WANT MY GUN WAAAAA Really? its a FREE item and it seems the ones crying the most are the one that are bragging about how they didnt spend any gold to get it? ITS FREE youll get it when they give it out and it isnt like half of the people have it and half dont. wait until you have something to cry about, this aint it..... lol grammer de bamned!

Yeah, what he said!

Crime City Mark
05-30-2012, 10:36 AM
The event prize should be going out today. I'll post when I have more information.

05-30-2012, 10:38 AM
Thanks, CCMark. I had a dream about my Black Widow Shotgun last night.

Chosen Pessimist
05-30-2012, 11:06 AM
Hooray for silencing the whiners!

05-30-2012, 11:19 AM
Hooray for silencing the whiners!

You spelt winners wrong!!!

Crazy Horse
05-30-2012, 11:43 AM
He meant the whining winners

05-30-2012, 11:45 AM
today is my birthday so if anybody has a reason to whine about not having the gun yet its me WAAAA WWAAAA I WANT MY GUN WAAAAA

Happy Birthday!

05-30-2012, 11:50 AM
Ty for the update Mark looking forward to the extra att skill

05-30-2012, 01:03 PM
We have the Olympic games here in London this summer, good job Funzio aren't organizing it, the events would be held at midnight when the umpires are at home asleep and they would post the medals two weeks after the games.

A very happy Birthday Johnny!

05-30-2012, 01:09 PM
yeah with pacific time :)))

05-30-2012, 01:31 PM
the top 500 people will be the ones that spent the most gold on refills

Not exactly, my second account was in the list as well. But using level up to refill. It is from 44 to 58 during the event, absolutely no gold player.

05-30-2012, 02:42 PM
Not exactly, my second account was in the list as well. But using level up to refill. It is from 44 to 58 during the event, absolutely no gold player.

I can vouch for that, having only had the game a little over 4 weeks, I managed to go from a lvl 30 something to a 58 during the event, riding the stamina refills all the way!

05-30-2012, 03:17 PM
We have the Olympic games here in London this summer, good job Funzio aren't organizing it, the events would be held at midnight when the umpires are at home asleep and they would post the medals two weeks after the games.
You think it's gonna be much better with the current kn0b-ends in charge.... no public transport will work and complete chaos on the roads.
Even though it pains me to say it I think funzio may actually a do a better job!

05-30-2012, 03:46 PM
CC Mark give me my gun or I ...


05-30-2012, 03:49 PM
CC Mark give me my gun or I ...

I hope you didn't stop with one attack

05-30-2012, 04:36 PM
why is everyone being so whiny?

05-30-2012, 04:37 PM
I hope you didn't stop with one attack

That would be his last one. :)

05-30-2012, 04:38 PM
why is everyone being so whiny?

What else can you do? Have some fun or keep whining :)

I think I saw ."funny" in your post instead of whiny.... Need a break :)

Vince the Fist
05-30-2012, 05:25 PM
What if Funzio starts a new PvP event for this weekend and we still don't have our Black Widows?? Just saying.

05-30-2012, 05:55 PM
What if Funzio starts a new PvP event for this weekend and we still don't have our Black Widows?? Just saying.

What if ..... your grandma had balls, she would be your grandpa.....

05-30-2012, 05:55 PM
What if Funzio starts a new PvP event for this weekend and we still don't have our Black Widows?? Just saying.
I've thought the same thing

05-30-2012, 05:56 PM
What if ..... your grandma had balls, she would be your grandpa.....
ewww...Jill. That's not nice

Vince the Fist
05-30-2012, 06:01 PM
What if ..... your grandma had balls, she would be your grandpa.....

All my grans and gramps are dead. :-(

05-30-2012, 06:04 PM
What if ..... your grandma had balls, she would be your grandpa.....

Well played, Jill. Well played.

05-30-2012, 06:17 PM
I had about 400 wins Memorial Day weekend. How come I did not make the top 500? I think there is a glitch. Can you investigate?

05-30-2012, 06:20 PM
I had about 400 wins Memorial Day weekend. How come I did not make the top 500? I think there is a glitch. Can you investigate?

That's because the people in the top 500 had thousands of wins.

Vince the Fist
05-30-2012, 06:21 PM
Well played, Jill. Well played.

I am scrolling through my rival list right now looking for both of you! Mwahahaha. :p;) Oh just found Jill!

05-30-2012, 06:25 PM
I am scrolling through my rival list right now looking for both of you! Mwahahaha. :p;) Oh just found Jill!
Find Me! Find Me!
jobadass, level 141, 500 mafia

05-30-2012, 06:27 PM
I was thinking, we probably won't get the widow until the MW event is over at 12am pst. Just a thought.

Vince the Fist
05-30-2012, 06:29 PM
Find Me! Find Me!
jobadass, level 141, 500 mafia

No can do I'm afraid. It's only showing down to level 160 at the moment but I'll keep an eye out for you! :cool: I did manage to find Chester as well though. My revenge was swift. :p

05-30-2012, 06:33 PM
No can do I'm afraid. It's only showing down to level 160 at the moment but I'll keep an eye out for you! :cool: I did manage to find Chester as well though. My revenge was swift. :p

What is your nick in the game?

05-30-2012, 06:42 PM
The event prize should be going out today. I'll post when I have more information.
Good! But it's already 6:40p.m. in your time zone. Are you going to send at midnight?

Robin Hood
05-30-2012, 06:44 PM
Have any of the last few winners confirmed the total number of wins it took to pull this off?

Anyone in the #450 to #500 range care to share?

05-30-2012, 06:49 PM
Have any of the last few winners confirmed the total number of wins it took to pull this off?

Anyone in the #450 to #500 range care to share?
+1 I've been waiting for someone to post that was in that range as well.

Thanks in advance

05-30-2012, 06:54 PM
I am scrolling through my rival list right now looking for both of you! Mwahahaha. :p;) Oh just found Jill!

Vince you have no doubt been a lurker for a very long long time as your now lvl 195 and have posted now around 20 posts on the forum. Your a big gold spender and have great stats, thank you for supporting Funzio and keeping the game alive.

My "What if" post was not meant to offend and I suppose I could have said something else like .... What if the sun don't shine or What if your left was your right or whatever.
What gets me pissed off is meanless posts ..... ahhhhh forget it, time for me to lurk

05-30-2012, 06:59 PM
Vince you have no doubt been a lurker for a very long long time as your now lvl 195 and have posted now around 20 posts on the forum. Your a big gold spender and have great stats, thank you for supporting Funzio and keeping the game alive.

My "What if" post was not meant to be offence and I suppose I could have said something else like .... What if the sun don't shine or What if your left was your right or whatever.
What gets me pissed off is meanless posts ..... ahhhhh forget it, time for me to lurk

Jill, I think you nailed your "What if?". "What if the sun don't shine" doesn't have the same effect.

05-30-2012, 07:03 PM
No can do I'm afraid. It's only showing down to level 160 at the moment but I'll keep an eye out for you! :cool: I did manage to find Chester as well though. My revenge was swift. :p
I like it when my avy is walking around, all beat up

Vince the Fist
05-30-2012, 07:07 PM
What is your nick in the game?

Vince. Level 195. Still the only Vince I've come across. LOL.

Vince the Fist
05-30-2012, 07:10 PM
My "What if" post was not meant to offend and I suppose I could have said something else like .... What if the sun don't shine or What if your left was your right or whatever.
What gets me pissed off is meanless posts ..... ahhhhh forget it, time for me to lurk

Just jokes Jill. All in fun and jest. No offence taken. Sorry you don't like meanless posts.

05-30-2012, 07:10 PM
Did come across. Remember the name. Just the fist part wasn't ringing the bell.:)

05-30-2012, 07:12 PM
Just jokes Jill. All in fun and jest. No offence taken. Sorry you don't like meanless posts.

I like meaningless posts. True story.

05-30-2012, 07:15 PM
Just jokes Jill. All in fun and jest. No offence taken. Sorry you don't like meanless posts.
Jill is good people. I've lurked round here long enough to know that. She'll appreciate the olive branch, but wait to bust your balls.
Good to meet you Vince

Vince the Fist
05-30-2012, 07:17 PM
I like meaningless posts. True story.

Chester you would qualify as a lurker too. Evryone knows us in-game so what's the difference? Yes I have been "lurking" on the forum reading amusing posts for quite a while, but two things have happened the past week to change that, one the PvP event brought me out of my shell and two it's quiet at work for a change. Not that I feel any need to justify my actions to Jill, just saying is all.

05-30-2012, 07:17 PM
Just jokes Jill. All in fun and jest. No offence taken. Sorry you don't like meanless posts.

OK then ..... :p I'm back from lurking LOL

Theres only one Jill also ..... havent seen any others.

So we are either very unique or (and I think this is more likely) we have really crap names no one else wants LOL

05-30-2012, 07:22 PM
Chester you would qualify as a lurker too. Evryone knows us in-game so what's the difference? Yes I have been "lurking" on the forum reading amusing posts for quite a while, but two things have happened the past week to change that, one the PvP event brought me out of my shell and two it's quiet at work for a change. Not that I feel any need to justify my actions to Jill, just saying is all.

Did you just call me a lurker, Vince? How DARE you!!! ;)

05-30-2012, 07:23 PM
OK then ..... :p I'm back from lurking LOL

Theres only one Jill also ..... havent seen any others.

So we are either very unique or (and I think this is more likely) we have really crap names no one else wants LOL
My 1st love was named Jill. Whatchu sayin??!!!! (insert angry face)

Vince the Fist
05-30-2012, 07:25 PM
OK then ..... :p I'm back from lurking LOL

Theres only one Jill also ..... havent seen any others.

So we are either very unique or (and I think this is more likely) we have really crap names no one else wants LOL

LOL. Yeh there is also Gill with a G but you're right, no other Jill. There are a few Vincents, but that extra syllable would tire me out. What's also amusing is that my RL name is even more crap! AND the most common and possibly infamous name in CC! I'll give you a hint it ends in an X. Glad I chose something different!

05-30-2012, 07:27 PM
LOL. Yeh there is also Gill with a G but you're right, no other Jill. There are a few Vincents, but that extra syllable would tire me out. What's also amusing is that my RL name is even more crap! AND the most common and possibly infamous name in CC! I'll give you a hint it ends in an X. Glad I chose something different!
Hey Alex. Glad to meet ya

Vince the Fist
05-30-2012, 07:27 PM
My 1st love was named Jill. Whatchu sayin??!!!! (insert angry face)

Lol. Oh-oh here we go again. Seems Jill can't help herself but to un-intentionally offend people today! :p

Vince the Fist
05-30-2012, 07:28 PM
Hey Alex. Glad to meet ya

You too buddy.

05-30-2012, 07:29 PM
We are glad also LOL

Enjoyed the banter, now back to work ..... oh and sorry Jobadass for bring back those "happy" memories LOL

05-30-2012, 08:44 PM
guys, come on!!! they should be very busy... :eek: Zzzzzz ... after some celebration.... $$$ :p еее

05-30-2012, 09:19 PM
I'm wondering the same thing. . .

My total successful attacks for the event was 800+

Believe or not, it was 800+ consecutive wins, no gold used. Just wondering.. What were the successful attacks for those of the 500 winners?

And btw, I'm not one of the winners..

05-30-2012, 09:24 PM
:confused:why some people claim to be on the list with even less than 1000 wins?

05-30-2012, 10:13 PM
Who else thinks Funzio should beef up the stats of the gun due to the delay? Seems reasonable. Maybe on a tier scale also. +50 attack & defense for top 100, +40 for 101-200, +30 for 201-300 and so on... I'm not in the top 100 but I think it's fair. Thoughts?

05-30-2012, 10:40 PM
Who else thinks Funzio should beef up the stats of the gun due to the delay? Seems reasonable. Maybe on a tier scale also. +50 attack & defense for top 100, +40 for 101-200, +30 for 201-300 and so on... I'm not in the top 100 but I think it's fair. Thoughts?

be happy you got it and dont make things more complicated from the way it is now.

05-30-2012, 10:51 PM
no sign of the gun yet??

05-30-2012, 11:00 PM
Who else thinks Funzio should beef up the stats of the gun due to the delay? Seems reasonable. Maybe on a tier scale also. +50 attack & defense for top 100, +40 for 101-200, +30 for 201-300 and so on... I'm not in the top 100 but I think it's fair. Thoughts?
lol heres a thought who thinks funzio should crawl all the threads and lower the stats 100/100 to anyone who complained about not getting the instant gratification of recieving a free item that was never promised at the end of the event but were told it would be awarded by the end of the week? but seriously it would have been cool if they would have had staggered stats they probably would have made more money from people competeing for position and it would have cost people more money to get in the top 500 hey do you work for funzio and are laying the ground work to make the next event like this cost us more? Just kidding man Im kinda bored and felt like getting my post count up...

05-30-2012, 11:51 PM
tomorrow never dies !!!

05-31-2012, 12:07 AM
tomorrow never dies !!!
no tomorrow never comes, I mean you go to bed and when you get up in the morning do you look out the window and say "my what a fine day it is tomorrow?" nope. but hey this too shall pass.

05-31-2012, 12:19 AM
I came in the top 15 and I can tell you that, I have absolutely no idea how many I did just that I was at it like a rabbit.

05-31-2012, 12:31 AM
I came in the top 15 and I can tell you that, I have absolutely no idea how many I did just that I was at it like a rabbit.

You mean eating carrots was the the key to your success???? LOL

Congrats on such a high position.

05-31-2012, 12:55 AM
Ok I just got to 78/80 wins for championship objective, then got beat by a guy with nearly 1500 less defence than my attack. Bearing in mind I had just attacked him and won 8 times in a row. Can anyone shed any light on this for me? Got to start from 0 again now

05-31-2012, 01:10 AM
Ok I just got to 78/80 wins for championship objective, then got beat by a guy with nearly 1500 less defence than my attack. Bearing in mind I had just attacked him and won 8 times in a row. Can anyone shed any light on this for me? Got to start from 0 again now

it takes into consideration a random factor. 1500 def is not a big difference.

just a tip for you when doing Championship. patience is key and selecting the right opponent with significantly lower def than your att plays a big part to completing it.

05-31-2012, 01:18 AM
it takes into consideration a random factor. 1500 def is not a big difference.

just a tip for you when doing Championship. patience is key and selcting the right opponent with significantly lower def than your att plays a big part to completing it.

Thanks for the advice

05-31-2012, 04:58 AM
Lupo is the real deal. True story.
Wow....what a leftfield post.True story.

05-31-2012, 06:54 AM
The event prize should be going out today. I'll post when I have more information.

CCM, possible update when you can?

05-31-2012, 09:32 AM
I tried counting at first but kept loosing track, it would have been nice if Funzio did tell us the number of hits, but I do not mind really.

05-31-2012, 09:33 AM
You mean eating carrots was the the key to your success???? LOL

Congrats on such a high position.

Thank you for that.

05-31-2012, 09:45 AM
That's bs I spent no gold at all and made it- **** 459 but I made it.... I only have a stamina of 34 I just never let it fill up - u forta remember everyones stamina comes back the same unless you've upgraded yourself or u spend gold. So it actually comes down to dedication. Don't let your stamina fill up and sit there full u have the same chance with someone who has 100 stamina as long as u keep yours from sitting full - but your right about spending gold can't do much about that but proofs in the pudding there's other strategies to be successful. ? Is how bad do u want it 💎

05-31-2012, 09:49 AM
That's bs I spent no gold at all and made it- **** 459 but I made it.... I only have a stamina of 34 I just never let it fill up - u forta remember everyones stamina comes back the same unless you've upgraded yourself or u spend gold. So it actually comes down to dedication. Don't let your stamina fill up and sit there full u have the same chance with someone who has 100 stamina as long as u keep yours from sitting full - but your right about spending gold can't do much about that but proofs in the pudding there's other strategies to be successful. ? Is how bad do u want it 💎
Mind sharing how many fights you won at 459?

05-31-2012, 10:37 AM
I tried counting at first but kept loosing track, it would have been nice if Funzio did tell us the number of hits, but I do not mind really.

Would be nice if Funzio gave us the weapon :mad:

05-31-2012, 10:44 AM
Yeah... Whats up with Funzio and giving us our prizes? Kinda takes the gas outta winning waiting this long I finished 113 played everyday and stayed up late working on this one. Im itching for my prize Funzio!!! :)

05-31-2012, 10:57 AM
The event prize should be going out today. I'll post when I have more information.

Since it clearly didn't, wouldn't an updated ETA be appropriate??

This is really poorly orchestrated and a complete fulfillment failure, makes me seriously wonder if I'm going to waste my time and money with future events.

BTW, I'm not whining, I'm responding negatively to multiple failed promises of funzio. So please don't start with me.

Congrats to all the other winners! Hope we get our promised prize soon.

05-31-2012, 11:02 AM
Since it clearly didn't, wouldn't an updated ETA be appropriate??

This is really poorly orchestrated and a complete fulfillment failure, makes me seriously wonder if I'm going to waste my time and money with future events.

BTW, I'm not whining, I'm responding negatively to multiple failed promises of funzio. So please don't start with me.

Congrats to all the other winners! Hope we get our promised prize soon.

I'm with you. In my business (sales) it's a huge negative to "over" promise and "under" deliver.

05-31-2012, 11:13 AM
The event prize should be going out today. I'll post when I have more information.

hello Crime City Mark, any further information? we would appreciate that.
for me the problem is not exactly the prize, but this lack of response. thanks!

fellow players, we are not whining, we are just asking for some consistent information.
if someone is not interested on that, why still reading and posting in this thread?

05-31-2012, 11:24 AM
Would be nice to get a "kill count" with the leaderboard to see what it took to get into the top 500. I think as many people are interested in that as they are prize fulfillment.

05-31-2012, 11:38 AM
Mind sharing how many fights you won at 459?

#477 here. Not sure about numbers of fights, maybe >1500 or 1700. Level 95 goodfella, 29 stamina and no gold.

05-31-2012, 11:45 AM
The event prize should be going out today. I'll post when I have more information.It's not that I'm whining, but you are giving wrong information. It's bad for the company's image.

05-31-2012, 11:57 AM
#477 here. Not sure about numbers of fights, maybe >1500 or 1700. Level 95 goodfella, 29 stamina and no gold.
Thanks, I had around 1370 so still not sure if I made it. Looks doubtful with your totals.

Robin Hood
05-31-2012, 12:39 PM
#477 here. Not sure about numbers of fights, maybe >1500 or 1700. Level 95 goodfella, 29 stamina and no gold.

+1 Thanks Khayman.

This is infinitely more informative and useful than most of the posts in this thread. Based on what I've been reading, I had guessed the cut-off would be somewhere upwards of 1500.

Assuming 1500, with only 20 stamina, no goodfella and no gold, I would have had to check in every hour for almost 19 hours per day to qualify. That's a lot more effort and dedication than I was willing to put in over the holiday weekend or ever for that matter.

Sincere congrats to those who grinded it out, hope you all get your gun at some point. I've been waiting on my KA hardened shotgun for 5 weeks now so I wouldn't hold your breath ...

05-31-2012, 12:55 PM
Possible updates from Funzio that would be more useful info than what we are currently getting:

* There was a supply chain issue in China that has delayed the manufacturing of the Black Widow. The trigger mechanism is currently on back-order from a secondary supplier who was affected by a mudslide.

* Gree management misunderstood the event and actually thought that the prize was actual guns being produced and shipped to the winners........We didn't catch it until they were putting postage on the boxes.

* We are too busy producing reports of how much gold was purchased on the Black Widow event

*We have a bet on which forum member completely loses their mind first over not getting the Black Widow

i need muney
05-31-2012, 01:22 PM
This is so lame, like whatever.

G Wiz
05-31-2012, 01:34 PM
Possible updates from Funzio that would be more useful info than what we are currently getting:

* There was a supply chain issue in China that has delayed the manufacturing of the Black Widow. The trigger mechanism is currently on back-order from a secondary supplier who was affected by a mudslide.

* Gree management misunderstood the event and actually thought that the prize was actual guns being produced and shipped to the winners........We didn't catch it until they were putting postage on the boxes.

* We are too busy producing reports of how much gold was purchased on the Black Widow event

*We have a bet on which forum member completely loses their mind first over not getting the Black Widowlol @ producing real guns

Vince the Fist
05-31-2012, 02:54 PM
This is so lame, like whatever.

+1. Who plans a competition with prizes and doesn't work out in advance how to distribute the prizes? Major fail for planning and logistics. I'm sure that's not what they teach you in business at Harvard. Screw being patient. I live in the age of instant gratification. Apple and Google made me. If the comp ends at 12:00am I want my prize at 12:01am.

05-31-2012, 02:58 PM
[QUOTE=Jill;251126]You mean eating carrots was the the key to your success???? LOL

Jill I have been coming to the forum for a long time but never felt the need to sign up or post until I saw your comments. I just had to say, you are one funny lady!!!!!!!! And I am coming back just to read your posts.

Keep them coming!

Vince the Fist
05-31-2012, 03:07 PM
[QUOTE=Jill;251126]You mean eating carrots was the the key to your success???? LOL

Jill I have been coming to the forum for a long time but never felt the need to sign up or post until I saw your comments. I just had to say, you are one funny lady!!!!!!!! And I am coming back just to read your posts.

Keep them coming!

Jill has a knack at drawing out the lurkers!

05-31-2012, 03:38 PM
+1 Thanks Khayman.

This is infinitely more informative and useful than most of the posts in this thread. Based on what I've been reading, I had guessed the cut-off would be somewhere upwards of 1500.

Assuming 1500, with only 20 stamina, no goodfella and no gold, I would have had to check in every hour for almost 19 hours per day to qualify. That's a lot more effort and dedication than I was willing to put in over the holiday weekend or ever for that matter.

Sincere congrats to those who grinded it out, hope you all get your gun at some point. I've been waiting on my KA hardened shotgun for 5 weeks now so I wouldn't hold your breath ...

What??? You mean this has happened before? Sheeesh, I have only been playing for a month and I'm already considering finding a new game...........where its not filled with empty promises for guns that you work your but off for and are not going to recieve. Prizes should be going out today il post when I know more........ Yeah right!!!!!

05-31-2012, 03:46 PM
Either give me the prize I earned or refund the money spent during the contest.

The silence and continued non completion speaks volumes to me, I seriously hope you ALL see it as well!!!!!

The thread detractions and derailers continue but yet the issue is not resolved. Think about it ... 500 of the top players have been f'ed over, lied to and ignored ......... Pretty freaking dumb in my opinion.

05-31-2012, 03:52 PM
at least they catching up on support tickets. just got 3 answered and/or solved today. dont know why but im still patient. maybe too long experience with funzio and their habbits

05-31-2012, 03:56 PM
If I can wait 8 days to save up for an upgrade I can easily wait that long for some dumb gun that puts my stats up .75%

Fig Oni
05-31-2012, 04:01 PM
If I can wait 8 days to save up for an upgrade I can easily wait that long for some dumb gun that puts my stats up .0075%

I just received my hardened shotgun after months of wait, am I happy, I am so happy.

I'll be just as happy the day I get the widow but in no rush to receive as yet.

Should be event day later tonight, I think.

05-31-2012, 04:05 PM
I just started a KA event so if I'm on every hour anyway might as well be for 2 games. I'm curious to see what the new boost will be in a how far will they go kind of way.

Also the KA reset and automatic open prices are 20 gems think it will be 20 gold in CC from now on?

05-31-2012, 04:08 PM
just what i thought when i see the price increase :( but im not going to open with gold on the "old" events anyway. seen just too many freeskates with like 5+ event items during the widow fights

05-31-2012, 04:09 PM
I just started a KA event so if I'm on every hour anyway might as well be for 2 games. I'm curious to see what the new boost will be in a how far will they go kind of way.

Also the KA reset and automatic open prices are 20 gems think it will be 20 gold in CC from now on?

Great now it's gonna be 20 gold. I don't use gold, but even a non gold user can see that this is ridiculous.

05-31-2012, 04:16 PM
Well in beta it was 10 for the open 5 for the reset. The sig event had 10 and 10. Then MW did it's first event and it was 15 and 15 which carried over to CC and you know what they say about history repeating itself.

05-31-2012, 04:18 PM
Well in beta it was 10 for the open 5 for the reset. The sig event had 10 and 10. Then MW did it's first event and it was 15 and 15 which carried over to CC and you know what they say about history repeating itself.

So World War 3 is gonna happen eventually?

05-31-2012, 04:25 PM
So World War 3 is gonna happen eventually?

Unless you learn from history right? I think that's how it goes

05-31-2012, 04:26 PM
Unless you learn from history right? I think that's how it goes

Well I hope they learn from history. We don't need more bloodshed in this world. When's the peace gonna come. The only place for violence is in the world of video games.

Whyte Realdeal
05-31-2012, 04:31 PM
I agree that funzio has went crazy with the way that they are bleeding the members. Don't get me worng the game should only get better with the support of those that spend money. But I really do not see a lot of improvements (same missions, old under valued pve weapons, and pvp weapons, tired buildings and defense buildings whom ratio after bought is mere a waste of time to upgrade).I spent money on gold items only to see them depreciate in value and cost more and more. I think there needs to be a balance within the game where the people that spend and the people that dont can have an opportunity to be strong(not as strong), after all what's the sense of building up your economy if you cant protect it with money items. Oh yeah it's so the people that have money items can rob it and feel good about what they spent. A nice balance would be for players economy to mean something again, like when we first started. Tier the weapons in pve/pvp like they do in the events. Higher level players are loosing interest in the game and something needs to be done. I think you guys at funzio are at the fork in the road. This event shows just how unprepared and allof you are from the players, let alone the game. If I buy gold today can I pay you in like 5 days?

05-31-2012, 04:34 PM
The only defense I have of my economy is collecting on time. I wish I could be like the coolkids in the shark pool put it would be fiscally irresponsible.

05-31-2012, 04:36 PM
I agree that funzio has went crazy with the way that they are bleeding the members. Don't get me worng the game should only get better with the support of those that spend money. But I really do not see a lot of improvements (same missions, old under valued pve weapons, and pvp weapons, tired buildings and defense buildings whom ratio after bought is mere a waste of time to upgrade).I spent money on gold items only to see them depreciate in value and cost more and more. I think there needs to be a balance within the game where the people that spend and the people that dont can have an opportunity to be strong(not as strong), after all what's the sense of building up your economy if you cant protect it with money items. Oh yeah it's so the people that have money items can rob it and feel good about what they spent. A nice balance would be for players economy to mean something again, like when we first started. Tier the weapons in pve/pvp like they do in the events. Higher level players are loosing interest in the game and something needs to be done. I think you guys at funzio are at the fork in the road. This event shows just how unprepared and allof you are from the players, let alone the game. If I buy gold today can I pay you in like 5 days?

This was a very interesting though. Hopefully CCMark or someone else at Funzio will read it.

Chosen Pessimist
05-31-2012, 04:38 PM
I hope they don't read it too soon. Subtracts from "efforts" in getting 500 people a purdy shotgun lol

05-31-2012, 04:39 PM
I wonder if all the whining about this event will discourage funzio from having another one.

I'm just typing out loud and not talking about anyone in particular, so no need to reply.

05-31-2012, 04:43 PM
I would think the first time they do it will be the hardest so maybe they're not thinking about this event but also making it easier for them in future ones. It makes sense how hard would it be to give 500 players a weapon the trick is finding a way to do it more efficiently.

05-31-2012, 04:51 PM
This was a very interesting though. Hopefully CCMark or someone else at Funzio will read it.

Yeah and most probably, or at least maybe, infact no definatly just ignore us......again

05-31-2012, 04:52 PM
Yeah and most probably, or at least maybe, infact no definatly just ignore us......again

Such a shame isn't it?

05-31-2012, 04:54 PM
500 people, some will roll over, some will play dead and some will act.

To think a company whose mission is to make money, will not hold events to make more money because people are holding them accountable is asinine. Just typing out loud for those who may need a reality check.

So now, I'm reaching out to Anil Dharni. I don't roll over, nor play dead. If I don't get a resolution there, well then I'll just have to escalate it further. I mean this is real money and there are real ramifications for lies and misrepresentations in this world.

05-31-2012, 04:56 PM
All I can say is that it's gotten worse since Gree took over. Don't EVER buy anything that Gree is involved with. EVER

05-31-2012, 04:58 PM
All I can say is that it's gotten worse since Gree took over. Don't EVER buy anything that Gree is involved with. EVER

That is true. Ever since GREE took over, CCMark and LFizzle have barely been communicating with us.

Whyte Realdeal
05-31-2012, 05:00 PM
All I can say is that it's gotten worse since Gree took over. Don't EVER buy anything that Gree is involved with. EVER

We all knew somebody would have to pay for the 200 million dollar baby!

Whyte Realdeal
05-31-2012, 05:05 PM
The only defense I have of my economy is collecting on time. I wish I could be like the coolkids in the shark pool put it would be fiscally irresponsible.
Lol The cool kids was a nice representation of them. I guess because some are bullies and prey on others so I could see why they would be referred to as that.

05-31-2012, 05:23 PM
Such a shame isn't it?

Why start a competition like this, tell everyone that be in the top 500 at the end of the weekend and you will win said prize and then not uphold there end of the deal. It does say at the end of the weekend after all. Imagine if when the Olympic games start here the organisers didn't give out any medals and then just ignored everyone for days afterwards. I never post things like this anywhere. Damn you funzio for making me. Lol.

No seriously now, where is my gun please?

05-31-2012, 05:56 PM
I'm starting to think we have all been royaly ripped off! There hasn't even been any false hope put out there by administration to settle the masses! Seriously, even a lie let along the actual prize would give us something to bobble around in our heads!

05-31-2012, 05:59 PM
Since this discussion has expanded beyond the 500 event, I need to come out of lurking. Most of the things that make me unhappy about Funzio have been well said by others, but I like the game more than ever. I have evolved in the game from being angry every time I got robbed to having a sense of humor about it and understanding how small wins and losses are part of the ebb and flow of the game. For a super competitive person, this has been fun and healthy. I am a gold buyer, but I try to do so intelligently, and I understand that for me it is part of the price of entertainment, just like being at a blackjack table. Despite my investment, and the holding effect of that should not be underestimated, I am increasingly turned off by the sense that Funzio is exploiting all of us, and more blatantly than ever. Not paying us on the 500 event is simply incompetent at best and cynically rude at worst. However, if they roll out a new crate event before paying off this one, and they do so at a higher opening price, I will be near the end of my tolerance. I don't mind being exploited a little but they are getting to blatant about it. I may just have enough discipline to walk away from my investment, because I am tired of being a sucker. At a minimum they should try to make us feel good about what we are paying them, and what the non gold players instinctively recognize as being inherently stupid. BTW I play MW without gold just to experience the difference, and it is not as much fun. Sorry to have rambled so much

05-31-2012, 05:59 PM
Patience is a virtue.

05-31-2012, 06:14 PM
Patience is a virtue.
It is indeed. And as I've read this thread in its entirety, for the most part the players have been virtuous. It's the entity we are dealing who is not showing not only virtues, but bordering on breach of an implied contract.

05-31-2012, 06:42 PM
guys, only try to realize the truth: there is no Black Widow Shotgun

05-31-2012, 06:43 PM
It's not a contract issue - it's just blatant disregard for their customers, and that is worse. If CCM got on here and spent 30 seconds telling us they had technical issues, I would be fine with it

05-31-2012, 06:52 PM
Why not asking for a refund!!! Or maybe I will call my credit card company and cancel all transactions I had buying gold for that event, basically I paid for something I did not get as promised.

05-31-2012, 06:54 PM
One thing is sure, I will never ever buy Gold from this company. If in 24 hrs I won't get the weapon I will call the credit card and ask for advice regarding all transactions made in that period (event).

05-31-2012, 07:12 PM
at least they catching up on support tickets. just got 3 answered and/or solved today. dont know why but im still patient. maybe too long experience with funzio and their habbits

Same here. 3 tickets answered 1 successfully.

I'm keeping my cool. :)

05-31-2012, 07:14 PM
guys, only try to realize the truth: there is no Black Widow Shotgun

I just knew i had to be in the matrix, this cant be reality.

05-31-2012, 07:19 PM
I just started a KA event so if I'm on every hour anyway might as well be for 2 games. I'm curious to see what the new boost will be in a how far will they go kind of way.

Also the KA reset and automatic open prices are 20 gems think it will be 20 gold in CC from now on?

Ok that is it. If they will raise opens resets to 20 ( and even consider to touch that stamina ) I'm done spending. Period. They can have it. For free. It is just killing a game for me.

05-31-2012, 08:16 PM
I just started a KA event so if I'm on every hour anyway might as well be for 2 games. I'm curious to see what the new boost will be in a how far will they go kind of way.

Also the KA reset and automatic open prices are 20 gems think it will be 20 gold in CC from now on?

I'd guess gold prices will rise just due to market fundamentals... If people are still buying gold as they raise prices, they can afford to lose a few customers. They'll keep raising gold prices until the net effect is negative to their income. If everyone acted in unison and stopped buying gold, the prices would fall to entice us. Obviously we're not gonna act in unison because we are all in competition and there will always be new suckers to buy gold.

05-31-2012, 09:07 PM
i remember first event was 10gold to open and 10 reset

05-31-2012, 09:11 PM
i remember first event was 10gold to open and 10 reset

Diamond Sig..... Those were good times :)

05-31-2012, 10:02 PM
Diamond Sig..... Those were good times :)

Plus the 5 diamond item is also a "diamond" item. That's the only event that shows some dedicated game design. After that just random names/stat/pictures, and "Hey, give me your money"

05-31-2012, 11:20 PM
Why not asking for a refund!!! Or maybe I will call my credit card company and cancel all transactions I had buying gold for that event, basically I paid for something I did not get as promised.

Exactly right!...unfortunately I buy i-tunes vouchers for cash so I,m stuffed

Funzio should buy a book entitled 'How to win friends and influence people' instead of the one
they're reading now:
'How to lose all credibility and the respect of your top 500 customers in less than one week'

06-01-2012, 02:28 AM
Exactly right!...unfortunately I buy i-tunes vouchers for cash so I,m stuffed

Funzio should buy a book entitled 'How to win friends and influence people' instead of the one
they're reading now:
'How to lose all credibility and the respect of your top 500 customers in less than one week'

Amen brotha' not even a white lie let alone a simple explanation thrown together! Oh ya! I remember now! It was a prize that they had said would be given to us! Haha and I had already thought I was looking for another lie! Oh well, who cares about being integral when the other guys money is already in your pocket! At least my real life drug dealers and crime affiliates maintain their integrity! That way nobody has to worry about anyone else screwing each other over with some silly gun! Hahaha! I say most of this in jest and just us another example! I'm not too choked up about not receiving my prize, I'm sure it'll happen! The bothersome part is that integrity is severely lacking in funzio taking the smallest bit of time to arrange a simple explanation; most unadmirable indeed! Let's not either end of the issue get too upset about the whole thing though!

Kiss Of Death
06-01-2012, 04:06 AM
Exactly right!...unfortunately I buy i-tunes vouchers for cash so I,m stuffed

Funzio should buy a book entitled 'How to win friends and influence people' instead of the one
they're reading now:
'How to lose all credibility and the respect of your top 500 customers in less than one week'

I got $93 refunded by iTunes from funzio over the gold sniper rifle that gave 40% extra respect... I had 9 prices after only 48 hours and 28 opened cases. I then used gold for the next 4 days and in the last hour reset timer as well.. I had expected to win earlier because 9 piece in 28 cases showed good odds and so investing money seems fine... I used gold to open in excess of 80 more cases after the ninth piece was found and never won. I wrote complaints asking for an explanation of the competition and it's misleading odds. No replies for over a week until I forwarded a copy of the letter I sent to iTunes advising my intent to reverse my credit card transactions and advising iTunes I am sorry they will be hit and told th why, an that funzio failed to respond to my complaints. Low and behold iTunes advised they will refund the 4 gold purchases and that funzio are not informed who the reversals are for so I don't have to worry about a reaction from them. Amazing... Send the copy to funzio of my initial complaint to iTunes and in 2 hours I had an appology for
My inconvenience, a 'gift' of 224 gold out of the 1110 I used for my inconvenience and an explanation that each piece gets harder to find but tenth piece is not less than zero percent... Dumb answer. So I replied to iTunes saying I was unsatisfied with Funzio's response and 4 days later my iTunes account had the 93 dollars back in it.

If those of us who invested in gold to Play this and MW comp all email iTunes complaints asking for our money back, you'll get it and funzio will get a nasty kick on next weeks iTunes

Dr Girlfriend
06-01-2012, 04:17 AM
I'm starting to wonder if the delay on the next "opening" event is because they want to pay out the pvp gun before they start the next one. If that's the case, I'm sure they're working diligently to resolve it.

06-01-2012, 05:31 AM
It wil come just be patient everybody

06-01-2012, 05:39 AM
It wil come just be patient everybody

I say that all the time, but if she's too physically tired to keep going she still complains that it's taking too long.

06-01-2012, 05:45 AM
I own my own small business. Honestly, if I made my customers wait for their orders an additional 5 days I wouldn't have customers any longer. They'd start reversing charges, let alone the possibility of never returning.

This is the message I received when I inquired as to delivery of item.

M, May 31 11:43 (PDT):

Thanks for contacting us. You can find the top 500 combatants listed in the link below, and the prizes are going out automatically:

06-01-2012, 06:18 AM
I own my own small business. Honestly, if I made my customers wait for their orders an additional 5 days I wouldn't have customers any longer. They'd start reversing charges, let alone the possibility of never returning.

This is the message I received when I inquired as to delivery of item.

M, May 31 11:43 (PDT):

Thanks for contacting us. You can find the top 500 combatants listed in the link below, and the prizes are going out automatically:

Am I reading that correctly, that you got that email a mere six-and-a-half hours ago?

If the prizes go out automatically then maybe xclusiv was right. We all need to send in a ticket because, big surprise here, the game is broken and no one who was supposed to automatically get their prize has seen anything about it.

Did you reply to that email?

06-01-2012, 06:27 AM
@ dudeman,

Yes, checked my messages today and it's what they sent. Yes, I did send a reply.

06-01-2012, 06:28 AM
The point here is not the gun, the added attack, nor the time and money obviously wasted by players. It's the fact that the company didn't fulfill, lied about it and then completely ditched when asked.

Who the f cares about the gun? All I care about is all the other ways these liars and cheats will continue to f it's best and most active. It's corporate suicide to f over your base with such lies and avoidance.

Btw how much gold will it cost me to silence the shills and detractors who continue to spread sunshine and lollipops to divert the conversation?

Dr BoneCrusher
06-01-2012, 06:38 AM
The point here is not the gun, the added attack, nor the time and money obviously wasted by players. It's the fact that the company didn't fulfill, lied about it and then completely ditched when asked.

Who the f cares about the gun? All I care about is all the other ways these liars and cheats will continue to f it's best and most active. It's corporate suicide to f over your base with such lies and avoidance.

Btw how much gold will it cost me to silence the shills and detractors who continue to spread sunshine and lollipops to divert the conversation?


CCMark Why Would Funzio Piss Your Most Ative Players Off?

Strawberry Cough
06-01-2012, 07:32 AM

CCMark Why Would Funzio Piss Your Most Ative Players Off?

exactly. I understand if they are having some "technical" issues or whatever. Stuff happens. At least let us know what is going on. Most of us are reasonable people. We just don't like being kept in the dark about everything.

Kiss Of Death
06-01-2012, 07:39 AM
I own my own small business. Honestly, if I made my customers wait for their orders an additional 5 days I wouldn't have customers any longer. They'd start reversing charges, let alone the possibility of never returning.

This is the message I received when I inquired as to delivery of item.

M, May 31 11:43 (PDT):

Thanks for contacting us. You can find the top 500 combatants listed in the link below, and the prizes are going out automatically:

I lodged with Itunes for a refund today outlining the issue and several links within this forum. See if that triggers anything, but if a few more log on itunes and register a refund request of complaint mentionig Funzio and the game perhaps iTunes can give Funzio a rocket up the **** on this and let them know they face a reasonable financial loss over it. I am a banking and finance manager and if I stuffed someone around with thier property settlements, share sales/purchases etc for even a day I get losses on my margins for it. This is NOT how to conduct business Funzio. I am extremely disappointed by thier failure to tackle this issue publicly despite numerous tickets sent and forum comments being made. It's like they don't give an f. I have not had any response to two tickets about this and other issues now for a week. I'm amazed you got even that rubbish as a response... perhaps I'll get the same in another week.

06-01-2012, 07:52 AM
I lodged with Itunes for a refund today outlining the issue and several links within this forum. See if that triggers anything, but if a few more log on itunes and register a refund request of complaint mentionig Funzio and the game perhaps iTunes can give Funzio a rocket up the **** on this and let them know they face a reasonable financial loss over it. I am a banking and finance manager and if I stuffed someone around with thier property settlements, share sales/purchases etc for even a day I get losses on my margins for it. This is NOT how to conduct business Funzio. I am extremely disappointed by thier failure to tackle this issue publicly despite numerous tickets sent and forum comments being made. It's like they don't give an f. I have not had any response to two tickets about this and other issues now for a week. I'm amazed you got even that rubbish as a response... perhaps I'll get the same in another week.

I guess Funzio should keep in mind that they are dealing mostly with grown up customers in here. To treat us like mushrooms is not the best way to do (and I don't really care mush about that gun, as for principle). Kudos to your iTunes endevour.

06-01-2012, 08:25 AM
To not have the prize we earned by the following weekend is concerning, especially after the change in ownership.

Fig Oni
06-01-2012, 08:29 AM
We're getting information that hopefully will be posted throughout the duration of the event. We will also have real leaderboards in the near future.

Can you close this thread I can't stand seeing this at the top of ever page in the general section.
We know who has won so what other use is it still having it around.

06-01-2012, 08:38 AM
Can you close this thread I can't stand seeing this at the top of ever page in the general section.
We know who has won so what other use is it still having it around.

They shouldn't close this until the prize is awarded.

Fig Oni
06-01-2012, 08:56 AM
They shouldn't close this until the prize is awarded.

What is Ghost doing in your eye?

I think they are too professional to play people around over a pixel gun.
For reason unbeknown to us there is a huge delay as it has to be coded into the server without causing any glitches.

06-01-2012, 09:27 AM
What is Ghost doing in your eye?

I think they are too professional to play people around over a pixel gun.
For reason unbeknown to us there is a huge delay as it has to be coded into the server without causing any glitches.

I wouldn't care if it took 2 weeks to get in my inventory. This is real life, **** happens, and not everything works in the way you expect.

...... thats why a lot of companies hire a customer facing representative to 'manage expectations' so that customers know what to expect and when.

People don't like surprises.

And, quite honestly from a multi million dollar company and on behalf of quite a number of people who have paid money, I would have expected a little bit more than a post saying it will be 'delivered today' two days ago and silence.

I appreciate that people are busy, overworked and undergoing the stresses of a take over, but it takes about thirty seconds to say:

'there's been a bit of a screw up on the server implementation, we may have it ready today, but it may take up to Wednesday next week.'

Crime City Mark
06-01-2012, 11:00 AM
It turns out there's a bit of an issue with the way the prize works, and our engineers have been ironing things out on this end. Unfortunately that means I no longer have an ETA for when the prizes will ship.

06-01-2012, 11:01 AM
ColdMaffffiaBarronessss can get you gunz :)

On topic, I haven't complained about the lack of gun, and don't intend to - when it comes it comes.

What I will complain about, from a professional perspective, is the poor customer relations on show here.

All it takes is a little communication, and then people don't feel like they are being treated with contempt.

I like to be supportive of Funzio wherever posssible, you've given me a great game to play, and a website that never fails to make me laugh - but by Christ do you make it hard to fight your corner sometimes.

Treat your customers with more respect, it simply makes good business sense.

That's all.

06-01-2012, 11:07 AM
It turns out there's a bit of an issue with the way the prize works, and our engineers have been ironing things out on this end. Unfortunately that means I no longer have an ETA for when the prizes will ship.


10 characters.

06-01-2012, 11:09 AM
It turns out there's a bit of an issue with the way the prize works, and our engineers have been ironing things out on this end. Unfortunately that means I no longer have an ETA for when the prizes will ship.

Out of curiosity, how is the Black Widow shotgun supposed to be any different than the Bank Buster in terms of "how it works"? They are exactly the same other than a picture and a few different numbers aren't they?

Someone already created a formula for an item that provides +100 Attack Skill, why can't the engineers reuse that? They reuse all sorts of other things like item pictures, again, what's the difference?

I know the gun will come eventually... But this "reason" sounds more like some BS that someone came up with in an attempt to reduce the number of support tickets rolling in.

06-01-2012, 11:11 AM
Out of curiosity, how is the Black Widow shotgun supposed to be any different than the Bank Buster in terms of "how it works"? They are exactly the same other than a picture and a few different numbers aren't they?

Someone already created a formula for an item that provides +100 Attack Skill, why can't the engineers reuse that? They reuse all sorts of other things like item pictures, again, what's the difference.

I know the gun will come eventually... But this "reason" sounds more like some BS that someone came up with in an attempt to stop support tickets from rolling in.

My thoughts exactly. It is the same exact anwser he gave on the MW board.

Dr BoneCrusher
06-01-2012, 11:12 AM
Out of curiosity, how is the Black Widow shotgun supposed to be any different than the Bank Buster in terms of "how it works"? They are exactly the same other than a picture and a few different numbers aren't they?

Someone already created a formula for an item that provides +100 Attack Skill, why can't the engineers reuse that? They reuse all sorts of other things like item pictures, again, what's the difference?

I know the gun will come eventually... But this "reason" sounds more like some BS that someone came up with in an attempt to reduce the number of support tickets rolling in.


Just said the same thing In another thread

06-01-2012, 11:14 AM

Horse hockey! Create a gun as a product and send the link to buy to only the winners. Easy answer no bs, nor tech issue. The fact that you have been MIA for days doesn't help your excuse either, find away around to solve not give more left handed and useless answers.

06-01-2012, 11:17 AM
Out of curiosity, how is the Black Widow shotgun supposed to be any different than the Bank Buster in terms of "how it works"? They are exactly the same other than a picture and a few different numbers aren't they?

Someone already created a formula for an item that provides +100 Attack Skill, why can't the engineers reuse that? They reuse all sorts of other things like item pictures, again, what's the difference?

I know the gun will come eventually... But this "reason" sounds more like some BS that someone came up with in an attempt to reduce the number of support tickets rolling in.

To be fair, if they could give the top 500 people a weapon that costs 0 real life cash for the company, why would they not just give it if they could? And if they can't, why lie about why?

I suspect that the issue is, that the boost weapons are 'special cases', the effects are not handled by the same code as handles everyone other weapon, via entries in an XML file. I find it perfectly reasonable, that it was assumed that an additional item can simply be added to this special handling, only to realise that it doesn't quite work properly because of the way the original boost was implemented.

Miss Jasmine
06-01-2012, 11:23 AM
It turns out there's a bit of an issue with the way the prize works, and our engineers have been ironing things out on this end. Unfortunately that means I no longer have an ETA for when the prizes will ship.

I'm just curious to know if "ironing" out the way it works in any way means messing with the stats it gives or the additional +100 Attack Skill bonus it offers.

Gaming Will
06-01-2012, 11:24 AM
It turns out there's a bit of an issue with the way the prize works, and our engineers have been ironing things out on this end. Unfortunately that means I no longer have an ETA for when the prizes will ship.

Thank you for a reply.

06-01-2012, 11:26 AM
To be fair, if they could give the top 500 people a weapon that costs 0 real life cash for the company, why would they not just give it if they could? And if they can't, why lie about why?

I suspect that the issue is, that the boost weapons are 'special cases', the effects are not handled by the same code as handles everyone other weapon, via entries in an XML file. I find it perfectly reasonable, that it was assumed that an additional item can simply be added to this special handling, only to realise that it doesn't quite work properly because of the way the original boost was implemented.

Ramshutu, you obviously know more about programming than I do! That being said, couldn't one copy the entry of the Bank Buster, change the atk/def stats, and then distribute to players? If this a plausible scenario?

Crime City Mark
06-01-2012, 11:30 AM
To be fair, if they could give the top 500 people a weapon that costs 0 real life cash for the company, why would they not just give it if they could? And if they can't, why lie about why?

I suspect that the issue is, that the boost weapons are 'special cases', the effects are not handled by the same code as handles everyone other weapon, via entries in an XML file. I find it perfectly reasonable, that it was assumed that an additional item can simply be added to this special handling, only to realise that it doesn't quite work properly because of the way the original boost was implemented.

Without going into exact technical details, this is sort of correct. Basically the way we made the +attack items work wasn't the best thing ever and we're fixing it.

Crime City Mark
06-01-2012, 11:30 AM
To be fair, if they could give the top 500 people a weapon that costs 0 real life cash for the company, why would they not just give it if they could? And if they can't, why lie about why?

I suspect that the issue is, that the boost weapons are 'special cases', the effects are not handled by the same code as handles everyone other weapon, via entries in an XML file. I find it perfectly reasonable, that it was assumed that an additional item can simply be added to this special handling, only to realise that it doesn't quite work properly because of the way the original boost was implemented.

Without going into exact technical details, this is sort of correct. Basically the way we made the +attack items work wasn't the best thing ever and we're fixing it.

06-01-2012, 11:39 AM
Without going into exact technical details, this is sort of correct. Basically the way we made the +attack items work wasn't the best thing ever and we're fixing it.

Thanks Mark.

Being a software lead, I appreciate this sort of issue. PS: Will code review for gold.

King of the Dudes
06-01-2012, 11:55 AM
Without going into exact technical details, this is sort of correct. Basically the way we made the +attack items work wasn't the best thing ever and we're fixing it.

I fear this means they realized the advantage of the +attack and are going to remedy it. Essentially, we may not get what we were promised, but a toned down version. I hope this is not the case as we all put in the work to win the item stated, adjusting effectiveness at this point is kind of despicable...

06-01-2012, 12:05 PM
I fear this means they realized the advantage of the +attack and are going to remedy it. Essentially, we may not get what we were promised, but a toned down version. I hope this is not the case as we all put in the work to win the item stated, adjusting effectiveness at this point is kind of despicable...

Or maybe they will adjust the stat down but leave it displaying +100 on the stat screen. We will never really know..........

06-01-2012, 12:05 PM

So, after lying and being MIA you think a "no eta" response will mitigate the bad will? Why don't you give thermal grenades to those who won whilst you resolve your "tech issues"?

You had a contest, people paid money to participate and win but you are withholding the prize. I know this is a game, but the issues at hand aren't --- Your image, trust factors, and more importantly what ever legal implications of your non fulfillment ... Why not stand up to them instead of posting some excuse ... If your scheme wasn't
ready, you shouldn't have offered it. That's why you have a dev and testing platform.

So is funzio going to stand up or continue it's downward spiral of lies, deceit and customer alienation?

Miss Jasmine
06-01-2012, 12:08 PM
Or maybe they will adjust the stat down but leave it displaying +100 on the stat screen. We will never really know..........

That's exactly what I'm thinking is going to happen, but hopefully I'm wrong. Unless I hear otherwise though, that's what I'm going with.

Crime City Mark
06-01-2012, 12:27 PM
Or maybe they will adjust the stat down but leave it displaying +100 on the stat screen. We will never really know..........

That is not what's going on at all.

06-01-2012, 12:39 PM
Are you going to continue ignoring me Mark? If so, close my account and refund my money.

06-01-2012, 12:39 PM
That is not what's going on at all.

Is it feasible to hand out the gun without the stat boost, then retrofit it when the implementation is complete?

(Dr Bonecrusher suggested this in another thread)

06-01-2012, 12:41 PM
Thanks for updates CC Mark, i understand the wait for the item im patient and not in a rush i will be happy to receive whenever its ready, i hope everyone else can stop complaining and whining and realize they will get it when its ready also.

06-01-2012, 12:42 PM
Are the people that are listed the people that are the winners or will that be changed?

06-01-2012, 12:42 PM
Don't really care about my crime city reward but ever day not having the MW one is costing losing 3-4 helicopters and 4-6 sh per day so about 800 valour and some event items going down the drain every day that shouldn't if the reward had been given, not to mention the huges loss in the fights to make the list in the first place that was justified by the long term reduction in losses.

Don't buy the code excuse since the same reward is in KA right now and has been done in mw before, what does in really say about a muti million dollar games company that can't code a game

Dr BoneCrusher
06-01-2012, 12:42 PM
Is it feasible to hand out the gun without the stat boost, then retrofit it when the implementation is complete?

(Dr Bonecrusher suggested this in another thread)

Or manually raise our attack skill 100 and give us a clean gun with clean stats then work on the code problem?

06-01-2012, 12:43 PM
Is it feasible to hand out the gun without the stat boost, then retrofit it when the implementation is complete?

(Dr Bonecrusher suggested this in another thread)

whats wrong with just waiting and get a finished complete item. why such the rush to get this, is this weapon really a game changer for anyone?

Dr BoneCrusher
06-01-2012, 12:45 PM
Don't really care about my crime city reward but ever day not having the MW one is costing losing 3-4 helicopters and 4-6 sh per day so about 800 valour and some event items going down the drain every day that shouldn't if the reward had been given, not to mention the huges loss in the fights to make the list in the first place that was justified by the long term reduction in losses.

Don't buy the code excuse since the same reward is in KA right now and has been done in mw before, what does in really say about a muti million dollar games company that can't code a game

Wow... Now that's cold

Dr Girlfriend
06-01-2012, 12:48 PM
That is not what's going on at all.

Appreciate the communication, Mark. Any free stuff you want to throw our way while we wait will also be appreciated! :)

Miss Jasmine
06-01-2012, 12:49 PM
is this weapon really a game changer for anyone?

Within my bracket, I could certainly say that a stat increase of +300 attack combined with an additional +100 Attack Skill bonus would be game changing for me.

06-01-2012, 12:54 PM
Within my bracket, I could certainly say that a stat increase of +300 attack combined with an additional +100 Attack Skill bonus would be game changing for me.

my thinking was its not really a game changer when no else has theirs yet either, i probably didn't write what i was thinking i wanted to write. its just tiresome to keep reading how people want this like right now and b*tchn and complaining they dont have it. geez everyone who won will get it, theres nothing wrong with waiting

if anyone is complaining that they should have it by now because they spent xxx amount of gold to obtain it. guess what no one told you to buy stam refills and its a lesson learned for you never to do it again and if you do spend gold on an event again and similiar thing happens then you asked for it.

06-01-2012, 12:54 PM
Or manually raise our attack skill 100 and give us a clean gun with clean stats then work on the code problem?
That would be an easy solution.

Dr BoneCrusher
06-01-2012, 01:06 PM
@Babytway your right nothing wrong with waiting. Is their something wrong with poor design, under performing over estimating sloppiness?

Crime City Mark
06-01-2012, 01:57 PM
Is it feasible to hand out the gun without the stat boost, then retrofit it when the implementation is complete?

(Dr Bonecrusher suggested this in another thread)

I'm sure it's possible, but that's not what the team is doing right now. I think that would be a good idea for a future issue, but really I'd just rather make sure we're able to ship the item functional and on-time.

Crime City Mark
06-01-2012, 01:58 PM
Are the people that are listed the people that are the winners or will that be changed?

Those are the winners.

06-01-2012, 02:02 PM
I'm sure it's possible, but that's not what the team is doing right now. I think that would be a good idea for a future issue, but really I'd just rather make sure we're able to ship the item functional and on-time.

Please clarify what "on-time" means.

Crime City Mark
06-01-2012, 02:05 PM
When the event ends.

06-01-2012, 02:36 PM
When the event ends.

Um.... Didn't the event end on the 28th?

ps great to see ya chime in on this thread Mark! I personally think most of the anger and frustration is due to the lack of communication about the event and reward pay out.

Have a great weekend!!!

06-01-2012, 02:39 PM
Um.... Didn't the event end on the 28th?

I believe that's what he is saying...moving forward prizes will be delivered when the event ends.

Chosen Pessimist
06-01-2012, 02:43 PM
Thank you for finally responding CCMark. The reasoning for the delay makes sense and we all greatly appreciate a response. That being said, To Funzio PR reps: bad call. Even if you have to blow smoke up our asses leaving customers in the dark for days while animosity just builds to an overwhelming point..l.not a wise venture and I would hope this would be brought up at a board meeting and ironed out.

To the Crime City players: QUIT *****ING! From a respect standpoint I share your frustration, but FFS stop whining like a bunch of infants when the tittle dries up. Set the iPad down, walk outdoors and get some air. CCMark did respond, there is no reason to keep crying and nitpicking his response. Every day your above ground is a good day, and QUIT *****ING!

06-01-2012, 02:52 PM
I did not participate in the Memorial Day weekend PVP event due to family obligations, but I have been following the drama since. Just last night I was surmising that they use a "flag" system for event prize bonuses, and when they realized that there were 2 identical +100 attacks, it threw a wrench in the system.

However, having just reinstalled CC due to the Octagon Alley bug, it appears that it might even be worse than that. On first start after reinstall, the two new hoods didn't show up, and all prize bonuses weren't applied to my character. Freaked me out until I realized what was going on. I won't get technical, but if it is what I think it is, someone needs to have their Mountain Dew taken away. :) It also explains why the last two hoods take longer to show up when you bring up the map.

06-01-2012, 02:54 PM
Set the iPad down, walk outdoors and get some air.

I play outside biatch! Wifi is the bomb.

06-01-2012, 03:24 PM
Um.... Didn't the event end on the 28th?

ps great to see ya chime in on this thread Mark! I personally think most of the anger and frustration is due to the lack of communication about the event and reward pay out.

Have a great weekend!!!

Amen brother. Thanks for the comms mark, it's good to know you are reading these posts.

06-01-2012, 03:46 PM
Amen brother. Thanks for the comms mark, it's good to know you are reading these posts.

+1. As last we know what's going on.

06-01-2012, 04:05 PM
AS BURN said I got mine :)

06-01-2012, 04:18 PM
Are you going to continue ignoring me Mark? If so, close my account and refund my money.

Perhaps if you wasn't so aggressive you may actually get a response !

06-01-2012, 04:20 PM
Amazing! Starting a new event when not paying awards from last event. At least there looks to be no scrambling on this one and it appears to be tiered by levels. About all one can do in this event is maybe build one building and do a couple quick upgrades.

06-01-2012, 05:00 PM
Your right, I should roll over, kiss a55 and be thankfull for being allowed to be lied to and ignored so they can continue to lie and cheat with wanton disregard for their customers. SMH!!!

If some want to be a Pavlovian dogs, that's your prerogative, I don't appreciate being lied to, ignored nor cheated. I have not stated anything that isn't true, I haven't cursed, I havent done anything but say why are you lying cheating and stealing. If that's wrong then hey, the real world is tough, there are ramifications for such behavior. I don't bend over, I win.

Vince the Fist
06-01-2012, 05:15 PM
What if Funzio starts a new PvP event for this weekend and we still don't have our Black Widows?? Just saying.

This. Unbelievable.

06-01-2012, 05:19 PM
+1 shocked at the flippant disregard to thier outstanding obligations.

06-01-2012, 07:26 PM
Is this the final list after the tournament was over : I know I'm probably asking a stupid ? Cause it says final winners but I noticed the post date that's all - if I could just get an official affirmation that this list is correct or get a copy of the official list that would be awesome!! Just trying to be certain I made it!! Appreciate ur time I know u don't have much right now

Whyte Realdeal
06-01-2012, 08:28 PM
I think thats because the bank buster doesnt really work like its suppose to. I attack the same people before and after I got it cause we were in a battle. I still won 8/10. I dont know about you but I think they nerf some of the weapons, to create a better balance.

06-01-2012, 09:12 PM
where is the blackwidow?

06-01-2012, 09:14 PM
haha...could this be a SCAM?

06-01-2012, 10:26 PM
Prize is delivered

06-01-2012, 10:30 PM
No scams around here!! Got mine and loving it!! Worth the wait but I will admit my patience was being tested but like most people said chill out they'll work it out and.thanks CC mark for all the updates I'm off to get me an eviserator!!!!

Whyte Realdeal
06-01-2012, 11:35 PM
Got Mines too,but it seems to be low powered. I attacked a rival thaat I have been in battle with and I'm getting the same results 8/10. He does not have one.

06-02-2012, 12:58 AM
Got mine to.