View Full Version : A Few Ideas (unit and buildings)

05-16-2012, 06:33 PM
Unit Idea-

The Enola Gay
I'm sure everyone knows what the enola gay is. Obv it would have a massive attack score and no defense.

Building Ideas-

Corps. of Engineers Center-
This will speed up building and upgrade times. This shouldn't be unlocked until lvl 80 or so. It decreases times by 5% each time you level it up. It's expensive to upgrade, but worth it.

The War Room
Just like the composites factory but the opposite. Boosts unit attack. I'm sure anyone who buys gold or works for tapjoy gold would surely consider this a must buy. 250 gold just like the cf.

side note- I kind of think the command center should be converted into the attack booster. Command center just doesn't make sense as a cash building to me. i know it would never happen tho.

What do yall think

05-16-2012, 06:35 PM
I like the ideas :P

War Priest
05-16-2012, 06:42 PM
Pretty cool ideas but the war room is what boost buildings are for.

05-16-2012, 07:03 PM
War Room would be cool, but we already have boosts.

Corp. Of Engineers would be great, I'd suggest keeping the percentages low though, around 2% per upgrade. 20% faster is plenty and keeps in line with the other boosts. 14.4 hours knocked off a 72 hour upgrade is half a day sooner, knocking 36 hours off with full boost of 50% (what you're proposing) is a bit overkill IMO, unbalanced.

05-16-2012, 08:37 PM
War Room would be cool, but we already have boosts.

Corp. Of Engineers would be great, I'd suggest keeping the percentages low though, around 2% per upgrade. 20% faster is plenty and keeps in line with the other boosts. 14.4 hours knocked off a 72 hour upgrade is half a day sooner, knocking 36 hours off with full boost of 50% (what you're proposing) is a bit overkill IMO, unbalanced.

I like 50% bc it will make such a big difference. And at high lvl's upgrades take SOOO long. 72 hrs is a short upgrade for me now. Plus, theres already an event item that reduces it by 20%. And I said that it would be expensive, so most ppl wouldnt be able to max it out. I think offering a bldg like this for lvl 80 and up would be enough to stop ppl from turtling at low levels. It would literally be a waste of time to turtle when you are at lvl 12 or w/e. I'd pay gold for that kind of building.

05-16-2012, 09:11 PM
This is a repost of my earlier recommendation for strong cash units that can only be unlocked at lvl100+.
This will make the whale zone a more fun, and exclusive playing ground for the higher level players rather than the doom and groom graveyard endzone that we have been hearing here.
The aim is to encourage free players to move up to the whale zone levels and make it fun there.

Once we cross lvl 100, the Ultra Cash units that are unlocked for each unit type and can be purchased.

Second, these Ultra Cash units can be boosted in 2 ways.
1. With level 10 unit buildings and their corresponding level 10 advanced buildings. These Ultras get additional 5% stats boost.

2. One completed set of boosted Ultras from Infantry, Land, Sea, Air gets additional boost of say 5%. If any unit from the completed set dies off, then the rest of the units in a completed set will loose the additional boost until the dead unit is repurchased.

These Ultra units should have very good stats comparable to a good gold unit, but priced at say 12 million each and have ultra low casualties.

These Ultras will allow the very good free players here some form of fighting chance in the whale zone, and also entice campers to move up to the whale zone.

05-17-2012, 01:01 PM
ultras are a cool idea too. we def. need something to make whale territory more fun.