View Full Version : Questions I haven't found answers to in Kingdom Age

Funkey monkey
05-14-2012, 10:38 AM
Is there a max number units or armor/weapons that I can purchase or earn (I undestand the ally count impact)?
What I want to know, if I get to level 50, will I max out of units because early in the game I purchased cheap 1/3 units?
How long do opponets stay on news list for revenge?
What is the best way to rack up honor points?
All the guides use PVE and PVP. What does PVE and PVP stand for?
Is there a limit of potential allies on the request list?

05-14-2012, 10:45 AM
PVE is player versus enviornment also known as killing monsters and doing the story line quest. PVP is player versus player so attacking and defending against other players.

You're limited on max allies you can have by your level. You can have 5 x as many allies as your level. So at level 50 you can have 250 allies and there for 3units for every 1 ally so 3x250 = 750 units/equipment. The max level is now 75 though. Your army is set up to use your best available units. So if you can have 750 units but you own 1000, it will use the best 750 out of those 1000 that you own.

The best way i've found to rack up honor points is through PVP and doing the tournament quests.

That's the way I've come to understand the game mechanics, i could be wrong of course. As for your other questions i'm not sure.

05-14-2012, 11:52 AM
What I want to know, if I get to level 50, will I max out of units because early in the game I purchased cheap 1/3 units?
How long do opponets stay on news list for revenge?
What is the best way to rack up honor points?
All the guides use PVE and PVP. What does PVE and PVP stand for?

1 -No, your best units for attack will always be taken to battle when you attack/ raid, your best defense units when someone attacks or raids you.

So if you can only take 500 units into battle, if you have 501 one of your units will not be going into battle. That will be your weakest unit in either attack or defense. If you then buy unit number 502 and its your best unit, one of your weaker units will be relegated into your 'reserve bank'. Its not your newest units that count, nor is it your first ones up to your limit (which is of course decided by your ally count).

2. That depends on how much action your wall sees. I can see three weeks back now, as hardly anyone tries to attack me. However if 6 more people write BS on my wall, I'll only be able to see about a week back. Basically the newsfeed is limited by number of posts, NOT length of time.

3. Thats up to you to decide. I'd say its probably by having a few big problems with your game, as I've heard of several people (myself included) getting given valor (same thing) in Modern War (another Funzio game - usually MW here on the forum!) as compensation for repeated technical issues! If you are lucky enough not to suffer from these I would say its by following the 'honour' quests - the ones were you attack other players, rather than run round the maps slaughtering monsters. They are usually written such as 'win x battles against opponents with y or more allies' or 'raid 3 bakeries'!

The other ways to gain honour are to attack or raid other people in pvp, which gives 1 or 2 honour. In MW raiding a defensive building seems to give more valour, but I tried raiding one or two turrets in KA and didn't seem to be awarded any more for if it was a cash building, so quickly stopped that. You also receive honour for completing each location on the map a certain number of times (I think its three, sure Ghost will correct me if I'm wrong!) but to be honest its not a great deal for the effort and XP points required.

Theres also a good chance that there will be an event comes up where the prize is a unit which allows you to gain extra honour for every pvp attack.


PVP - Player versus player. When you attack the other real life people playing the games bases, through the battle list.

PVE - Player vs environment. When you visit maps and hack up all the enemies that the game provides - the monsters, undead, creatures etc.

There are advantages and pitfalls to both, and some people prefer to do more of one than the other. I think a good, balanced mix is he best way, others will disagree.

05-14-2012, 06:15 PM
Correction, max lvl is now at 75, total max allies=375.