View Full Version : Property help please

05-03-2012, 07:46 PM
1.Hey there I would like to know how much the income is for a movie theater for upgrading it to A level 2
so right now it makes $3411 how much does the level 2 make.

2. What in your opinion are the best properties to invest in?

Thanks for the help :)

05-03-2012, 08:11 PM
1.Hey there I would like to know how much the income is for a movie theater for upgrading it to A level 2
so right now it makes $3411 how much does the level 2 make.

2. What in your opinion are the best properties to invest in?

Thanks for the help :)

Check out this spreadsheet for building info

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgEHrvnoijXudHFVU2RxYUQzYXYtOURRd0d3M1hVR 2c&hl=en_US&pli=1#gid=0

Also, read best of best guide for economy building....2 types of buildings...type A (L2 income is 3x's L1) are the best to upgrade, these include Nightclub, Lofts, MT, Italian Rest, Ice Cream and a bunch of other low level buildings. When you build one of these, immediate upgrade to L2 (maybe even L3) before you buy your 2nd. The rest of the strategy you can find in the best of the best guides and by just constantly reading the forum. Download one the spreadsheets laying around (White Frog's seems to be the best, although I use my own) and play around with the numbers.

05-03-2012, 09:30 PM
Tycoon L2 is $10,230