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View Full Version : Please help I don't want to start over!

04-29-2012, 11:37 PM
Hello all you fellow Crime City players. So I've run into a problem... I rooted my phone a while back and was having some problems with the ROM I was using. I wiped it and flashed a new one, then set off reinstalling all my apps. When I open Crime City now, it wants me to create a new avatar and start all over! Isn't there some way I can enter my Mafia code or something and get my city back?? Anybody know anything about this? My other games just automatically recognize my phone and load my account. Please help!?!?!?

04-29-2012, 11:55 PM
Yes, send in ticket (through the app) with your mafia code and explaining the situation. Then PM Crime City Mark here on the forums with the ticket# you sent in (check email to find out #) Then they will look into it to try and confirm its you(: Good Luck!

04-30-2012, 01:54 AM
Thank you for the fast response. Ok, sent the ticket, found the ticket number, PM to Mark now... Thanks again!

Yes, send in ticket (through the app) with your mafia code and explaining the situation. Then PM Crime City Mark here on the forums with the ticket# you sent in (check email to find out #) Then they will look into it to try and confirm its you(: Good Luck!

04-30-2012, 01:59 AM
They will send you an auto generated email to let you know they received your ticket and it will include the number.

I recommend you just wait for support to handle it, they are very good and I am sure you'll be happy. If you haven't heard back in a couple days then maybe you could try pm'ing CCM.

05-01-2012, 08:17 PM
Thanks for the advice. I ended up just restoring the back-up of my old ROM and when I opened Crime City again there, it was all there. I still would like to find out if there is a way to carry my game over onto the new ROM but I'll wait to hear back from the support staff about that.

Thanks again!

05-01-2012, 09:04 PM
since you're back into your game now, you can transfer the game i assume. I havent used the android version, but in the menu on the 2nd page there should be a transfer game option.