View Full Version : Gold - The fundamental question

04-26-2012, 09:50 AM
If you're not a gold buyer, would you ever consider buying gold? The reason I ask is because I was thinking there's got to be a way to speed up the game. Then I remembered, oh yeah, gold. But I bought gold once in MW and it was a fleeting experience. There's never enough, and it runs out too fast. So I got over that quickly.

So I'm thinking, would Funzio benefit from making the game "faster" for non-gold users? I think it would, since it would grow the base for all, giving the gold spenders more incentive to spend gold to stay ahead. Some people will buy gold, some won't. I don't think that will ever change. But by making the game better for everyone, it will likely make it more competitive, which will cause some people, those prone to spend money on gold, to buy it just to stay even or ahead of the competition. And let's face it, some don't have the time to wait and camp, so spending some money is a small price to pay.

Maybe the dev team will take that into consideration when making changes or building the next game. BTW, Kingdom Age is great, I really like the artistic work that has gone into it. But the gameplay is still too slow, especially in later stages. It gets to a point where it's like watching paint dry...
