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View Full Version : Strategies for Noobs

04-23-2012, 07:52 AM
I just started KA a couple of days ago, so I don't expect you to think I have all the answers. But I see threads here that prompted me to want to start this thread. From having played MW and CC long enough now to have tried different strategies, I think I can make some observations about KA.

Noobs, don't get sucked into the CC mindset of having to play for the endgame already. I hear level 2 guys talking about camping etc. Sheesh, really? It's a game, half the fun is from PLAYING the game. Camping isn't playing per se. Neither is excessive farming. The beauty of this game is its balance. Yes you can focus on only one thing, but then you miss out on all the other good stuff. There will always be someone better, stronger, richer, and, yes, better-looking even. So stop worrying about maximizing stats and economies and loots etc. Enjoy the game. Play a balanced game and you'll succeed.

And I have plenty of war stories from CC and MW to regale you with if you want to know more specific examples. In the end, all that matters is that you had fun playing this "free" game.

04-23-2012, 08:23 AM
To enjoy this 'free' game, you do need to camp to some extent, so as not to get beaten too bad by gem players early on. Also, gold is harder to earn in KA than cash in CC, so all the more you should camp to close the gap with gem players.

04-23-2012, 08:51 AM
What Frenda said x2

Camping is muuuuch less important in KA as compared to CC. In CC it was a good idea to stay away from missions altogether for long periods. In KA quests are a very important and necessary way of gaining gold and loot. I am impressed with how Funzio have manipulated the balance of importance re quests/pvp/economic development.

Forget camping kids, go for the gold wherever you can and invest it wisely.

04-23-2012, 08:56 AM
What Frenda said x2

Camping is muuuuch less important in KA as compared to CC. In CC it was a good idea to stay away from missions altogether for long periods. In KA quests are a very important and necessary way of gaining gold and loot. I am impressed with how Funzio have manipulated the balance of importance re quests/pvp/economic development.

Forget camping kids, go for the gold wherever you can and invest it wisely.

This may be true, but it is not always the case. This game is fairly new and people haven't invested that much into Gems yet, but once they do, rest assured people will need to camp.

However I have never camped in any game, and never will. But it is a strategy that people use that may be effective.

04-23-2012, 08:57 AM
Speaking as a real noob - someone who hasn't played CC nor MW - could you please tell me what you mean by 'camping'? Also what is a 'gem' player?


04-23-2012, 09:18 AM
Camping is when you try to limit leveling up or increasing your # of allies while developing your economic and military strength. At each level you can only invade those at the same level or one below. While with each ally you add your access to other players and their access to you changes.

The range of players and their respective # of allies is quite large. For example I'm Lvl 15 w/16 allies. I can only invade other level 15s and also level 14s. After a cursory examination I see I can invade players with up to about 32 allies and down to about 13.

Assuming then (as a player with 16 allies), another player with 19 allies could theoretically find and invade me, but a player with 20 allies could not. I could say then, I'm camping at 16 allies, trying to get them the best equipment possible to compete against others with a comparable no. of allies.

To a degree, I am camping. But not really. I'm just strategically controlling my advancement. You should meet a hardcore camper! You need a lot of patience...

04-23-2012, 09:35 AM
Speaking as a real noob - someone who hasn't played CC nor MW - could you please tell me what you mean by 'camping'? Also what is a 'gem' player?


Gem player, would be someone who uses real money to buy in game currency (gems) that allow you to buy the superior weapons only available with real money. With this being said, you can assume things bought with gems are far more powerful.

04-23-2012, 09:37 AM
I give it 10 more posts before this this thread gets locked .. anyone wanna give me odds?

I think various strategies need to be proven before we start throwing out various beginner's strategy guides :)

It also depends if you wanna mull over the game once at the end of the day like a fine glass of wine (or a game of correspondence chess), or you are Sir Edmund climbing the Everest peak in a week.

04-23-2012, 11:01 AM
I wouldn't suggest for any noobs to do camping especially if they haven't played CC or MW but over on the MW threads there is a strategy that was coined turtling - basically mild camping so you build for economy first and level up slower than you would just blasting thru the game every time you recharge.

I am currently going the full hardcore campin route and still on lvl 3, I know some will say its no fun but I am concentrating more on MW but when the time comes ......

04-23-2012, 11:03 AM
To a degree, I am camping. But not really. I'm just strategically controlling my advancement. You should meet a hardcore camper! You need a lot of patience...

I was talking about hardcore camping. I don't consider what you're doing camping either. My point was that noobs shouldn't start off camping before even getting into the game. With MW and CC the hardcore attacks and therefore the need to camp don't start until about level 50 or higher. My advice was specifically for noobs who don't even have a feel for the game yet when they decide to camp because someone thought it was a good idea. I've camped in both CC and MW, but it was at a specific time and to achieve specific goals. Someone who has no idea of long-term game strategies and therefore doesn't have clear goals for camping is more likely to get bored with the game and quit. If you start off right in this game, there's hardly any reason to camp at all.

04-23-2012, 11:05 AM
I wouldn't suggest for any noobs to do camping especially if they haven't played CC or MW but over on the MW threads there is a strategy that was coined turtling - basically mild camping so you build for economy first and level up slower than you would just blasting thru the game every time you recharge.

I am currently going the full hardcore campin route and still on lvl 3, I know some will say its no fun but I am concentrating more on MW but when the time comes ......

I can understand that. And it's for a specific reason. And you have experience in MW. So this thread wasn't meant for a player like you, so get off it!!! Just kidding. Yeah, you're making my point for me. I'm camping in MW right now because I totally started off wrong, before discovering the Forum. In CC I have great stats and am only currently camping/turtling because I am concentrating on learning KA this week. But on Friday I did 6 Thug Life "quest", so I hardly consider that turtling.

04-23-2012, 12:12 PM
:) frenda, no camp is actually is good suggestion to all players in KA.

especially for those low lvl campers who think themselves as an experienced pro,they are hurting themselves with their own created "wisdom" without knowing.
It's not only about the lost of fun and interaction with friends, but also slowing down the IpH grow. They simply assume players up above them are all heavy gold spenders or some stalkers.
Please walk out of your timid imagination.
If you focus mainly on Econ and get a decent defense density,make full use of the map resources.
The higher lvl you are, the more Allie and loot you are (keep a good density when adding Allie) the harder and less gold spender will catch up on you. They have to spend more and more real money in order to beat you as you are growing with a high defense density. The occasionally money lost is nothing as your IpH is way beyond campers.

04-23-2012, 12:14 PM
Thanks Shawn! Camping also deprives you of some of the best units available, as well as armor and weapons, mainly the loot items you get from PvE especially.

04-23-2012, 03:18 PM
Thanks Shawn! Camping also deprives you of some of the best units available, as well as armor and weapons, mainly the loot items you get from PvE especially.

Oh, hell ya, the loot system in KA is actually much stronger in MW and CC. I'm lvl18 and already looted tons of those 6000 value 7/12 armors.
Remind me that I was still looting those 3/3 poor units even after two weeks play time in CC...

04-24-2012, 04:34 AM
It's without doubt clear that there aren't many high 'gem' players yet as I'm running at my level in the top % when i compare to everybody i visit.

As in MW, i didn't buy any units with real money.

So conclusion at this moment for this game... if you play the game correctly, you should be able to compete with the top. But i'm sure this will change soon when more money is invested in the game by gem players.

04-24-2012, 05:12 AM
What I am doing is leveling up slowly...a rough gauge for me is that my economy allows me to equip 33% of my army with the best armor and weapons available at the level. As there are probably not many people playing the game yet, the rival list consists of players with big differences in alliance members. So be fully and well equipped!

04-24-2012, 06:34 AM
Ok, I think I have most of the stuff sorted out but one thing I haven't really got my head around yet. Army strength and Hero strength. Hero strength is for PVE right? Bashing monsters and stuff? While army strength is for pvp? If I click attack and uses stamina, army strength kick into effect right? But when I invade and raid the other players buildings, is it army strength or hero strentgh that is in effect?

04-24-2012, 06:41 AM
For raiding it's still Army strength. Hero strength is for PvE, as you mentioned.

04-24-2012, 06:43 AM
For raiding it's still Army strength. Hero strength is for PvE, as you mentioned.

Ah thanks. Have dumped all my skill points in army strength but still lose. Have to be a gear related problem then I guess. :p

04-24-2012, 06:48 AM
Take a good look at your gear and see where you might be weak. A bit of analysis should tell you where you need to beef up, whether weapon or armor.

04-24-2012, 06:51 AM
Take a good look at your gear and see where you might be weak. A bit of analysis should tell you where you need to beef up, whether weapon or armor.

According to the "i"-button on the profile page I'm horribly weak in armour so I'll just have to correct that before I continue on terror raid, he he.

04-24-2012, 06:52 AM
See, easy fix! :) Maybe pick up some good armor from PvE, it's better than any armor you can reasonably afford, especially early on in the game.

04-24-2012, 07:19 AM
See, easy fix! :) Maybe pick up some good armor from PvE, it's better than any armor you can reasonably afford, especially early on in the game.

Thanks for the tip, I'll do that:)

04-24-2012, 07:48 AM
Thanks for the tip, I'll do that:)

Glad to help. :D Let me know how it works out for you. Write down your stats now and then what you end up with.

04-24-2012, 10:09 AM
One reason I'm really enjoying KA is it seems a lot better to have a mixed strategy, and I like that.

Can't quite work out why anyone would properly camp out until level 12 and the discount building becoming available though.

04-24-2012, 10:11 AM
One reason I'm really enjoying KA is it seems a lot better to have a mixed strategy, and I like that.

Can't quite work out why anyone would properly camp out until level 12 and the discount building becoming available though.

Excellent point. Camping is actually costing them money.

11-23-2012, 06:37 AM
i think that camping is more profitable starting from level 40 when you can buy manors...

when you have 2 manors lvl 1 => lumber mill lvl 10 and after hardcore camping

at level 40, you have no dragon army and with only high priest, you can have an indestructible and cheap army to defend your unvaulted gold

11-23-2012, 06:57 AM
i think that camping is more profitable starting from level 40 when you can buy manors...

when you have 2 manors lvl 1 => lumber mill lvl 10 and after hardcore camping

at level 40, you have no dragon army and with only high priest, you can have an indestructible and cheap army to defend your unvaulted gold

Did you seriously dig up this 7 month old thread??

11-23-2012, 07:01 AM
Shakes his legs on a 7 month old thread

11-23-2012, 07:12 AM
Shakes his legs on a 7 month old thread

Hahaha !

Yep, this game is so baddly explain and the availaible google doc are so poor that i have to dig deeply in this forum hopping to discover some real good tips or strategy...

This morning i bought 1.500 gems to satisfy my addiction to the "camping strategy" : 2 gold mines and 2 wine makers to upgrade to level 10, wow ! lol

11-24-2012, 05:10 AM
Just read this thread for the first time. Well things have changed. I have 2 words to say......
Boss Events.

Having 2 accounts (camper/crawler and/or strict tortoise) in all 4 main games camping is the only way to go, imo, if you want to compete as a free player.

With unit attrition, MW and KA has the heavier emphasis on developing a good economy.

MQ is interesting and an anti camping strategy is feasible.

CC after a point income development is purely bragging rights and/or personal achievement.

11-25-2012, 12:53 AM
Just do the math. At the income you are receiving can u equip yourself with a decent army. Unless u enjoy getting your ass handed to you on a silver platter, "rushing" is not a good strategy for free players.

Hardcore camping is too extreme though. I seen players at lvl 10 with 4-5k IPH and 180+ days comments.

11-25-2012, 02:25 AM
Now on LVL 99 and if i could go back to 40 i would have played it different ! more camping at each level given i only have 39A/40D @ $4.5k IPH and seeing theother players at this level i now have to be SELECTIVE on who i attack ! after checking their STATS first ! before i would just go stright to attack and not INVADE but i can not afford to attack now! moved to quick and didnt think long term! now have pulled the brakes on big time ! only looking for MANORS and SILO's also accasional lender ! need the coin to get my stats up was going to do the 40% off sale but coldnt do it (DARN) wish i had of now ! ...Noobs play it slow but enjoy it !

11-25-2012, 05:11 AM
Camping is clearly a terrible play-style because it makes boss events and BD10 runs so much easier.

11-25-2012, 06:31 AM
The good question is from when i'll stop camping...

Any idea ?

11-25-2012, 03:29 PM
The good question is from when i'll stop camping...

Any idea ?

Whenever you get bored pretty much. Building IPH is always going to help......but......it gets a bit stale after a while.

11-25-2012, 10:43 PM
for me, i will stop camping when i will reach :

level 7 : manors
level 10 : gold mine/wine maker/silo/castle/playhouse/lender/shipyard/leather/tavern/inn
level 10 : BD, WT, BK

11-25-2012, 11:19 PM
Don't get me wrong I like this game but I just find it really odd that camping is such a good strategy. It's like not playing the game is the best strategy and people who play become weaker. Just about all other games are the other way around.

11-25-2012, 11:43 PM
Camping is the best strategy if you are a free player and want to compete with some gem players.
I don't to Tapjoy as well except for CC many months ago and that dwindling surplus gets a hit from misclicks every so often. Its to a point that I don't even send in tickets any longer.
I digress. Anyways, camping, especially hardcore in the beginning stages of a game, is essential, imo, for a free player.

11-26-2012, 03:23 AM
Don't get me wrong I like this game but I just find it really odd that camping is such a good strategy. It's like not playing the game is the best strategy and people who play become weaker. Just about all other games are the other way around.
LOL, yeah I was also shocked when I realised that doing-nothing is the best strategy.
The good thing is, not-playing-the-game makes the forum much more alive :-)

11-26-2012, 03:35 AM
I have never camped in my entire game play and I only bought gems to buy all gold making builds , at the moment I'm sitting on 156 level with 215k attack and 175k defense , so I honestly don't understand why people camp .

11-26-2012, 03:19 PM
Re: Camping

I admit that everybody has his or her own strategy, but I personally would be bored like hell while camping. I want to play the game, and for me "playing" is the opposite of "not doing anything".

11-26-2012, 03:45 PM
I have never camped in my entire game play and I only bought gems to buy all gold making builds , at the moment I'm sitting on 156 level with 215k attack and 175k defense , so I honestly don't understand why people camp .

I think for those who are not buying (use gems) gold buildings camping has its advantage. Gold buildings gold output helps your economy faster than none gold buildings. I have two accounts at same level 30 - one with gem buildings and the other without. With my account that has gem buildings my stats and eco are far better than the non-gem since I can purchase higher stats units and upgrade money buildings more often. While my non-gem building I have to save up which takes some time for upgrades and unit purchase.

11-26-2012, 04:00 PM
Everyone camps to some degree unless you don't sleep and play the game 24/7.
This issue about having fun or not is irrelevant. If you are talking about the merits of camping it is simply a fact that if you delay leveling you will get stronger while building your economy in the meantime. Bosses are easier to defeat and you can stock up on best cash equips over time and units.
This isn't a race to level 200. The argument about being much less stronger than your friend who started at the same time as you and didn't camp has no logic at all. All you are ever competing with are people generally in your level and alliance bracket not someone who races to level 200.

11-26-2012, 05:36 PM
Players that can't see the merits of camping don't truly know how the game works.

11-26-2012, 05:40 PM
I think for those who are not buying (use gems) gold buildings camping has its advantage. Gold buildings gold output helps your economy faster than none gold buildings. I have two accounts at same level 30 - one with gem buildings and the other without. With my account that has gem buildings my stats and eco are far better than the non-gem since I can purchase higher stats units and upgrade money buildings more often. While my non-gem building I have to save up which takes some time for upgrades and unit purchase.

I agree. Paying gems for gold producing buildings is very similar to camping. In that iph increases at a faster rate than one would level their account.

11-26-2012, 05:54 PM
This issue about having fun or not is irrelevant.

I completely disagree. That is in my opinion the ONLY thing that is relevant.

11-26-2012, 07:27 PM
'Fun' is a subjective analysis. While impatient players find it fun to rush ahead. Campers find it fun to be relatively powerful within their level bracket.

The way I see it, camping is sacrificing short term fun to gain fun in the long term. Leveling quickly is the opposite approach. Once you arrive in the shark pool with weakling stats, the fun really is over.

11-26-2012, 07:57 PM
Once you arrive in the shark pool with weakling stats, the fun really is over.

Then the only option is to not have "weakling" stats.

Btw, some people like sharks :)

11-26-2012, 09:19 PM
'Fun' is a subjective analysis. While impatient players find it fun to rush ahead. Campers find it fun to be relatively powerful within their level bracket.

The way I see it, camping is sacrificing short term fun to gain fun in the long term. Leveling quickly is the opposite approach. Once you arrive in the shark pool with weakling stats, the fun really is over.

+1, well put. I find it extremely fun to finish tier 1 boss events with more or less ease and to not have a loss/raid (except for literally 2-3) in the last 6 months or so. Moreover, achieving some gem player stats on 2 entirely free accounts is much more challenging, more satisfying and ultimately more fun.

11-26-2012, 09:38 PM
Then the only option is to not have "weakling" stats.

Btw, some people like sharks :)

That isn't an option for free players who aren't camping. If you gain xp at a rate faster than a turtle you can barely construct most of the buildings on time, much less upgrade them. You can go up 10 or 15 levels in a truly frightening amount of time.

11-27-2012, 07:53 AM
I have never camped in my entire game play and I only bought gems to buy all gold making builds , at the moment I'm sitting on 156 level with 215k attack and 175k defense , so I honestly don't understand why people camp .
It's simple: everybody who started playing later than you, will feel the need to camp a bit, just to compete with you.

In other words, if you would start playing now, you probably could not play the strategy you used to without consequences. Stronger players out there will raid your nice gem buildings.

11-27-2012, 08:47 AM
It's simple: everybody who started playing later than you, will feel the need to camp a bit, just to compete with you.

In other words, if you would start playing now, you probably could not play the strategy you used to without consequences. Stronger players out there will raid your nice gem buildings.
I could start all over again and my stats would be the same , and there's no chance for you to raid my builds , unless you now exac minute of respawn money :P

11-27-2012, 10:23 AM
That isn't an option for free players who aren't camping. If you gain xp at a rate faster than a turtle you can barely construct most of the buildings on time, much less upgrade them. You can go up 10 or 15 levels in a truly frightening amount of time.

not true at all. It is very well an option for free players.

11-27-2012, 10:58 AM
I've slowed down my gameplay at times and only come back for collections during a whole weekend or trip. If I go over vault, I merely buy Hydras to keep me under while something is upgrading.

About the gem income buildings; smartest move you can make as a "free player" with Tapjoy handouts. Why? Eventually the indestructibles that you purchased are measly and will be replaced. Not a good investment. My "free" apothecaries bring me a good penny daily. :) That's long term.

Either way, if you camp or don't, there is no real loss or reward. However, if you level too fast, you're in for a treat.

And, it's only a game.