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View Full Version : Non cash player with 340,000 attack on level 83, How is this possible??????????????

04-18-2012, 07:27 AM
I ran into a player on level 83 named tiago who had 340,000 attack
YES he had 340,000 attack not 34,000 and his defense was 290,000
This player accomplished all this without buying gold items, his stats are sick and his power comes from thousands and thousands of high end PVE and PVP loot units. A player asked tiago how he accomplished this and he said it was all from just completing missions.

My question is how can a player with 340,000 attack still be on level 83 without spending thousands and thousands of real money? loot farming that many high end items should have leveled him way beyond 83. The only explanation I can think of is tiago either took advantage of some kind of glitch in the system or he has insider access and can just give himself any loot units he wants.

04-18-2012, 07:35 AM
Well don't think anyone can answer that. Post a screenshot for us to wow.

04-18-2012, 07:45 AM
Nahh. Obviously a hacker.
Assuming he is on full allies. 83x5x4=1660.
With att 340,000 he has a density of 204. This is simply impossible to achieved with any pvp,pve loots nor any cash units.

04-18-2012, 07:58 AM
I was going to post a screen shot on Saturday but Freaking Funzio took 4 days to register me and they just sent me an apology email and i got on board today. I lost tiago on my news feed and Im at level 84 and i haven't seen him, tiago must be on level 83 now.

I have 32K defense, 30K offense non cash player and I was shocked at what i saw and I followed him. He wasn't collecting from his buildings, he was using his uncollected money as bait and crushing anyone who raided him. He had a bunch of "im sorry i raided you by accident, please forgive me" comments on his board.

hopefully someone on level 83 can find him and post a screen shot of this hacker named tiago

04-18-2012, 08:03 AM
Send email to support@funzio.com tell them his username, level, country, and why u think he is cheating.

L Fizzle
04-18-2012, 08:17 AM
Guys...write to support@funzio.com when you find these. Stop creating a new thread every time you find one.
