View Full Version : Suggestion for more fairness during next even (for Funzio)

04-11-2012, 01:32 AM

This has maybe been discussed and suggested in the past and sorry in advance if it did.

I personnally will not be participating to this new event as I intend to stay at my current level for a while and whilst building up the density of my army.

I do have a suggestion however based on my experiences during the previous event(s).

I would personnally prefer to have the various prizes distributed lets say as follows:

after 3 briefcases (1st price)
after 7 briefcases (2nd price)
after 10 briefcases (3rd price)
after 25 briefcases (4th and last top price)

BUT the obvious conditions would be for the probabilty of receiving each briefcase NOT to change as we go along.

Currently, it def is the case that prices 1 - and 2- are easy to get, 3- a bit more difficult whilst 4- very difficult/almost impossible.

It will be fairer for everyone and specially for the players using gold to be more explicit regarding how the probability of receiving the briefcaes is going to work and if not at least not change that probability as prices get collected even if it means increasing the number of briefcases (or similar) required to get the top prizes.


04-11-2012, 04:08 AM
IMHO - that's too many tries between 10 & 25. It's stressful enough to gt from 7 to 10. Be more fun if at 10, you start over for a 2nd tier of prizes with even higher stats :)

Since there are already different prizes for higher levels, they could simply boost your 2nd round of prizes to be the next level of units :)

Or they could be completely new prizes with even better stats. Eithervway, they purpose of the events is to maintain interest in the game - not drive people away out of frustration.

04-11-2012, 04:56 AM
"It's stressful enough to gt from 7 to 10. "

Yes agreed but it is because clearly the chance to open boxes and find a brieftcase is significantly lower then that the chance to get one from 0 to 3.

My point was to even out the chances even if it means increasing the number of briefcases.

To me this approach would reduce the frustration not increase it specially for the people that use gold specifically for this type of events. There has been several instances of players spending over 1,500 gold trying to get the last briefcase but with no luck at the end. This is imho what would frustrate me most.

04-11-2012, 06:23 AM
"It's stressful enough to gt from 7 to 10. "

Yes agreed but it is because clearly the chance to open boxes and find a brieftcase is significantly lower then that the chance to get one from 0 to 3.

My point was to even out the chances even if it means increasing the number of briefcases.

To me this approach would reduce the frustration not increase it specially for the people that use gold specifically for this type of events. There has been several instances of players spending over 1,500 gold trying to get the last briefcase but with no luck at the end. This is imho what would frustrate me most.

In the last event I used the gold opening option for about 20 boxes. Didn't get a single document from this method!