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04-10-2012, 10:50 AM
Hi does anyone know if I should be doing the missions in order that they appear in missions or do you get same money if do all easy maps first ?

overkill 280
04-10-2012, 10:52 AM
No I don't think it matters.

04-10-2012, 10:54 AM
Order does not matter, however, the missions require you to buy certain units along the way to complete them and if you do them IN order, you will be able to build up enough units to keep up with the missions.


I skipped way ahead and one mission was going to require me to buy over 8 million in units I didn't have because I wasn't keeping up my inventory with items I didn't need for good stats or PvP. Plus, the missions will lead you through a progression of Unit building upgrades and keep your base on a good track.

04-10-2012, 10:57 AM
Order does not matter, however, the missions require you to buy certain units to complete them and if you do them I order, you will be able to build up enough units to keep up with the missions.


I skipped way ahead and one mission was going to require me to buy over 8 million in units I didn't have because I wasn't keeping up my inventory with items I didn't need for good stats or PvP. Plus, the missions will lead you through a progression of Unit building upgrades and keep your base on a good track.

curious, I never really followed the missions orders nor did I ever master many in my old CC account.
so in following this, how does one level in speed? is it a disadvantage or just keeps you average?

04-10-2012, 11:03 AM
curious, I never really followed the missions orders, how does one level in speed? is it a disadvantage or just keeps you average?I never really did much PvP before level 50 as I totally concentrated on doing all the missions. Looking back, if I had taken on the goal of maxing out all areas 5 times while upgrading my $$$ buildings - I would be in much better shape now. Instead, I just lew through each mission area once and regret that I leveled up waaaay too fast. I would be contet to be level 60 right now with my buildings upgraded even more than they are iw at level 90.

04-10-2012, 11:16 AM
It's a matter of preferences. Fr me, i'm doing the mastery. The skills points n extra valors r wht i'm after rather thn cash which u'll get more if u follow the missions

04-10-2012, 11:17 AM
If you do the missions in order, AND complete all levels on each region before moving up, you will level up very quickly. I realized that when I started playing. So, if you want to move very slowly, then don't use that strategy. As Mcdoc said, there will be regions that you won't be able to even play on the map without certain units, so you do need to go in order. However, you don't have to "master" each level if you don't want.

04-10-2012, 11:36 AM
My point was just to slow down and not rush through to the next mission. I will say that that the cash payouts are much higher if you have "mastered" an area all 5 times, so for me, I farm the AT on the Docks and get a lot of cash on top of my free unit.


There is also a strategy of doing all but the last mission on each level (usually the last target has 5 to 20 required hits) and saving the final kill of any particular map until you need a big sum of cash for a building. Some of those "master payouts" are over $500k even at the lower levels.

overkill 280
04-10-2012, 11:43 AM
My point was just to slow down and not rush through to the next mission. I will say that that the cash payouts are much higher if you have "mastered" an area all 5 times, so for me, I farm the AT on the Docks and get a lot of cash on top of my free unit.


There is also a strategy of doing all but the last mission on each level (usually the last target has 5 to 20 required hits) and saving the final kill of any particular map until you need a big sum of cash for a building. Some of those "master payouts" are over $500k even at the lower levels. Question tho Mcdoc. Is the AT even of any use? As there are higher stat units, Or is there still a benefit of collecting them?

04-10-2012, 11:52 AM
I started farming them again a few days ago when people said the shark tank moved up from level 90 to level 94. I have 830 of them t the moment - and with the event on and me back to massive PvP - I'm happy to say whenever I DO lose a unit in battle, it is usually an AT. I can live with that loss since it was free :)

overkill 280
04-10-2012, 12:38 PM
I started farming them again a few days ago when people said the shark tank moved up from level 90 to level 94. I have 830 of them t the moment - and with the event on and me back to massive PvP - I'm happy to say whenever I DO lose a unit in battle, it is usually an AT. I can live with that loss since it was free :) Do you have any scouts, light gunners or rangers? If so,There stats are lower, How come you lose AT's over them? I guess I just don't understand how the casualties work yet. :(

04-10-2012, 04:01 PM

It's because I have had a lower Allie than I am allowed, and with 830 AT's, I just don't dip down low enough to bring the Scouts and Light Gunners (which cost me money to replace since I need the Light Gunners to farm more AT's) into battle. At this moment, with 256 Allies - up from 156 just 24 hours ago - I bring in 1024 units. The AT's aren't even listed in my top 45 Units shown, and I have over 830 of them :)

*Geeky Side note: My Allie count and Units brought into battle are multiples equivalent to RAM upgrades :) So I have a Gigabyte of Units :)

It's all relevant. Main thing for me is that AT's are a consistent loot, they give me good cargo box drops during the events, and their stats are HIGHER than the other units you asked about - but most of all, they are FREE :0 :)

overkill 280
04-10-2012, 04:06 PM
So basically I screwed myself for getting so many allies. And since they don't show up for me anymore, because of the bug thingy I got, and I can't get rid of them, even tho I still have them. Somewhere!

overkill 280
04-10-2012, 04:08 PM
So what should I do Mcdoc :confused:

04-10-2012, 04:08 PM
Do an in-game ticket, maybe they can drop you down to 300 by request and you can slowly rebuild :)

I personally don't think there is a need for more than 400 except to bulk up your stats before entering the Shark Tank - and to be ready for 500 Allies, you should carefully plan to acquire 2000 units specifically for their Attack value and 2000 units specifically for the defense value, THEN you will have an army worthy of 500 allies.

We all learn along the way - but there is nothing that can't be fixed. I was recently in a situation where my unit count dropped below 900 from serious PvP during one of the events and My Allie count was over 300 - so I was basically bringing EVERY single unit into battle every single time - and the losses were killing me. So that's when I dropped down to 100 Allies to get my units into battle down to 400, and have slowly build my units back up to 3185 - and now feel comfortable bringing my Allie count eventually up to 300 in the near future and targeting 400 by the time I reach the Shark Tank at level 94 (currently 91 1/2).

overkill 280
04-10-2012, 04:13 PM
Do an in-game ticket, maybe they can drop you down to 300 by request and you can slowly rebuild :) Do I do that thru this forum?

04-10-2012, 04:18 PM
Do I do that thru this forum?

I was editing / adding to my previous post - worth a re-read.

No, not in the forums. "In-game" is under your Control Panel (notebook) / More / Help / then in the upper left corner hit the Green button that says "Contact Support". That opens a "trouble ticket" and the staff at FUNZIO will try to help you out from inside the game mechanics. They truly are there to help you enjoy the game better and can do things that we might not think is possible.

Good luck :)

overkill 280
04-10-2012, 04:22 PM
K thanks Mcdoc.

04-10-2012, 04:41 PM
Thanks for the advice this forum is usefull,I have tried to do bit of everything been playing 2or3 months at level 66 I think am 8200 Att 8500 def done 2800 missions all mastered up to oil refinery about 2000-700 attacks and 2000-500 raids roughly most defeats we're at start before scouting . Have 2 of everything up to oil refinerys building wide and all bunkers towers turrets and SAMs with one bigger bunker and two minefields and half base has barriers then fence around base, don't see anyone with a fence ect I must be sad! Just got 8m land that was a big jump in price! Waiting for volt 10 m to complete and just herd can't upgrade anyone so getting the nano buildings could be a problem as I am used to not losing any money from attacks even from 20 k plus army's . I have 2 oil rigs so may have to save up 15 m if possible without getting raided then sell oil rigs and get nano then repeat for second nano and buy rigs for 3 rd time not keen on that idea:( anyway that is how I have played the ge so far and my army has 50 super hornets 40 stealth boats and a few of everything really . Just noticed my 250 light gunners are not dieing , is it true can only have 2 k units ? How do I get rid of weaker troops and what army do I buy ?? Got first indistrictable bits in last special kool ! Can people take indistrictable units from you? Playing for free is more rewarding than buying your way got the top freebee army!

04-10-2012, 04:49 PM
Thanks for the advice this forum is usefull,I have tried to do bit of everything been playing 2or3 months at level 66 I think am 8200 Att 8500 def done 2800 missions all mastered up to oil refinery about 2000-700 attacks and 2000-500 raids roughly most defeats we're at start before scouting . Have 2 of everything up to oil refinerys building wide and all bunkers towers turrets and SAMs with one bigger bunker and two minefields and half base has barriers then fence around base, don't see anyone with a fence ect I must be sad! Just got 8m land that was a big jump in price! Waiting for volt 10 m to complete and just herd can't upgrade anyone so getting the nano buildings could be a problem as I am used to not losing any money from attacks even from 20 k plus army's . I have 2 oil rigs so may have to save up 15 m if possible without getting raided then sell oil rigs and get nano then repeat for second nano and buy rigs for 3 rd time not keen on that idea:( anyway that is how I have played the ge so far and my army has 50 super hornets 40 stealth boats and a few of everything really . Just noticed my 250 light gunners are not dieing , is it true can only have 2 k units ? How do I get rid of weaker troops and what army do I buy ?? Got first indistrictable bits in last special kool ! Can people take indistrictable units from you? Playing for free is more rewarding than buying your way got the top freebee army!

04-10-2012, 05:17 PM
TcTiger - your maximum units ever allowed will eventually be 2000.

Here is the breakdown:

You get credited for 5 Allies for each level you obtain. So for Simple Math - at Level 50, the game gives you credit for 250 allies, even if you have 1000.

Then for each credited Allie, you get to bring in 4 units. So level 50 x 5 Allies = 250 credited Allies and now multiply by 4 so now you are at 1000 of your Top Units brought into battle - EVEN IF YOU HAVE 3000.

So in reality, you would want 1000 units that you acquire specifically because of their high attack stats, and another 1000 units that you specifically acquire for theory high defense stats (like Ambulances, Sea Scouts, Medics etc) so that you technically have 2 separate forces.

So someday - when you reach level 100 - the numbers will be 100 (level) X 5 (Allie credit) = 500 then 500 x 4 = 2000. I might be slightly off but I think you now get the concept.

If you search for some recent Re-Post by Dreno - he has revived some of the old strategy guides on the Forum that go into even greater detail:



G (http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?23953-FNG-Guide-(JohnnyR)&highlight=dreno)ood luck :)