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04-03-2012, 05:14 PM
Robbed someone today looting around $110k. I shook the iPhone to collect, then immediately banked the funds. The fund collecting/banking process could not have taken beyond 5 seconds, and I would wager that it was closer to 2-3...and yet in that timeframe I lost $55k, which means I would have been attacked 7-8 times I believe. My question is this:

Can you attack someone 7-8 times in 2-3 seconds with a fast enough connection, or does it take a while for the funds to transfer to your bank (even they no longer show in the upper left hand corner)?

Any information here helps. I we get to the bottom of this, Ill consider it a very cheap/helpful lesson learned :P

04-03-2012, 05:50 PM
It's cause of the new update, if you rob someone and don't collect the money and accidentaly close the app you'll still have the money.

Basically the new update makes it automatically pick up the money even if it isn't visual.

04-03-2012, 06:32 PM
Ooooh, okay. Well thank you very much for the quick reply. Definitely worth 55k to learn that!!

04-03-2012, 06:34 PM
Doesn't your wall show who hit you and how much? Did it match the 55

04-03-2012, 07:29 PM
It's cause of the new update, if you rob someone and don't collect the money and accidentaly close the app you'll still have the money.

Basically the new update makes it automatically pick up the money even if it isn't visual.

I'll vouch for that. The other day I was attacked and lost cash that I had not yet picked up off the ground in a rival hood. The odd thing was that when I did pick up the cash it was the full amount and I didn't find out I was attacked until after I spent the cash. Almost all of it. I guess maybe some imaginary cash was created for whoever it was that attacked me.

04-04-2012, 04:35 PM
I'll vouch for that. The other day I was attacked and lost cash that I had not yet picked up off the ground in a rival hood. The odd thing was that when I did pick up the cash it was the full amount and I didn't find out I was attacked until after I spent the cash. Almost all of it. I guess maybe some imaginary cash was created for whoever it was that attacked me.

Are you sure? You probably actually lost the items that you purchased. I have collected from my hood, not banked quick enough, been hit, banked before the notification comes up, and then the funds are magically removed from my account. Which is bull****.

04-04-2012, 04:37 PM
Doesn't your wall show who hit you and how much? Did it match the 55
Yes it shows who hit me...thats the only way i knew I had been hit.

04-04-2012, 04:46 PM
Frustrating isn't it? I know the first few times this happened to me I was like, what the!? lol
I had to adapt to it quickly.

04-04-2012, 11:17 PM
Are you sure? You probably actually lost the items that you purchased. I have collected from my hood, not banked quick enough, been hit, banked before the notification comes up, and then the funds are magically removed from my account. Which is bull****.

It's not bullstars... It is to prevent people from having their app running 24/7 and collect buildings after they have been robbed. The money gets withdrawn from your hand when you get attacked, but the notification comes later..