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View Full Version : What to Spend Skill Points On????

03-06-2012, 10:38 AM
I am at level 101 and I don't want to get in to the deeper levels and find that I wasted my skill points on the wrong thing....what should I spend them on....my stats are:

Level 101
Attack - 65
Defense - 72
Energy - 1340
Stamina - 30

03-06-2012, 10:42 AM
I'm saving mine. I'm level 125 right now... not sure what i want to be at end game. :)

03-06-2012, 11:14 AM
I was at 60 stamina (3 hour fill-up) for a long time which worked well, but more recently as I shift to an even less frequent style of gameplay, I've pushed that up past 90 and plan to go well over 100. I wasn't sure how useful it'd be, but based on my schedule, it's been quite nice.

My energy has already been at 1440 (8 hours) for a long time now, and works well for me too.

The atk/def points I invested early on were surprisingly helpful in the mid levels before farming and RP purchases separated me from the pack, but are no longer relevant or noticeable. I expect that to continue forward, but I had a very patient determined and planned build order, and began my M4 A1 farming during a different era. Assuming more players are farming now, it may still be worth some investment in those, but probably only if you notice a difference from it in terms of explosives churn. If you can't notice it in the explosives, I'd bet you are either too close or too far from your rivals for it to matter.
If there's a rough consensus I've seen on the forum, it's that the skill points won't really impact your results much at the higher levels anyway, so my advice would be to not get overly concerned about saving them or spending them too precisely. At higher levels, the effect per point is basically a drop in the ocean.

03-06-2012, 11:38 AM
koralene - how many do you have saved up and at what level did you start saving??

G Wiz
03-06-2012, 11:41 AM
Energy and stam, you will need them most

03-06-2012, 12:25 PM
I am in favor of stamina and energy, but you also have people going for the 500+ attack points.

03-06-2012, 12:38 PM
koralene - how many do you have saved up and at what level did you start saving??

I've got 14 saved... been saving for five levels. I used one by mistake yesterday. :)

G Wiz
03-06-2012, 12:51 PM
I am in favor of stamina and energy, but you also have people going for the 500+ attack points.This is a cool goal, but I just dont know if one can see the benefits of this other than assuming it is helping.

03-06-2012, 01:40 PM
This is a cool goal, but I just dont know if one can see the benefits of this other than assuming it is helping.

What goal is this??? What if you you have 500 attack skills points you get something? How many total skill points are in the game anyways

03-06-2012, 01:55 PM
What goal is this??? What if you you have 500 attack skills points you get something? How many total skill points are in the game anyways

I think he just meant goal as in personal goal. Not an actual in game goal. And the total skill points are MAX SKILL LEVEL*3. I don't know the exact max level (or if there even is a max level) but I'm guessing 250? Of course, I have no idea.

03-07-2012, 12:25 AM
max lvl 200

03-07-2012, 12:56 AM
I am in favor of stamina and energy, but you also have people going for the 500+ attack points.

On my secondary account am aiming for min 500 attack skill points. Currently level 45 with attack 60, defense 1, energy 730 and stamina 10.

Of the remaining 155 levels I can gain an additional 465 which a good portion will be funneled into attack. Even though this is my secondary 'semi camping' account my build will be more or less an inactive player once I hit 100+ levels. If I play more frequently I will throw some points into stamina. Even with 10 stamina now I am aiming for 500 chain whips within 600 days as I am only robbing at this time. Hopefully will reach 500 M4s in about 100 days based on my current results over the last 2 weeks.

My tortoise account at level 8 will be even more aggressive aiming for 560-580 attack score. Things may change depending on secondary account once I hit higher levels. My theory is still a work in progress.

Energy in my opinion is a waste over and above 270 or so. This gives you two taps at boardwalk and more than 3 at Junkyard.

The biggest waste is putting any skill points into defense as you can augment that multiplier with a large hood and lots of defense buildings.

03-07-2012, 01:03 AM
Emcee, dont ever switch from junkyard...even tho everyone will tell you to. :) Its too bad you missed out on nadia, she was GREAT!

03-07-2012, 01:05 AM
This is a cool goal, but I just dont know if one can see the benefits of this other than assuming it is helping.

It is my goal. The benefit of someone with 500 attack skill points is an additional 5000 overall attack brought into each battle.

There was a calculation mentioned. I think it is more as I have managed to win fights earlier with rivals that have little to no defense buildings but their rated defense score was 1.5x my attack score.

Looking at the game code may show a 10% bonus to overall attack score but there may be other embedded code that give you a stacked bonus once attack skills reach different milestones. This is my theory but will test this out once I have a lot more attack skill points invested.

Chances are better equips will be introduced making even M4s obsolete someday but I know my attack multiplier will always be used in every battle.

03-07-2012, 01:08 AM
Emcee, dont ever switch from junkyard...even tho everyone will tell you to. :) Its too bad you missed out on nadia, she was GREAT!

That's what I think also which is why I posted elsewhere that you can probably get away with 180 energy build. This gives you 3 taps at junkyard. This is my only so called regret on my main account. Those 8 extra skill points should of went into attack.

03-07-2012, 01:24 AM
Game data seems pretty clear on that emcee, tho i've never viewed it myself, just what others have posted here. the extra 10 attack per point is only when you're at level 100 or greater, its a lesser value at lower levels. You also need to remember that it would only be an advantage of your attack number vs their defense number. So if you went against someone who had invested 500 skill points into defense, your 500 attack skill points would have no affect other than to negate their massive defense edge.

Ya, junkyard is now the best m4a1 per xp ratio drop spot. That may change in the future tho, so junkyard might not be the best spot for you. And ugh, getting 500 m4s 3 clicks at the junkyard at a time....GROSSSSS :) have fun with that!

03-07-2012, 01:49 AM
Game data seems pretty clear on that emcee, tho i've never viewed it myself, just what others have posted here. the extra 10 attack per point is only when you're at level 100 or greater, its a lesser value at lower levels. You also need to remember that it would only be an advantage of your attack number vs their defense number. So if you went against someone who had invested 500 skill points into defense, your 500 attack skill points would have no affect other than to negate their massive defense edge.

Ya, junkyard is now the best m4a1 per xp ratio drop spot. That may change in the future tho, so junkyard might not be the best spot for you. And ugh, getting 500 m4s 3 clicks at the junkyard at a time....GROSSSSS :) have fun with that!

If that is true then there should be another mystery adjustment taken into battle. How many posts are there with people complaining how someone with a much lower attack can win against someone with a much higher defense score. My theory is that the attack skills multiplier coupled with an additional bonus augment gives them the win.

All I need is three clicks at junkyard then switch to using all that massive 10 stamina points. It sometime takes a while to track down a rival with a level 4-7 laundromat or collection agency ripe for the picking. I have yet to come across 1 loft to farm respect.

03-07-2012, 02:02 AM
If you really want to do things right, i wouldnt bother with anything but level 7 laundromats, level 4 collection agencies and lofts. This will give you an avg of probably 2.8 respect per xp. If you cant find them, c'est la vie, your stamina goes to waste! That'd be the perfect storm of respect gathering tho.

03-07-2012, 02:18 AM
If you really want to do things right, i wouldnt bother with anything but level 7 laundromats, level 4 collection agencies and lofts. This will give you an avg of probably 2.8 respect per xp. If you cant find them, c'est la vie, your stamina goes to waste! That'd be the perfect storm of respect gathering tho.

This secondary account is not a perfect build by a long shot. I don't mind hitting up level 4-6 laundromat. At my level I have yet to see anything higher than a level 2 collection agencies and only 1 loft but was already collected. I suppose as I am up in the low hundreds it may be difficult to farm respect from laundromats as most would have sold those to make room or to sync collection times or to avoid respect farmers like myself.

There is no limit to how many respect points you can farm so once I'm at the high levels I'll probably just concentrate on pvp as I hope to have the best respect items before hitting level 120.

03-07-2012, 02:39 AM
Theres still tons of laundromats in the early hundreds at least, and i believe there will be at least a good amount all the way up to level 200, as there will always be the people who have just followed the storyline. Level 60ish, you will start seeing a ton of level 7 laundromats, and will be able to hit nothing but those pretty easily if you want to.