View Full Version : Getting constantly attacked by same guy...

jay dog
02-24-2012, 03:22 AM
As title says, the same guy is attacking and raiding me every few hours. :mad: As i'm new to this game, i'm not sure what I can do to stop this. Any advice for a newbie please?

My alliance id: 321 293 803 add me I need the help lol

02-24-2012, 03:26 AM
very interesting thank

02-24-2012, 03:29 AM
If you are new, quit leveling up for a day or two. He will out level you soon and you will not be on his rivals list anymore.

jay dog
02-24-2012, 03:36 AM
The thing is he is much higher level than me so don't understand how i'm showing up on his lists...i'm level 14 he is level 24 so I can't even retaliate...

02-24-2012, 03:36 AM
I have EXACTLY the same problem but it has been going on for over a week now. The guy is 10 levels or so above me, i haven't attacked him in days and after he messaged me, i have messaged him hoping that it would drive me out of his newso feed so he'd have nothing left to click on but still he attacks. i am building up my defence but he still attacks daily. no idea how he found me in the first place as he has always had a higher level and more allies and even more puzzled how after days of inactivity towards him, i am still on his list of targets. help? i can give stats, etc if needs be

02-24-2012, 05:57 AM
- Make sure you don't have money outside your vault
- Make sure you harvest your money from money buildings (especially the high numbers)

If you do both above, he shouldn't have reason to attack as he will not gain from it... or he just has some kind of self destructive personality.

Other possibility is to increase your defence value (optimize it). It might you might then be able to block his attack (in case he has a weak attack or bad balance 'level vs #allies'

Good luck.

02-25-2012, 05:16 AM
I had this happen a few times while I was leveling up. They may be using the new feed to find you if you attacked back.
I posted three characters, Ex: "***" to their wall about 50 times to clear out any possible link back to me per the news feed.

War Priest
02-25-2012, 08:48 AM
Increase your defenses. Always keep your money vaulted. You should always have your vault upgrading. Keep your money collected. And don't keep excess money that won't fit in your vault. If there isn't money to win when he attacks you, he should stop. Search the forums. There are many great stratagies out there.

02-25-2012, 10:24 AM
And don't keep excess money that won't fit in your vault.

Following this advice, you would never be able to upgrade your oil rig past level 2 and would never be able to purchase the Space Center or Nanotech Factory.

War Priest
02-25-2012, 11:20 AM
Following this advice, you would never be able to upgrade your oil rig past level 2 and would never be able to purchase the Space Center or Nanotech Factory.

He simply asked how to get rid of a specific foe. Not how to save for the space center.

02-25-2012, 12:30 PM
He simply asked how to get rid of a specific foe. Not how to save for the space center.
OK. So, now way to do both. Gotcha.

02-25-2012, 12:39 PM
Ilez owo rozgi zdarzalo sie nam, ze odjechalibysmy na wakacje, dokad kiedy to z reguly nawiedza nie ciula sie pieniedzy zas pod koniec urlopu w portfelu przedstawiloby sie dol. Bankomat asercyj nie reflektowal wyplacic pieniedzy bowiem rachunek rozliczeniowy pokutowaloby zdezynfekowane. ZAs Prowident (http://www.avklakson.ru/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49253)
poczynalby sie trudnosc. Tutejszy pula oczywiscie nie udzieli nam w takim kazusie kredytu, bowiem nie istniejemy mu znajomi. Kwaterujemy przeciez na wtorym finiszu Jezyk polski z tej przyczyny jak ma udzielic nam niefiskalnego Prowident Warszawa (http://erben-der-onkelz.com/forum/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=5630#5630) podparte. Taka sytuacja najczesciej zdarza sie w obfitych osrodkach wypoczynkowych, ktorym jest na przyklad Gdansk. Nierzadko wolno tedy zastac zdesperowanych tulaczow, jacy zaszaleli na poczatku swojego urlopu zanadto konkretnie oraz obecnie musza klebic sie sie az do klanu uprzednio. TUDZIEz dosyc nie musza nierzeczonego czynic. Owo, iz nie zdobyta podparta platniczego w banku, nie symbolizuje, iz nie winnom poszukac go dokad indziej. Istnieje moc fabryki parabankowych, ktore Prowident Gdynia (http://littlesheep.no-ip.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=17650#17650) udostepniaja wierzytelnosci tudziez nie spostrzegaja kto skad czerpie. Jakas z taka fabryki jest Provident. Podczas gdy komus zabraknie pieniedzy w oddanym znaczniej Gdansku, koniec, iz skontaktuje sie sposrod kontyngentem Provident Gdansk zas umowi sie na zgromadzenie z reprezentantem. Moze owo poczynic w dowolnym miejscu zas o opcjonalnej porze. Koryfeusz ktory reflektuje gotowiznie, nie musi ukonczyc opalanie sie na plazy przedtem, skoro przedstawiciel fabryki Prowident Gdansk, prawdopodobnie nadejsc az do naszego hotelowego grotu nawet spoznionym wieczor. Podczas gdy istniejemy natychmiast umowieni na zgromadzenie, basta dysponowac w sasiedztwie siebie argument podmiotowy natomiast praktycznie mozemy istniec jakies, ze dysponujemy gotowke. W samej rzeczy bowiem przebieg zdarzen sie w dziewiecdziesieciu pieciu odsetkach przypadkow zlozenia morale o kredyt w jednostce Prowident. Wobec tego biznes owa, istnieje tak bardzo atrakcyjna wsrod wielu persony. Na takim zgromadzeniu, nie dosc ze uzytkowo od dloni zdolamy zdobyc gotowke, owo w tym samym czasie mozemy umowic sie w kto badania beda manifestowane splaty dlugu. Jest to nader komfortowe, natomiast rownolegle nie absorbuje wiele wieku. Owo dopiero co Prowident Gdansk, jest szefem wsrod kazdych kontyngentow tej instytucji, gdyby chodzi o udostepnianie takich pozyczek „na odleglosc”, czyli w celu gosciach, jacy wprowadzaja na wskros Provident (http://dam.hhosona.com/index.php?topic=78869.new#new) przyjezdnym polozeniu, a kredyt wezma dopiero co w tym miejscu. Co drobiazgowe, nadzwyczaj okazala istnieje takze „splacalnosc” takich dlugow. To oznacza sa one uzytkowo w sumie poprawiane na obecnie. Klienci, ktorzy siegneliby sposrod sluzby Prowident Gdansk, nie reflektuja se poniewaz kasowac sila trwania kredytu nowym w sumie, gdy kolejny raz zabraknie im pieniedzy w toku urlopowych wariactw. Po co dlatego ze niszczyc sobie znakomita balange na przestrzeni wygladanego dzieki calkowity dwanascie miesiecy relaksie.

War Priest
02-25-2012, 01:08 PM
OK. So, now way to do both. Gotcha.

Don't take the advice, and keep excess money that won't fit in the vault. But once discovered they probably won't stop until they have it all. Just took 5 million from a player with 20 million on hand. Will go back later for the rest.

02-25-2012, 01:15 PM
I could only take 3m maximum per visit, wondering is there a trick can take more? Em....

War Priest
02-25-2012, 01:17 PM
I could only take 3m maximum per visit, wondering is there a trick can take more? Em....

It was my second visit of the day.

02-25-2012, 01:29 PM
Don't take the advice, and keep excess money that won't fit in the vault. But once discovered they probably won't stop until they have it all. Just took 5 million from a player with 20 million on hand. Will go back later for the rest.

Fair enough. I have only seen one person able to take my $ in the last month or so. Even then, I won a lot of the times when he was attacking me. I currently have 5 million that is unprotected. Look for EnjoyLife and come take it.

02-25-2012, 01:34 PM
Gota 65m unprotected cash, come and farm me, look for digitalcamper, m sure I can keep u busy for days:)

02-25-2012, 01:36 PM
Take it easy war priest, we were all play jokes around ,don't take it serious, glad that u found ur way of playing and seems works great for u:)cheers

War Priest
02-25-2012, 01:40 PM
Take it easy war priest, we were all play jokes around ,don't take it serious, glad that u found ur way of playing and seems works great for u:)cheers

Did I say something wrong?

02-25-2012, 01:46 PM
Did I say something wrong?

Not at all, u two were giving advises to ops from different aspects which I think it is a great thing, and just if these two aspects clashes, how to deal with it in a proper way is difficult. I sometime find its really hard, so simply kept silence and listen to others.
Anyway, u r cool tho:)

War Priest
02-25-2012, 01:55 PM
Yes as there are many ways and stratagies to the game. In the end it's just advice, up to the player to follow or not. And would love to take up your offer on your money but I don't think we are near the same level.