View Full Version : Amphibious Troopers

02-18-2012, 05:18 PM
Just pondering something here. What if someone loaded up on Amphibious Troopers; hundreds, maybe thousands, and just fought of battles and raids that way. Yes, they'd loose, but they can always be replenished at no cost. Cash can be locked away up to a theoretical 10 million. If they didn't revenge a rival, they'd most likely stay hidden as well, unless someone wanted to laboriously search the rivals list.
At level 100 they would bring 2000 AT's to a battle, (taking other things into consideration, the fact that one would need to level up to open the relevant map); we're still talking an attack defence number in the region of 12000/16000. Maybe at level 100 that might not be much to brag about, but so what, they'd lose some in battle, or raids, along with some money, but your cash buildings will keep churning out money, and you can always replenish your dearly departed dead. They'd level up constantly.
Granted this isn't a fun way to progress through the game, but it's a way to get to the highest level... or am I missing something blindingly obvious? BTW I'm tired and the brain cells might not be all there tonight, so forgive me if I did miss something.
Oh and that someone isn't me, I have an averagely decent base for a mid 30's level player with my cash cows producing around 150,000 an hour.

02-18-2012, 09:24 PM
Higher missions give much better experience and much better cash payouts. Also much better loot from time to time. But valor units and cash units are still a lot stronger.