View Full Version : eplosives still a waste of money!

02-18-2012, 06:18 AM
Eight hours ago I bought 150 stun grenades. When I woke up I was down to 68. This is not the type of "harder to lose" claim I was expecting. Don't throw your money away on them.

Max Power
02-18-2012, 06:28 AM
I suppose it depends on your level of defense compared to your rivals list. I don't doubt that they changed something in the algorithm to alter the loss rate, but if your boat has multiple leaks, one patch isn't gonna stop you from sinking.

How is your defense in comparison to your rivals? Did you lose a lot in successful defends or were they losses?

02-18-2012, 01:08 PM
What Max said - explosive will be of no great use if you are overall wekaer than most of your rivals. I tried them far too early in the game - I only knew this was the case when, like you, I found I was losing them hand over fist. IMO, explosives should be the absolute last inventory item you buy - focus first on economy, RP weapons and farming the M4A1. Once you can fight and win against, say, 60%+ in your Rival's list and your economy can support it then load up on explosives and you'll find you don't leak so many.

02-18-2012, 08:02 PM
What Max said - explosive will be of no great use if you are overall wekaer than most of your rivals. I tried them far too early in the game - I only knew this was the case when, like you, I found I was losing them hand over fist. IMO, explosives should be the absolute last inventory item you buy - focus first on economy, RP weapons and farming the M4A1. Once you can fight and win against, say, 60%+ in your Rival's list and your economy can support it then load up on explosives and you'll find you don't leak so many.

I think that's some good advice. You have to be of a little above average in comparison to those around you before the explosives will be worth it. However, once you're there...they're a game changer. Once your Econ and strength is right, adding explosives on top of that can put you in a nice place. For instance, although a lot of people had trouble robbing me when I had just over 50k defense, there was no way I could sleep in on a day off without waking up robbed. There are plenty around me strong enough to break through that. I just added 500 Land Mines and 500 of the other defense only explosives to raise that to 69,800+ and although at lvl 172 that is far from untouchable...it definitely raises the bar, excludes those that can to a small percentage of total players around me, and my news has been bright green.

G Wiz
02-18-2012, 09:50 PM
I assume that by last longer they meant that we wont lose as much when we win which always happened to me...

02-19-2012, 05:32 AM
Still losing explosives at the higher price. Maybe not as many each time as before but still losing them.

02-19-2012, 06:56 AM
I am too poor to use explosives.

It is taking forever to recover from my earlier mistaken belief that an "econ-less" approach to the game would actually work.