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View Full Version : Advice about leveling up (level 59)

02-08-2012, 04:18 PM
My character is at a point where I'm not sure where to concentrate my energies. I'm at level 59 now with the following stats:
Alliance Members: 236
Units: 1949
Att/Def: 5.6k, 11.1k
Income/hr: 138k

I'm about to get to level 60 which makes me nervous. Don't feel quite ready to be in whale territory yet. I've saved up a bunch of valor (>40k) which I was going to use once reaching whale territory to boost my Att and Def ratings with super hornets.

My questions are:
1) How fast to level? Should I rest here, collect cash and upgrade units/$$ buildings?
2) Where should I spend money? (more money buildings and upgrades vs defense units vs offense units)
3) What is the priority for upgrades? (money vs. boost vs. unit buildings vs. def buildings)
4) Approximately how many valor missions do I have left (on Force Degedration 90 right now)

Thanks in advance.

02-08-2012, 07:23 PM
havent seen anyone under 65 in a while, and not many 65-70. You'll be safe from the high levels at 60

02-08-2012, 07:38 PM
Yup, I concur with JMC. I was nervous too, but breezed through levels 60 through 70 without being attacked by crazy level players. Go ahead, jump in, the water is fine.

02-08-2012, 11:55 PM
Thanks for the advice, going to jump right in.

02-09-2012, 01:03 AM
Was about to ask this. I'm @ 59 myself. Thnx guys.

Another Qs: hw much def do u guys reckon is needed to be safe past 65? 20k ish?

02-09-2012, 01:10 AM
I'm 59 too with 16k def, try to look in ur ally list ppl >75 to look their stats, it can give u an estimation :)

02-09-2012, 02:23 AM
Checked my ally list n found a lvl 100 wif 5k def. niceeee. N also a lvl 144 wif 35k def n still got hammered quite badly (3.4 k fight lost)..at 60-75, ranging frm as low as 3k to as high as 23k att..hmm somethng to ponder

02-09-2012, 02:42 AM
Yes no reason to stop levelling at 59 or any other level for that matter as long as your economy, attack and defense is in good order. By that I mean take a look at your rivals list and if your stats are in the upper third the only people who'll attack you regularly are the gold and valor users who do hundreds of attacks per day, but there aren't enough of them to be a huge annoyance unless you regularily leave a lot outside you vault. I agonised over hitting level 50 but I'm now 69 and nothing has changed through that range really, the attention of higher level rivals does gradually happen but it hasn't been an overnight change.

02-09-2012, 03:02 AM
I agonised over hitting level 50 but I'm now 69 and nothing has changed through that range really, the attention of higher level rivals does gradually happen but it hasn't been an overnight change.

Yeah u r right there. i was worried myself on hitting over 50 bt it work well fr me as i hv adequate def n att.
Fr the last 3 lvls, i always make sure tht i upgrade at least 2 buildings (money/unit) for every lvl. N aiming fr 1k att n def increase fr evry lvl. Downside is it's slower n booooringgg.

02-09-2012, 03:25 AM
Yeah u r right there. i was worried myself on hitting over 50 bt it work well fr me as i hv adequate def n att.
Fr the last 3 lvls, i always make sure tht i upgrade at least 2 buildings (money/unit) for every lvl. N aiming fr 1k att n def increase fr evry lvl. Downside is it's slower n booooringgg.

The biggest problem for me is the same as nearly everyone else is having where no matter who I attack I lose so many units it's not viable. This also means of course that I'm not getting attacked as much as a player at my level would in the past but the extent of that's impossible to quantify. As you say though it is boring I'm just gradually moving up as a result of PVE and nothing else.

Agent Orange
02-12-2012, 11:14 AM
The current cutoff seems to be L70 at least that is the lowest level players I'm seeing in my list.

02-12-2012, 01:51 PM
This is all good to hear. I've spent the last 3 weeks ultra turtling @ LvL 43. I just hit 44 the other day after having a LvL 5 infirmary come online and going on a campaign the likes of which will make you sick. I lost 1.98MM and gained 1.1MM. However, "one" of those losses was an overnight 1.4MM grab of cash I had piled up over the vault. So, aside from my risk-taking I would have profited 600K. The losses I'm stating include units and cash.