View Full Version : How realistic is this?

01-19-2012, 05:48 PM
Look at this guys items and stats and tell me that this guy is not cheating in some way. I have an economy almost twice his $62,679/hr (approx. $58,000 not including laundromats). This guys stats are ridiculous considering how little fighting & robberies. I do not believe he is a legit player and I could tell just by looking in his inventory. Hes on lvl 81 like me.

Item Cost Quantity Total
Flamethrower $625,000 100 $62,500,000
Assault Rifle $36,000 170 $6,120,000
Taser $190,000 235 $44,650,000
Chef Cleaver $11,000 70 $770,000
Steel Garrotes $53,000 666 $35,298,000
Swat Helmet $18,000 439 $7,902,000
Blast Shield $32,500 164 $5,330,000
Pickup Truck $18,000 140 $2,520,000
69 Camaro $35,000 170 $5,950,000
Armored SUV $480,000 72 $34,560,000
Audi $900,000 159 $143,100,000

Grand Total $348,700,000

His Hourly Income $32,922
# Hours take to collect (Perfect Collection) 10,592
# Days to collect (Perfect Collection) 441

01-19-2012, 05:51 PM

This does not include cost of his items which I did not include or all his money buildings so its more realistically around 400 million.

01-19-2012, 05:58 PM
Sorry that the pics are small, not use to posting also if your looking for his profile pic it is 1r.

01-19-2012, 07:09 PM
Looks a bit suspicious.

Did you report it to Funzio?