View Full Version : Unfair treatment

G Wiz
01-16-2012, 09:07 AM
We all know the advantage that ipad users have over us iphone users. I think its very unfair that the ipad game can be manipulated differently while still operating in the same game universe as an iphone user.

I am tired of the back to back problems with crime city, and from a paying customer's standpoint its a bit cumbersome to deal with.

Please address these issues!

01-16-2012, 09:18 AM
I'm pretty sure they've said the app store just has to approve the new version for iPhones, so if that's the case then the ball isn't actually in their court anymore. Also, I realize I'm adding fuel to fire by saying this; but you don't HAVE to pay to play this game. Just sayin'.

01-16-2012, 09:18 AM
Fubzio should leave CC the way it is and cut their losses.

Work on a sequel and don't release it until it works properly, and across all platforms.

This is the first and only game I have ever played that has not once been a "finished product".

01-16-2012, 09:21 AM
It is pure shenanigans to have separate looting systems be on the same game server... No way iPhone can keep up with iPad hd at this point

And holi, u just try to irk people on the forum don't you? Have forum troll with slight e thug in you hiding behind "proper" grammar and punctuation

Tramp Stamp
01-16-2012, 09:27 AM
I'm pretty sure they've said the app store just has to approve the new version for iPhones, so if that's the case then the ball isn't actually in their court anymore.

Funzio has demonstrated repeatedly the ability to affect drops server side. The correct workaround is to nerf all multi-hit targets until the client mess is sorted out.

Fig Oni
01-16-2012, 09:34 AM
Another Conzio puppet leaving his comment (Holic Do I need to mention who I'm referring too)

01-16-2012, 09:37 AM
well if the multi-hit targets is suppose to be correct then they should leave it correct. if the multi-hit fix is with the next update then everything is sorted out just gotta wait til apple releases the update. i switch between HD version and regular version all the time because hd version is slow and laggy,

Tramp Stamp
01-16-2012, 09:38 AM
you don't HAVE to pay to play this game. Just sayin'.

I'm getting there. Have to admit had I been playing the game for, say, a week I probably would have quit this weekend. Preparing and posting the economy comparison last night was a real effort, and that's my favorite thing to do regarding this game.

01-16-2012, 09:40 AM
I switch between the two versions as well. My opinion is that although there is a difference, it really isn't all that huge.

But then again, I stopped farming M4s before I started playing HD....

01-16-2012, 09:40 AM
How am I trolling? And how is using proper grammar something an e-thug would do? I'm not going to apologize for using the English language how it was taught to me in elementary school.

This is a free game that you have chosen to invest money in (ending a sentence with a preposition, improper grammar, please flame). I don't see how that statement has any form of trolling in it. I'm not bashing people who put money on this game: if you want to do that it's your choice, but it's still a choice and it isn't necessary to enjoy the game, it just makes it faster to do things like upgrade buildings or grow your economy.

Funzio has demonstrated repeatedly the ability to affect drops server side. The correct workaround is to nerf all multi-hit targets until the client mess is sorted out.

Ok, that seems like a viable solution, but since they don't seem to be doing that and, from what I've gleaned from other people's posts, they do seem to be making an effort to fix it, it seems like bringing it up as much as everyone here is doing is just pointless. Also, wouldn't these be better posted in the technical board?

Fig Oni
01-16-2012, 09:49 AM
from what I've gleaned from other people's posts, they do seem to be making an effort to fix it

You chat whole load of rubbish there is not even one person on this forum that can confirm that conzio is fixing it and if there is show the proof before making false statement (I honestly think you are a conzio puppet)

Tramp Stamp
01-16-2012, 09:52 AM
Ok, that seems like a viable solution, but since they don't seem to be doing that and, from what I've gleaned from other people's posts, they do seem to be making an effort to fix it, it seems like bringing it up as much as everyone here is doing is just pointless. Also, wouldn't these be better posted in the technical board?

There's a skew in the level of effort applied compared to the amount of resources the company (supposedly) has to address the issue. It's not a one-man shop, it's a 55 employee company with over $20 million at its disposal. They should have a full QA team and an emergency response team that works weekends. Meanwhile an issue from Thursday is still outstanding. That's just crazy in the world of competitive online gaming.

As for repeatedly bringing up the issue, it's tough to ignore imbalance issues of this range. Believe me when I say people have been quite civil and tame compared to what goes on in other gaming communities. At least, I haven't yet seen any 40 minute YouTube presentations on Crime City imbalance issues. As for the technical board, let's not kid ourselves, there's nothing more that can be done from the user side. They're well aware of the problem. What's left is just *****ing at their slow response.

Max Power
01-16-2012, 10:04 AM
Jesus, leave the guy alone. Ha makes some valid points.

I think people are getting waaaaay too wound up over this weekends events.

This forum is starting to turn into a huge tampon fest.

Edit: Not directed at you Tramp Stamp. Timing is everything.

01-16-2012, 10:06 AM
I'm not a puppet. In either the mossberg thread or the other super weapon thread (forget the name of the gun) someone said that Funzio was waiting on the app store for approval. I, again, am not here to flame so please don't look at my posts as ways to get people riled up, these are just my opinions and my reactions to what's going on.

There's a skew in the level of effort applied compared to the amount of resources the company (supposedly) has to address the issue. It's not a one-man shop, it's a 55 employee company with over $20 million at its disposal. They should have a full QA team and an emergency response team that works weekends. Meanwhile an issue from Thursday is still outstanding. That's just crazy in the world of competitive online gaming.

As for repeatedly bringing up the issue, it's tough to ignore imbalance issues of this range. Believe me when I say people have been quite civil and tame compared to what goes on in other gaming communities. At least, I haven't yet seen any 40 minute YouTube presentations on Crime City imbalance issues. As for the technical board, let's not kid ourselves, there's nothing more that can be done from the user side. They're well aware of the problem. What's left is just *****ing at their slow response.

I don't really know much about the company, I'm just using the information I've read on these forums to make my posts. I think my main problem with all the complaining is that it's a free game. You aren't forced to pay in order to play it (as opposed to a game you would pick up at Gamestop where you have to purchase it) and yet people are treating like they had to buy it.

Also, and this statement is likely going to cause controversy as well, if you JUST picked up the game and were trying to get into it competitively, how would everything that just happened hinder your progress? All the loot (from what I can see) that you would want to farm is still lootable on the iPhone, right? I mean, correct me if I'm wrong because I'd rather not be talking out of my ass about this. So what's the point in complaining about stuff that NO ONE has access to anymore?

Tramp Stamp
01-16-2012, 10:25 AM
You aren't forced to pay in order to play it (as opposed to a game you would pick up at Gamestop where you have to purchase it) and yet people are treating like they had to buy it.

The natural conclusion of your argument is that people should expect nothing in exchange for money. I mean, what exactly are we "forced" to buy?

if you JUST picked up the game and were trying to get into it competitively, how would everything that just happened hinder your progress?

My immediate progress would not have been hindered, just as it has not been seriously impacted by this development. However I would have gotten the clue early on that the game is unstable, which is a problem for a game that depends on long term strategy. Now that I have a certain amount of sunk cost in terms of time invested, I am likely to continue, at least for now.

All the loot (from what I can see) that you would want to farm is still lootable on the iPhone, right?

Yes and no. It would have been nice to have Mossberg et al at the intended rates (per completion) rather than have been substituted with worthless loot.

I mean, correct me if I'm wrong because I'd rather not be talking out of my ass about this. So what's the point in complaining about stuff that NO ONE has access to anymore?

Not quite true as there is still the M4 location at Packer Heights with a ~50% enhanced drop rate.

01-16-2012, 10:42 AM
You aren't forced to pay in order to play it (as opposed to a game you would pick up at Gamestop where you have to purchase it) and yet people are treating like they had to buy it.

The natural conclusion of your argument is that people should expect nothing in exchange for money. I mean, what exactly are we "forced" to buy?

No, I'm saying that people do not have to pay for this game, yet feel entitled if they choose to do so. It isn't something that is NECESSARY in order to play the game on any level (it might make it faster for economic or stat growth, but neither of those are contingent upon gold). Its like; you (royal you, not personal) knew that when the purchase was made that you wouldn't see that money again, but now that this has happened, even though they are refunding gold, you feel like you should get your money back.

Yes and no. It would have been nice to have Mossberg et al at the intended rates (per completion) rather than have then be substituted with worthless loot.

BUT, the loot that WAS incredible has been retroactively nerfed, so it's not like the fact that someone who got it now still has the advantage over you. However, people are complaining about loot drops on the iPad still being awesome even though the loot they are getting isn't better than what iPhone users are getting.

Not quite true as there is still the M4 location at Packer Heights with a ~50% enhanced drop rate.

So this is confirmed that 1 out of 2 taps should net you an M4? If that's the case then I have no problem with anyone being upset about this particular spot. Where is that anyway? Not that it matters as I don't have an iPad.

Tramp Stamp
01-16-2012, 10:58 AM
No, I'm saying that people do not have to pay for this game, yet feel entitled if they choose to do so. It isn't something that is NECESSARY in order to play the game on any level (it might make it faster for economic or stat growth, but neither of those are contingent upon gold). Its like; you (royal you, not personal) knew that when the purchase was made that you wouldn't see that money again, but now that this has happened, even though they are refunding gold, you feel like you should get your money back.

You're pretty much validating my argument: if people surrender money, they feel entitled to something. That's how it works. That's where the barrier is crossed with the "free game" thing. Once the cash is surrendered, expectations rise. Other people playing without paying changes nothing. It's no different than any other tiered service where the first tier is "free".

Strictly speaking, customers should get their money back, especially if paid with credit card as that is explicitly in the policy. I would be interested in hearing about the outcome of any disputes related to this. I can see it going either way.

However, people are complaining about loot drops on the iPad still being awesome even though the loot they are getting isn't better than what iPhone users are getting.

They're still getting the loot at a higher rate.

So this is confirmed that 1 out of 2 taps should net you an M4?

At least two people have confirmed it to me, and the rate is 26% or 1.53 per 1,000, which is 47% more efficient than the next best option, Boardwalk Shooting Gallery.

EDIT: and one person said multi-hit drops weren't working on the iPad at all.

If that's the case then I have no problem with anyone being upset about this particular spot. Where is that anyway? Not that it matters as I don't have an iPad.

Nadya Ivanov

01-16-2012, 11:05 AM
You're pretty much validating my argument: if people surrender money, they feel entitled to something. That's how it works. That's where the barrier is crossed with the "free game" thing. Once the cash is surrendered, expectations rise. Other people playing without paying changes nothing. It's no different than any other tiered service where the first tier is "free".

You paid for gold, and when you used it to do something that later got changed (see:nerfed) they refunded your gold. The gold could have been used on other things in the game, but you chose to use it for refilling energy (presumably in this case). Since you CHOSE to use it for energy after you purchased it I see no reason why giving you your gold back so that you can make another choice with it is unfair.

Strictly speaking, customers should get their money back, especially if paid with credit card as that is explicitly in the policy. I would be interested in hearing about the outcome of any disputes related to this. I can see it going either way.

What policy? And where is Nadya located?. I won't be back on till later tonight, but I'd be more than willing to continue this banter, especially since there are no flames involved :)

Fig Oni
01-16-2012, 11:10 AM
Holic your cool but this statement was make around 24 hours ago

Forums were down this morning

Hey all,

Our forums went down this morning, so if you made posts during the "dead" period around 5 AM, that post might have been lost. They weren't intentionally deleted, and things are back to normal now. The game was unaffected.



Now they made an announcement of something trivial like the forum going down but everything else they don't. That why we/I feel hard done by there attitude, don't care or give a **** about the nerfing as I was only trying to located there whereabouts which was done. Also I'm over the mossberg fiasco but every day there something new that changes that just makes the game enjoyment deteriorate.

If I knew this was going to happen I would never of spent money on this game as it make it hard for me to quit , I think that 's the same for alot of us

Tramp Stamp
01-16-2012, 11:12 AM
You paid for gold, and when you used it to do something that later got changed (see:nerfed) they refunded your gold. The gold could have been used on other things in the game, but you chose to use it for refilling energy (presumably in this case). Since you CHOSE to use it for energy after you purchased it I see no reason why giving you your gold back so that you can make another choice with it is unfair.

This line of thought is why I am interested in dispute outcomes, but the bottom line is the customer bought something with a certain expectation. Funzio would argue that gold is gold and it worked out in the end while the customer would argue that he wanted a specific feature that was pulled, effectively a bait-and-switch. Funzio gold is the online equivalent of store credit, and that doesn't fly in the retail arena when it comes to credit cards, but, then again, people rarely buy store currency then buy items with that currency.

What policy?

Credit card merchant agreement, which requires a liberal return policy.

And where is Nadya located?

Packer Heights. She has a sister "Anya" on the same map.

01-16-2012, 12:41 PM
I would say this to add to the discussion - if the regular joe knew about all of this first and foremost, then they would most likely choose to play free and not invest gold - no harm, no foul there (other than the knowledge that an iPad user will inevitably gain faster than you because of the drop ratio, and therefore have the potential to become much more powerful than you faster).

However, after investing money in gold it is like a shot in the face, knowing that a free iPad user can quickly gain over someone who uses an iPhone. Pity. The game is fun, but for me - at least - there will be an endgame, and Funzio will lose a customer, for good. No more supporting games like this for me, especially with such discrepancies.

If they make the iPhone drops the same, or nerf the iPad drops, well - that would be a nice start.

I plan to go out just like nob did - sell everything, plant my flag, and leave all the change in my pockets. Until then, game on.

01-16-2012, 01:12 PM
I can not confirm it is a 50% drop rate, thats just what happened when I hit her 10 times. I had to hit her 5 to complete the goal, when i got the m4's i did it again to see what would happen. I also moved on, i cant farm m4's anymore, to boring. They only boost my attck 9 points. I only have 167 of them also.

I like to get 1 of every weapon, it might be a small case of ocd but i still like to play that way. The iPAD does drop more loot, its a fact.

Crime City Snark
01-16-2012, 01:13 PM
G Wiz it is against company policy to address issues. Feel free to contact customer service ;_; <-- this is my happy face.

01-16-2012, 01:13 PM
G Wiz it is against company policy to address issues. Feel free to contact customer service ;_; <-- this is my happy face.

LOL!!! bwahahahah

01-16-2012, 01:38 PM
G Wiz it is against company policy to address issues. Feel free to contact customer service ;_; <-- this is my happy face.

User Crime City Snark warned against warning.

We now continue with our regularly-scheduled programming.

Game on.

Crime City Snark
01-16-2012, 01:55 PM
User NikolasTesla warned for spamming, promoting AC over DC, and spelling his own name wrong.

01-16-2012, 01:58 PM
This line of thought is why I am interested in dispute outcomes, but the bottom line is the customer bought something with a certain expectation. Funzio would argue that gold is gold and it worked out in the end while the customer would argue that he wanted a specific feature that was pulled, effectively a bait-and-switch. Funzio gold is the online equivalent of store credit, and that doesn't fly in the retail arena when it comes to credit cards, but, then again, people rarely buy store currency then buy items with that currency.

The easiest way I can think of seeing this is to view gold as a gift card. If you buy a gift card to Walmart and then spend it on an item that turns out to be defective, they will give you store credit back. No one buys a gift card with the thought of getting real money in return. The same goes for the gold; you are buying a gift card with which to purchase items from Funzio.

01-16-2012, 01:58 PM
User NikolasTesla warned for spamming, promoting AC over DC, and spelling his own name wrong.


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G Wiz
01-16-2012, 03:12 PM
G Wiz it is against company policy to address issues. Feel free to contact customer service ;_; <-- this is my happy face.Lolol im dying!!

But as I was going to say, the game is free and we do understand that we have a choice to play it or not. But if I choose to play and pay I should get the quality assurance as reciprocation.

Cc is the type of game that has a lot of dimensions. It will need solutions from all angles, including player feedback (prove to us your listening funzio!)

We have a lot of intelligent people on these forums developing strategies, crunching numbers and lending help...but what do we get from the other side? A sale on gold.....
I'm just demanding better service

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01-16-2012, 03:53 PM
Lolol im dying!!

But as I was going to say, the game is free and we do understand that we have a choice to play it or not. But if I choose to play and pay I should get the quality assurance as reciprocation.

Cc is the type of game that has a lot of dimensions. It will need solutions from all angles, including player feedback (prove to us your listening funzio!)

We have a lot of intelligent people on these forums developing strategies, crunching numbers and lending help...but what do we get from the other side? A sale on gold.....
I'm just demanding better service

And what Tramp is talking about I have no problem with (not that it really matters if I'm ok with what people say on here) but when it's just complaining and whining with no reason attached other than that people feel wronged; THAT is what seems ridiculous and excessive to me.

Navi Ho
01-16-2012, 04:41 PM
Ok so I switched to HD from normal on my IPAD. Went to Packer heights and got 5 MA's in 17 hits, and so this is definitely just a HD reward not the normal version on the IPAD. This is the first time I've gotten loot on a non-final hit of multi-hit target. SO it does look like the HD version (with all it bugs) might be paying off a little more, (or is this going to be another one of those scenarios where once it starts being hit a lot the drop rate disappears?) Really ticks me off as I know there are many places playing the normal version on IPad where I never got a single item on a multi-hit target and that is after going through the level 2-5 times (so in some cases >40 hits). I can only imagine how ticked you I-phone users are. I'll try to keep track and post the longer run totals for Packer Heights.

01-16-2012, 05:10 PM
What is the process for transferring an account from one device to another?