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01-10-2012, 06:27 AM

One of the 'End Game' goals for everone shoyuld be getting the Golden Grenade Launcher and the Golden Gattling gun. To get these, your going to need to follow current guides towards playing the game.

You will need a good economy: Tramps Stamps Economy discussion (http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?15477-Economy-planning-amp-discussion)

If your a new player or need a guide to playing the game then read this:
Popeye's Advanced guide (http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?11994-Popeye-s-Advanced-Guide&)

So Im nearly level 120, I have seen the game change through the levels etc etc. I have spent gold on the gam,e to the extent of all the good gold buildings, one super badass car, and around 30-40 gold items in the 30-60gold cost. In essence, they only add around 1K to my mafia att/def at most.

If your going to spend gold - Most definately spend it on the bulidings. If your only going to buy a small amount of gold once - wait until the Pirate Taverns, Rock Cafes, and Gent clubs become available to you - those $$$ bulidings are serious income game changers. Eitherway, your going to need an economy of 300K/hour + to fully complete these goals.

Regarding the golden weapon line of quests, if you surpass one whilst doing another one you will still get the reward for the one you have skipped.

In the early levels, Tommy guns and combat boots are excellant value and actually play a major role in keeping your stats high. By level 100 their will be 0 use for them so bear that in mind. The thing to remember also is (R) is finite. 1000 (R) at lower levels gets you 20 combat boots, that is great value and you obviously need to win PVP and robberies at any level.

The aim of this thread is to put the best use to your (R) and $$$ to eventually get the Golden weapons. There are obviously various combinations of items you can use but I will list the aims I personally feel are best. It would be good if others in responce can offer other combinations to aim for.

01-10-2012, 06:27 AM
So I have won 16500 PVP battles and the results of this is I have armor giving these stats

Police Armor 5/14 x73
Wrestle Masks 4/7 x207
Boxing Trunks 6/8x153
Combat boots from earlier levels 5/8x82

That is over 500 armor pieces with relatively low stats on them. This is why Night Vision Bonocular's (goggles) are so valuable because they layer your Mafia with 16/16. Think of them as getting 300-400 of these will give your armor 16/16 of each. These are always other reward items, some high in att, most high in defence but I would recommend aiming for 400 of these at 300 ® each.

The Full Combat gear is actually great value for defence in the Top tier range, however If needed, with a high economy FBI Shields cost 1.5M and give 24defence. You might need a 100 of these to reach your golden goals, but with a good economy by level 150 1.5M is not a lot of money. Try to imagine of goggles as having stats of something like 11/10 due to the PVP loot you will get.

The other area ® needs investing in is vehicles. Due to vehicles being the part of the mafia people initially find difficult to fully equip unless your happy with them riding round in Junkers. Yamaha Bikes for 325 ®. Although the stats are 13/12 (lower than the goggles) you will get the full amount of att/def from them because you most likely will be short of vehicles.

With regards to melee weapons, you can actually get good stats from spending $$$ on 350 Steel Garrots and 350 Tasers. Although the Serrated Blade looks good, for getting the Golden weapons it falls behing goggles and Yam bikes as decent stats are obtainable in the melee department from using $$$. This is however the dark area for me, because instead of spending millions on Steel Garrottes and Tasers you could quickly build up a load of Columbian Knives for similar stats. Imo thopugh the best weapon is the Chain Whip and after goggle and yam bikes goals are met I think a goal of 150 Chain Whips should come next.

A True Break down of att/deff per ® Low tier are obviously good value for ® but none of them compete in the late mid-higher levels except the Mustang. The bolded stat is the best stat for its tier. It is important however to get a good understanding why some categories might seem like less value per ® - like the vehicles.

Low Tier

Tommy Gun: 10 ® per att , 16.67 ® per def
Columbian Knife: 18.2 ® per att, 22.2 ® per def
Combat Boots: 10 ® per at, 8.3 ® per def
Mustang: 20.8 ® per att, 31.25 ® per def

Mid Tier

M4 A1 – No need for Sawn offs (They are even more the case because the mafia defence goals are the hardest to reach – spending ® on Sawn offs nets you a lowsey 14def).

Serated Blade 33.33 ® per att, 22.22 ® per def (There is potential in this weapon)
Goggles 18.75 ® per att, 18.75 ® per def
Yamaha Race Bikes 25 ® per att, 27 ® per def

Top Tier

M4A1 – again, the mafia defence goals are hardest to achieve and the RPG only has 14 on it.
Chain Whip 30 ® per att, 39.5 ® per def
Full Combat Gear 47 ® per att, 29.6 ® per def
Exeloro 38.7 ® per att, 70.6 ® per def

There are a few $$$ items that have been mentioned that will need to be used depending which method you take in achieving these goals.

-Steel Garrote $5,300 for each point of attack (10 melee attack)
-Taser $17,272 for each point of defence (11 melee defence)
-FBI Shield $62,500 for each point of defence (24 armor defence)

Compare that to the vehicle categoryArmored Limo for 17 defence is $412,000 for each point of defence, or the Yacht that is $695,692 for each of its 23 defence points. This is why the vehicle category is the most important to get those ® items in as there are $$$ alternatives in the melee and armor categories.

01-10-2012, 06:28 AM
-Golden Grenade Launcher comes from 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' – 28,000att

-An RPG comes from 'Godly' – 34,000def (both these missions pop up after the defence goal before it asking for 32,000def – so you will need to get up to 32,000 Mafia defence to get access to the golden missions)

Golden Gattling Gun comes from Immortal – obtaining a whopping 36,000 def.

To acheive these goals you will most likely need explosives but it seems right now some of us have the old (cheaper prices – grab 500x Anthrax if you can afford it,) The new prices are apparantly massively more expensive and its my opinion Funzio did this to stop people using explosives to get the golden weapons.

Its the mid-range weapons that need to be massed up on, especially goggles and Yam bikes. Its hard to give precise examples because each category has other weapons and armor that are rewards from various things. For example you will end up with things like 4-5 exeloro's and 4-5 RPG's from quests, Titanium guard armors etc. I'll put my ideas down for completing the 32,000defence goal that gives access to 'Weapons of Mass destruction' and 'Godly' simultaneously. Working out how to get to 34,000 mafia defence is something I am not to sure about, don't have it either.

32,000 defence

500x M4's = 11,000
100 Chain Whips = 1900
200x Butterfly knives = 1000
350 Goggles = 5600
500 Stun Grenades = 3000
300 Yamaha's = 3600
100x Armored police trucks = 1900 (the drop rate of these seems to increase, I have 85 at 119)

Total: 28000 – there are obviously parts you can swap and change around here, still 100 vehicles not used, 150 armor, 200 melee not used - Now it seems total building defence counts towards these goals.

28,000 attack (Golden Grenade Launcher)

495 M4's + 5 RPG's = 10,080
100 Chain Whips + 400 Steel Garrotes = 6,500
500x Hand Grenades = 2,000
350 Goggles = 5600
300 Yamaha's = 3900

Total: 28,080 att. Theres obviously room to change things around there aswell as I left 250 pieces of armor out of the additions (armor and vehicle). Total Respect: 277,500 (you get lots of respect from streak missions, goal completions to remember aswell as farming it up) The new Thug life additions added a load more (R) flying around.

The respect for both is the same. Getting the Golden Gattling gun at 36,000 defence will take time and hel from buildings will most likely be required - leveling 50 Gattling Turrets to level 3 is a hefty amount of defence!

I think there is a large gap between getting the Golden grenade launcher and getting the gattling gun. If you buy gold weapons things obviously get easier. I have 200 Yam bikes, but will never need an additional 100 because I was able to use Anthrax on the old prices to get the goal. 500 Anthrax is 6K att so obviously a huge boost.

Another thing to note when respect farming – switching to PVP 90+ nets you nice ® each day and the gear you will need to get these goals.

Any other combinations are very welcome, I personally think for the average player (no gold equip, stuck on higher explosive prices) I would aim to achieve these goals around level 150. Always follow Trampstamps advice on economic planning and level as slowly as possible whilst getting max respect up to level 90.

BIG EDIT: Its seems profile defence = the defence in the defence goals value. If this is the case, getting the golden weapons just got a lot easier, meaning things like Tasers will never be needed! - 4th Febuary

01-10-2012, 07:07 AM
great thread... worthy of inclusion in Syn's "best of best" post!

i'm sure there's going to be a lot of discussion, but i agree with you on this: spending respect points on mid-to-high range vehicles is a good long term strategy. cash is more efficient if spent on other weapon types, more specifically melee. also, for building up defenses, in addition to lvl1&2 defense buildings, cash purchase of armor weapons (blast shield-1/19, $210K and fbi shield-1/24, $1.5M) may be acceptable choices.

re: your point about NVGs real contribution being ~11/10: i just purchased my 70th NVG and increment is only 11/8... this obviously depends on your current weapon stockpile (i have lots of riot helmet-1/8). regardless, i agree with your recommending NVG purchases- you can't easily beat 16 attack points by future armor weapons.

re: melee weapons- steel garrote and taser combo is a cost effective strategy (i had mentioned that in earlier posts), where you essentially get 10/11 for $243K. what one needs to remember, however, is that the real increment in your att/def stats is going to be significantly less. this is especially true if you have lots of PvP loots, accumulating hundreds of nail bat(7/5) and butterfly knife(5/5). add to that mace(1/6) and the real incremental gain would be ~4/5.

re: spending RP on mustang. i don't recommend that strategy. i have done just fine without any mustangs. you can easily buy the 69 camaro for $35K. both have more or less equivalent stats.

01-10-2012, 07:09 AM
@Anubis: have you got any of these two ? Sorry, just read some lines below, will get these 2 at level 150. 1 more month, huh ?

01-10-2012, 08:13 AM
am on a mission to obtain 27k def... almost there

01-10-2012, 08:33 AM
I never thought how to get these two items by gathering too many items like that. Such a headache... just playing normally till they come.
The 28k atk is harder to achieve than 36k def. In all current looting items, only M4A1 give decent atk points, other items only have 10 atk. Only way to get 28k atk is by respect point items, atk/rob/atk/rob.... till you get enough respect points.

Once you get 28k atk, your def also about 34-36k. don't have to worry about that.

01-10-2012, 09:53 AM
The 28k atk is harder to achieve than 36k def. In all current looting items, only M4A1 give decent atk points, other items only have 10 atk. Only way to get 28k atk is by respect point items, atk/rob/atk/rob.... till you get enough respect points.

Your kinda wrong there. 28K att is much much easier to get then 34K mafia def. Especially if your xplosives
are the cheaper cost ones.

re: melee weapons- steel garrote and taser combo is a cost effective strategy (i had mentioned that in earlier posts), where you essentially get 10/11 for $243K. what one needs to remember, however, is that the real increment in your att/def stats is going to be significantly less. this is especially true if you have lots of PvP loots, accumulating hundreds of nail bat(7/5) and butterfly knife(5/5). add to that mace(1/6) and the real incremental gain would be ~4/5.

This is kinda the 'blip'. The stats on (r) melee weapons are actually very good. The list I gave is obviously only 1 of multiple concoctions. I would love to see a method that focused on mele main, or a similar approach but making it cheaper via PVP rewards,

Melee weapons have serious potential - a method justneeds to be found. I thought 100 Chain Whips was a nice, decent amount for general p[layers after they reach 300-350 each of bikes and goggles.

Max Power
01-10-2012, 10:03 AM
NVBs.....not NVGs.

01-10-2012, 10:03 AM
still talking about explosives, lol.

you use "explosives" when needed, why above formular you list too many items, just simply add 500 landmines instead of $38 M Tasers and problem solved. no such headache, lol.

01-10-2012, 10:13 AM
Prob is some ppl's explosives have massively risen in cost. For old cost xplosive players it can be many times easier to reach these goals. Thats why I included low price xplosives in my example.

01-10-2012, 10:17 AM
Def explosives are waste, I recommend never buy any. Even you buy 1,000 explosives, may consume all in a few days. Rob is the cause of explosive losses.

Royal Flush
01-10-2012, 10:20 AM
Very good thread Anubis. When you say respect is finite, what do you mean by that i.e. it becomes too difficult to get respect easily around levels 120-200 or that once you get to level 200 you can't get anymore?

01-10-2012, 10:25 AM
Very good thread Anubis. When you say respect is finite, what do you mean by that i.e. it becomes too difficult to get respect easily around levels 120-200 or that once you get to level 200 you can't get anymore?

Finite just means no matter what you do in the game, (R) will always be comming in. Basically the amount of (R) you can potentially get is infinate.

You still get (R) from PVP and robbing at lvl200. Getting (R) 100+ is actually easier because the PVP payout is better. No more need to camp rob (R) if u did a good job of it before you hit 90.

01-10-2012, 11:47 AM
NVBs.....not NVGs.

are you trying to get back to me for the iHone thing? ...LOL

so, what's wrong with "NVG"?

01-10-2012, 11:55 AM
Finite just means no matter what you do in the game, (R) will always be comming in. Basically the amount of (R) you can potentially get is infinate.

You still get (R) from PVP and robbing at lvl200. Getting (R) 100+ is actually easier because the PVP payout is better. No more need to camp rob (R) if u did a good job of it before you hit 90.

I pretty much didn't do any camp/rob (R) until I hit level 90... So am I boned or what? Lol!

01-10-2012, 11:58 AM
Finite just means no matter what you do in the game, (R) will always be comming in. Basically the amount of (R) you can potentially get is infinate.

although RP is infinite, the fact that you have a limited stamina that replenishes at a relatively slow rate and the stiff cost of high-end R-weapons effectively makes it a scarce commodity.

01-10-2012, 12:03 PM
although RP is infinite, the fact that you have a limited stamina that replenishes at a relatively slow rate and the stiff cost of high-end R-weapons effectively makes it a scarce commodity.

Nahhh... I have 30 stamina and am a Goodfella. My stamina regens pretty good to where I can usually get enough RP a day (if continually using it to attack and not rob or retaliate) to get 1 chain whip or 2 NVGs.

01-10-2012, 12:04 PM
you attack/rob all day but only enough for 1 chain whip ??? what the waste.

01-10-2012, 12:18 PM
OK, its 10pm nd im drinkingh a botle of 'idk wtf its called', just wanted to make a positive input to forum to excuse my evening msgs!

As a question, does anyone like wee?

Edit: I meant Wwe. Really like the wals of jerico theme.

Fk it


01-10-2012, 12:24 PM
OK, its 10pm nd im drinkingh a botle of 'idk wtf its called', just wanted to make a positive input to forum to excuse my evening msgs!

As a question, does anyone like wee?

Edit: I meant Wwe. Really like the wals of jerico theme.

Are you down with the Funkasarus? Somebody call my mamma !

01-10-2012, 12:24 PM
Nahhh... I have 30 stamina and am a Goodfella. My stamina regens pretty good to where I can usually get enough RP a day (if continually using it to attack and not rob or retaliate) to get 1 chain whip or 2 NVGs.

you just proved my point. imagine if you wanted to stock up on exelero (1200RP a piece). at the rate you suggested, it would take you more than 2 years!

01-10-2012, 12:35 PM
you just proved my point. imagine if you wanted to stock up on exelero (1200RP a piece). at the rate you suggested, it would take you more than 2 years!

My argument to Exeleros is for every 1200 for one Exelero you can have 3 Yamahas (for a combined 39/36 versus the 17 def for one Exelero). So which is more worthwhile? :)

01-10-2012, 12:44 PM
My argument to Exeleros is for every 1200 for one Exelero you can have 3 Yamahas (for a combined 39/36 versus the 17 def for one Exelero). So which is more worthwhile?

Considering mafia defence is the 'tough' point, I wouldnt really rocomend the exeloro's. If your looking for high Tier weapons I would put them in this order (for golden weapons only) Chain whip > mass body armor (memories not great right now) > Exeloro

01-10-2012, 03:29 PM
i would say go for exceloro to have better all around equipment, the golden weapons will come when they come but if you are in a hurry to get them then go for the cheap stuff, but in the long run exeloro are better

01-10-2012, 05:35 PM
lol guess my strategy is getting 500 goggles, only 1/3 now lol. but once i get there, my economy should be around 250k/hour then I'd hit those babies ;)

01-10-2012, 05:40 PM
im at 330 goggles i stopped and switch to exleros now. maybe go back to goggles later or maybe go to chain whips just not sure yet

01-10-2012, 05:52 PM
Great post Anubis. This is the kind of info and insight this forum needs much more of. CLAP CLAP CLAP

01-10-2012, 06:05 PM
Can some HL players please tell me is there any melee item after the Chainsaw (16/9) $3,100,000?
If there is please give me stats.
Thanks alot in advance.

01-10-2012, 07:55 PM
My argument to Exeleros is for every 1200 for one Exelero you can have 3 Yamahas (for a combined 39/36 versus the 17 def for one Exelero). So which is more worthwhile? :)

this line of argument dictates mustang is most cost-effective R-vehichle. you can buy almost 10 with 1200 and get ~60/50 points. however, for end-game, 500 mustangs won't cut it since you reach a ceiling of 3000/2500. similarly, although yamaha bikes are definitely better than mustangs, you are still faced with reaching a ceiling of 6500/6000. you would need exeleros to be among the top tier players, imho. and thus, the discussion about RP and scarce commodity. why do you think there are multiple threads in the forum talking about what some of the best ways of utilizing RP are!

01-10-2012, 08:24 PM
this line of argument dictates mustang is most cost-effective R-vehichle. you can buy almost 10 with 1200 and get ~60/50 points. however, for end-game, 500 mustangs won't cut it since you reach a ceiling of 3000/2500. similarly, although yamaha bikes are definitely better than mustangs, you are still faced with reaching a ceiling of 6500/6000. you would need exeleros to be among the top tier players, imho. and thus, the discussion about RP and scarce commodity. why do you think there are multiple threads in the forum talking about what some of the best ways of utilizing RP are!

Ah, yes - but you can make up for it with such things as the Contraband Runner, Cyber Bike, Trick or Treat, Veyron, etc. ;)

01-10-2012, 11:46 PM
I would argue that the one true finite commodity is not Respect/Cash/Stam/Enrg but Time. I don't think I will live past 70 so my time is rapidly running out.:(

01-11-2012, 03:40 AM
I personally think Exeloro's should come after Chain Whips. Problem with Exelor's is they have weak defence, and defence is arguably the hardest stat to rise. Armoured Police Tryucks have +2 more defence on Exeloro's, and the Exeloro is only +5 more defence over Yam Bike but 4x more expensive.

Chain Whips at 62.5% the cost of Exeloro's offer massive att for irts category and large amounts of defence. This is why I think Serrated Blades are perhaps underated, but al you are realy geting from them is nice defence. Chain Whips are the complet package and the cheapest High Tier (R) item.

01-11-2012, 10:52 AM
I was just checking Babyt's hood out (theres never anything up to rob in that place), and was suprised at how impressive her stats were. No gold equipment (from what I saw), a moderate amount of M4's (just over 250 like myself), very few explosives (just a handful of frag grenades) but still very impressive stats.

What I did notice was masses of def buildings like missile turrets and gattling guns. I counted 48 gattling turretts, Some are level 2, butthats a minimumn of 1200 mafia defence.

25def per turrett for 54K, is a lot cheaper than the 11 defence of a Taser for 190K. Infact, one turrett gives over double the defence of a single Taser.

Another reason why Im going to severly change my mind on ~Tasers is you will layer your mafia out with Butterfly knives and police battons. I still think everyone should aim for at least 100 Chain Whips, but for the defence, there is a cheaper option to the Taser.

Babyt is well on her way to the golen grenade launcher. 30k mafia def is all you need for the 'easy-ish' 28k mafia att goal. Hope you don't mind me using you as example baby, just noticed your using a next approach to things. Im countinga around 3 lvl10 agencies (only 55def each) and max total of 6 lvl 10 towers/AH so I can't get a good reading w/o attacking you but you know I can't do that!

In conclusion, Gattling turretts are well worth the investment. A full 25 mafia defence for just 54K

01-11-2012, 10:55 AM
Gattling turretts are awsome. Iv been mas building them for ages and hiding them behing buildings in my hood...... Defence = underated

01-11-2012, 11:05 AM
Such impressive stats built by respect items, not lousy items as you listed from beginning.

01-11-2012, 11:08 AM
If your man enough.... don't buy respect items you need now do without and but the stuff that will be usefull late game.......

01-11-2012, 11:17 AM
25def per turrett for 54K, is a lot cheaper than the 11 defence of a Taser for 190K. Infact, one turrett gives over double the defence of a single Taser.
In conclusion, Gattling turretts are well worth the investment. A full 25 mafia defence for just 54K

Don't forget to factor in the cost of space for any Gatling Turrets that are not placed in the seemingly inevitable 'leftover' squares due to the effect of streets breaking up the hood. This is typically not a direct cost, but space is a resource in this game, and one that gets progressively costly.

I still COMPLETELY agree with your conclusion, and intend to buy lots of Gatlings once I get to the phase where they're appropriate. Just want to point out that unlike items, the Gatlings require space too, so $54k + build_time are not the only resources they consume.

01-11-2012, 11:26 AM
Gattling turretts are awsome. Iv been mas building them for ages and hiding them behing buildings in my hood...... Defence = underated

Your doin-it-right, just keep em at level 1.

Don't forget to factor in the cost of space for any Gatling Turrets that are not placed in the seemingly inevitable 'leftover' squares due to the effect of streets breaking up the hood. This is typically not a direct cost, but space is a resource in this game, and one that gets progressively costly.

This is true, and as sopmething like a Taser takes up no room, the Gattling takes up a 2x2. I just started a Missile Turret buliding so I could get the full 42def from it. I thought the 500K tag was high, but now im just pissed off it takes 2days to build.

01-11-2012, 11:33 AM
I get most things right.. I don't need to be told.,. But hey thanks ;)

01-11-2012, 01:13 PM
Great thread, considering im at 82 Chain Whips its reassuring to know i was doing the right thing from the start. I'll switch back to goggles and Yamahas when i reach the 100 mark by the weekend.

01-11-2012, 03:48 PM
Great thread, considering im at 82 Chain Whips its reassuring to know i was doing the right thing from the start. I'll switch back to goggles and Yamahas when i reach the 100 mark by the weekend.

Great plan :)

Your on the right course. Chose either goggle or bike depending which raises your stats themost. 300 ofeach is kinda needed so just go for the best stat bonus :)

01-11-2012, 03:58 PM
Wow thanks Anubis, I have 19k att and 21k def this is really going to help, I have 200 bikes but only 40 NVB so I'll get those up right away. I think I got a RPG for a 21k defense goal that I didn't see.

01-11-2012, 06:04 PM
Gattling turretts are awsome. Iv been mas building them for ages and hiding them behing buildings in my hood...... Defence = underated

i have 50 gatling turrets. unfortunately, i can't build more. oh well...

01-12-2012, 03:45 AM
i have 50 gatling turrets. unfortunately, i can't build more. oh well...

Why? Is 50 the limit on defence bulidings or suming?

01-12-2012, 03:46 AM
limit 50 buildings for def buildings.

01-12-2012, 03:53 AM
oh, now that I did not know, thank you, better get on them for the 1250 mafia defence 50 of them give.

01-12-2012, 04:20 AM
ok, so I currently have a p[lot of land taken up by 10 guard towers in a plot of land that takes up a foot print of 6x30, averaging 10.5def per level 6 guard tower. Basically getting a lowsy 1.75 mafia defence per foot print.

Instead of 10 guard towers level 6, I can swap them for 36 gattling turretts lvl1 (but might upgrade to lvl 2 while doing this) giving me 6.25 mafia defence per footprint. Thats a 357% increase in mafia defence for that plot of land. Also, even if Funzio did change things again, the difference in having 36 gattling turrets at level 2 is not that different than 10 lvl6 guard towers.

Im not gonna like the way all those guns look tho.

01-14-2012, 07:26 AM
For those over lvl100:

With these new thug lie/hitman rounds popping up all seeming to give 500 (R), I would advise using this extra respect to farm your favourite High Tier weapon. More so, I would seriously think about using the (R) for building up those chain whips (cheapest and best High tier in many ways - and incredibly cost effective)

No point in using bulky (R) for mid-range as those are easily farmable on day-to-day basis. Farming the High Tier weapons are slow and boring.

01-21-2012, 03:45 AM
Anubis, did i get u right that the attack goal 28000 comes after defense goal 30000?
i have 29971 attack alrdy but no golden launcher yet

edit: nvm got it, came late but came :)

01-21-2012, 08:40 AM
Great thread!

I am working on plotting out my respect point spend, and was hoping for some feedback on where to focus as I progress through the mid levels. I am currently lvl 71 with 206 mafia. My income is around $34,000/hr.

I currently have the following mid / high tier respect gear:

Yam bikes: 60
NVB: 100
Chain whips: 2 (from PVP drops)
Excelro: 3 (from fight rewards)
I also have 75 farmed M4A1s

I was thinking of starting to work on taking chain whips to 25 or so, as this seems like it would add some good atk/def per respect at this level. I do need to get my vehicle count up however, so I can slowly start increasing my mob as I approach lvl 100. I was planning on buying 69 Cams and pick up trucks, and maybe add yam bikes to 100.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

01-21-2012, 09:28 AM
Great post Anubis. Thank you for providing some really valuable information. Please consider adding me to your mafia.

01-21-2012, 09:40 AM
Great thread!

I am working on plotting out my respect point spend, and was hoping for some feedback on where to focus as I progress through the mid levels. I am currently lvl 71 with 206 mafia. My income is around $34,000/hr.

I currently have the following mid / high tier respect gear:

Yam bikes: 60
NVB: 100
Chain whips: 2 (from PVP drops)
Excelro: 3 (from fight rewards)
I also have 75 farmed M4A1s

I was thinking of starting to work on taking chain whips to 25 or so, as this seems like it would add some good atk/def per respect at this level. I do need to get my vehicle count up however, so I can slowly start increasing my mob as I approach lvl 100. I was planning on buying 69 Cams and pick up trucks, and maybe add yam bikes to 100.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Farm m4s and buy NVB like a crazy person and you can be just like me......

01-21-2012, 09:45 AM
No matter how many m4 I farmed and no matter how many NVB I bought, I do not think I would be just like you.

Just saying....

01-21-2012, 09:50 AM
No matter how many m4 I farmed and no matter how many NVB I bought, I do not think I would be just like you.

Just saying....

That was not said with love was it?

01-21-2012, 09:52 AM
More like admiration than love.

Or maybe envy.

01-21-2012, 09:53 AM
More like admiration than love.

Or maybe envy.

I'm flattered thank you.......

OG Kush
01-29-2012, 12:40 PM
If I just get 500 of everything and atleast 100 low level respect and 200 mid level respect items and around 50 high level respect items. Could I just have an intense mafia score or does it need to be a certain way to get the most out of my equipment?

01-30-2012, 12:30 AM
Have these missions changed or is this information incorrect?

I have completed the 32,000 def goal and have over 28,000 attack but only have the 34,000 def goal now(which is godly by the way not 32,000) and have no gold gatling gun. According to your post I should have unlocked after 30k def and should of completed the gold attack mission

01-30-2012, 01:35 AM
they should both unlock after you reach the 34k goal i think.

01-30-2012, 06:41 AM
golden gatling gun award at 36k def.. correct me if i'm wrong

01-30-2012, 07:19 AM
Thanks Anubis great thread and great advise.....

02-06-2012, 12:01 PM
-Golden Grenade Launcher comes from 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' – 28,000att

-An RPG comes from 'Godly' – 34,000def (both these missions pop up after the defence goal before it asking for 32,000def – so you will need to get up to 32,000 Mafia defence to get access to the golden missions)

Golden Gattling Gun comes from Immortal – obtaining a whopping 36,000 def.

when do you get the golden grenade launcher? i'm on godly but haven't received the golden weapon for getting 28k attack.

02-06-2012, 12:21 PM
when do you get the golden grenade launcher? i'm on godly but haven't received the golden weapon for getting 28k attack.

The information is wrong you need at least 34k defence to unlock them

02-06-2012, 08:34 PM
Автор тебе огромный от меня респект (http://www.manuel-legris.com), статья супер! не кормите тролля (http://www.manuel-legris.com/troll-hunter-2010/)

yes i agree. you make a mockery of this unmoderated forum.

02-06-2012, 08:36 PM
Автор тебе огромный от меня респект (http://www.manuel-legris.com), статья супер! новости кино (http://www.manuel-legris.com/)


02-06-2012, 08:40 PM
Автор тебе огромный от меня респект (http://www.manuel-legris.com), статья супер! фильмы про грабителей (http://www.manuel-legris.com/luchshie-filmy-pro-grabitelej/)

that's enough...you've proved your point!

02-06-2012, 09:32 PM
Автор тебе огромный от меня респект (http://www.manuel-legris.com), статья супер! посмотреть сериал (http://www.manuel-legris.com/stoit-li-smotret-serial-%e2%80%9dgrimm%e2%80%9d/)

27 posts already? This guy is going to be a senior member in no time.

02-07-2012, 02:36 AM
I updated the thread recently as there were key details wrong.

It is correct that once you attain 32,000def two goals open up simultaneuously. The Weapons of Mass destruction for Golden Grenade launcher and Godly for the RPG. Unless Funzio have changed things when they updated defence bulidings to count towards defence goals. After those are complete the final goal is Immortal for the Golden Gattling gun.

This threads not really relevant anymore because the goals are now much easier to complete thanks to defence buildings adding to the total. If you have 32,000 def and 28,000att you should have a golden grenade launcher in your inventory. Thats unless Funzio have changfed things. It might now be the case that 'Weapons of Mass destruction' does not open now until Godly is completed for 34,000defence.

Any information to show things have changed let me know so I can update things or just kill the thread

Vile Lynn
02-07-2012, 07:34 AM
No wonder my goal, Fortress: reach 30K, was reading the same as my stats, 27+K.
What was the point of the switch mid-game? (rhetorical question)

I had been using those goals to track my "actual" defense, but yesterday I noticed they were the same. But, the goal kept switching between actual, 25+K, and def stat, 27+K. I thought it was a bug/glitch. (Since yesterday, too, I am having issues with my news feed; keeps saying that I have 32 new & pops up again a min or so after I tap the news icon below the goal icon... weird.)
I need to update my iPhone.

02-07-2012, 07:50 AM
It seems its one of those 'updates' that 50% of the community get then.

Kinda buggers the whole thread up then. I wish Funzio would make the same game for everyone or make sure EVERYONE receives updates. I still have old xplosive prices and no way or earning gold bars. Thats around 2months old now.

Mine used to bug around a lot, but for last 2weeks it has been set on profile defence = defence goals. I've had Immortal up (the final defence goal, for ages now.

02-07-2012, 06:50 PM
I updated the thread recently as there were key details wrong.

It is correct that once you attain 32,000def two goals open up simultaneuously. The Weapons of Mass destruction for Golden Grenade launcher and Godly for the RPG.

You need to finish godly to open them up, or at least I do. I currently have godly and that is it even though am over 29k attack, guess i will be able to confirm soon just need 700 more defence (and resisting the urge to just buy and level a couple of body guard agencies) then will buy 500 stun grenades to get to 36k which in theory should give me the two golden weapons and a RPG.

Your stalker is ****ing me up doing it earlier since he keeps wasting any defence explosives I buy and I don’t want to have to buy them twice, but it is well worth being on his hit list just to be able to get an insight into how pathetic some people’s lives must be that they measure their worth by an ipad app. He actually keeps my lose fingers in regards to credit cards in check since if I hadn’t seen how pathetic some people can be that spend thousands on gold I probably would have spent 10x as much myself

03-19-2012, 02:59 PM
is the double barrel shotgun good now that there are no more m4a1's?

03-19-2012, 05:09 PM
Does anyone own the most expensive items in the game? I may have to investigate how $84m for an F15 only nets a few extra Att Def. I read Funzio's explanation on Visible vs Hidden stats and looked at the list layout of the weapons choices. A pattern is there and I'm going to put that pattern to the test with a few Lamborghini's to begin with, 10 should show an effect in same rival fights.

i need muney
03-19-2012, 06:24 PM
is the double barrel shotgun good now that there are no more m4a1's?
No, it has low defence. You can cheap out and get some for momentary gains, but they will be replaced with RPGs

03-20-2012, 12:04 PM
No, it has low defence. You can cheap out and get some for momentary gains, but they will be replaced with RPGs

so save up for rpgs then?

i need muney
03-20-2012, 01:48 PM
so save up for rpgs then?
At least thats where I'm going after finishing whips

03-24-2012, 09:32 PM
At least thats where I'm going after finishing whips

yea for now im gonna keep going with goggles/bikes then when I unlock whips I'll get those and by then rpg's should be available?

04-24-2012, 11:37 PM
I updated the thread recently as there were key details wrong.

It is correct that once you attain 32,000def two goals open up simultaneuously. The Weapons of Mass destruction for Golden Grenade launcher and Godly for the RPG. Unless Funzio have changed things when they updated defence bulidings to count towards defence goals. After those are complete the final goal is Immortal for the Golden Gattling gun.

This threads not really relevant anymore because the goals are now much easier to complete thanks to defence buildings adding to the total. If you have 32,000 def and 28,000att you should have a golden grenade launcher in your inventory. Thats unless Funzio have changfed things. It might now be the case that 'Weapons of Mass destruction' does not open now until Godly is completed for 34,000defence.

Any information to show things have changed let me know so I can update things or just kill the thread

So what's the final verdict on this? I am at 39k defense and 31k attack and have yet to have any sort of defense or attack goals pop up. I double checked my inventory to make sure I hadn't received either of the items so it wasn't something I simply overlooked.

04-24-2012, 11:49 PM
So what's the final verdict on this? I am at 39k defense and 31k attack and have yet to have any sort of defense or attack goals pop up. I double checked my inventory to make sure I hadn't received either of the items so it wasn't something I simply overlooked.

I got the golden gatling gun, golden grenade launcher and the Giant at the same time. When I got to 36k def.

What goals do you have in your list that you haven't done yet. Perhaps you need to do one of those before the others unlock, at which time all the rewards should drop automatically.

04-24-2012, 11:57 PM
1) Build a Guard Dog Training Center
2) Mafia Alliance
3) Machine Gun Malfunction
4) Off With His Head
5) Thug Life 197
6) Hardcore Hitman 52
7) Cut the Supply Lines

Any idea which one(s) need to be completed to get the weapons?

04-25-2012, 12:09 AM
1) Build a Guard Dog Training Center
2) Mafia Alliance
3) Machine Gun Malfunction
4) Off With His Head
5) Thug Life 197
6) Hardcore Hitman 52
7) Cut the Supply Lines

Any idea which one(s) need to be completed to get the weapons?

Mafia alliance, is that askin you to get a certain number of mafia? If so I think that might be the one.

I know for sure it's not 2, 5 or 6, refresh my memory on the others if Mafia alliance isn't what I think it is.

04-25-2012, 01:41 AM
Does anyone know how you get the golden chaingun?

04-25-2012, 01:44 AM
Does anyone know how you get the golden chaingun?

Goal for 36k defense.....

SORRY - It was a rare crate item.

Update- thought he was asking about golden Gatling.

04-25-2012, 01:47 AM
i have 44525 def, but its not in my inventory :(. And i saw someone with like 20000ish defense that had it...

04-25-2012, 01:49 AM
somehow i got the golden gattling and grenade launcher but not the golden chaingun

04-25-2012, 01:51 AM
i have 44525 def, but its not in my inventory :(. And i saw someone with like 20000ish defense that had it...

That's when I got mine. I think it was called Immortal but not positive.

There are also crate golden chainguns with I believe different stats and possibly slightly different names.
Perhaps you have another goal that needs to be done before the chaingun goal pops up. That's normally the likely reason. What goals do you have remaining?

04-25-2012, 01:53 AM
somehow i got the golden gattling and grenade launcher but not the golden chaingun

That's likely the crate item I spoke of. Let me check my inventory real quick.

Yup, I misspoke before. The Gatling is the 36k def reward. The chaingun is a previous crate item. A rare item.

04-25-2012, 01:53 AM
oh okay, i have the build a dog training center, upgrade a machine gun to lvl 9, buy 4 armored suvs, the bank job, hh round 61 and TL round 146

04-25-2012, 01:55 AM
That's likely the crate item I spoke of. Let me check my inventory real quick.

that would make a lot of sense

04-25-2012, 01:58 AM
that would make a lot of sense

I just updated my "let me check post".

The chaingun is indeed the rare crate item. I get them mixed up.

04-25-2012, 02:00 AM
Thanks for the clarification good sir

04-25-2012, 02:02 AM
Thanks for the clarification good sir

You bet, sorry for the initial confusion.

04-25-2012, 07:37 AM
So what's the final verdict on this? I am at 39k defense and 31k attack and have yet to have any sort of defense or attack goals pop up. I double checked my inventory to make sure I hadn't received either of the items so it wasn't something I simply overlooked.

If I remember correctly, I think there was a attack goal before the 36k defense goal...maybe 32k attack.

It's tough to remember because of explosives my attack is greater then my defense, so as soon as I hit a defense goal, I automatically would get credited for the attack goal, without ever seeing it in my goals list.

07-04-2012, 05:28 PM
Deft 37k, atk 33k but don't have golden weapon. Anybody can help me? What's mission I must complete?

07-04-2012, 05:41 PM
Deft 37k, atk 33k but don't have golden weapon. Anybody can help me? What's mission I must complete?

I'm at 48k/61k A/D and don't have them either. Someone thought you might have to have 500 mafia members to get them.

07-04-2012, 05:52 PM
Maybe they got nerfed and players who already had them were allowed to keep them.

It's happened with weaker items.

07-04-2012, 11:12 PM
i have 30k/33k A/D but no "Golden Grenade Launcher" which should come at 28K attack

maybe Mark could say something about it..

07-04-2012, 11:37 PM
you really need to tell us what your current goal list looks like. The 28K AT goal only shows up after the 34K DF goal, which also requires some other goal.

07-04-2012, 11:59 PM
you really need to tell us what your current goal list looks like. The 28K AT goal only shows up after the 34K DF goal, which also requires some other goal.

my current goal is "Godly" and demands 34K defence

07-05-2012, 12:07 AM
Maybe they got nerfed and players who already had them were allowed to keep them.

Guess they aren't nerfed as I received both of them less than a week ago.

07-05-2012, 12:47 AM
Guess they aren't nerfed as I received both of them less than a week ago.

That's cool. I was only suggesting a possibility that would not have surprised me. Good to know everyone still has a fair shot at getting those two items. :)

07-05-2012, 01:37 AM
what stats do these weapons have

07-05-2012, 01:47 AM
what stats do these weapons have

One is 60/40 and the other is 40/60, but I forget which is which.

07-05-2012, 05:13 AM
That's cool. I was only suggesting a possibility that would not have surprised me. Good to know everyone still has a fair shot at getting those two items. :)

Thanks! Your suggestion was quite understandable -- just wanted to share the information. Good news for those who are still trying to get it, even better news for me. :)

One is 60/40 and the other is 40/60, but I forget which is which.

Yes, Golden Grenade Laucher is 60/40, Golden Gatling Gun 40/60. As a rule of thumb, MG- and Gatling-type guns seem to have higher defense scores.

07-05-2012, 04:17 PM
I' ve just got two golden gun. The key is increasing mafia size up to 500 and having enough atk&def.

07-05-2012, 04:45 PM
Seems people still don't check post dates.

Why don't you just make a new topic? It'd be easier to know what the end topic is :P

03-05-2014, 08:10 PM
the game has surpassed this motto. but nonetheless this was the backbone of building your character from the ground up

03-05-2014, 08:16 PM
Sick necro..

Sad how much the game has changed.

one man gang
03-06-2014, 12:26 AM


bravo 6 vk
03-06-2014, 06:42 AM