View Full Version : A goldless CC version?

G Wiz
12-29-2011, 02:52 AM
I had thoughts about a version of cc where there is no gold at all...no op weapons or buildings, just barebone basics etc.
This sure would eliminate those inhuman players and would make my life easier to know that I wont be helpless against revenge attacks.

Would the cc team let it fly?

12-29-2011, 03:18 AM
For what price do you want to buy it? And how many people are this interested in fair competition to pay for it instead of playing the free version? Enough so you still have enough competition, enough for Funzio to make a profit... I doubt both.

12-29-2011, 03:45 AM
Yeah, a goldless Crime City would have to be a paid game.

Since the only reason Crime City is free is because the game is supported from in-app purchases (gold). Funzio servers, dev and support team aren't free.

12-29-2011, 04:30 AM
Sounds like a private server experiment. I never tried that with any other games I've been into.

And with MW being such an embarrassing pure $$$ project if Funzio ACTUALLY did this the game would cost 15 bucks minimum.

12-29-2011, 06:19 AM
Learn to LOVE the Gold P(l)ayers... they help support the game we like to play...
I think... to each his own... if someone wants to spend his money buying a 100 Gatling Crushers... so be it... there are a hundred ways I spend my money that I wouldn't like ppl to question...

The issue here is Funzio... I think they have got the Economics of this game wrong...
The point to note is EVERYONE who plays this game is a person who is willing to pay a premium for quality... you bought the iOS device didn't you...

so if Funzio were to make this a more level playing field... like letting you pay a small cost to get the right to convert Cash into Gold... interestingly it already does that when it lets you pay a tiny cost to become a Goodfella... I am sure most people would pay up... and you know what... it would probably make the Gold players pay even more to maintain their advantage...