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12-15-2011, 08:25 AM
Is it that good? I'm thinking about buying 8 of them if funzio ever do a christmas sale on the gold.

How much does it cost to upgrade? What is the defense number from each level?

12-15-2011, 08:41 AM

12-15-2011, 09:06 AM

12-15-2011, 09:34 AM

Pls don't buy... U can trust my credibility based on the contribution I gave to this forum. I currently sorting out some data and will present to u in a week's time. U will be SHOCKED by my findings!!!

12-15-2011, 09:40 AM
WTF you talking about?

Tramp Stamp
12-15-2011, 09:40 AM
Is it a rigorous analysis of defense buildings? If so I eagerly await your findings as I am deferring investment as long as possible.

12-15-2011, 09:47 AM
Pls hold all ur investments (real and in-game cash) on def buildings. I need time to verify my findings

12-15-2011, 09:50 AM
Is it a rigorous analysis of defense buildings? If so I eagerly await your findings as I am deferring investment as long as possible.

That makes two in that boat.

Edit: Unless this is some ploy to prevent people from increasing their defenses. Now we have a Shrodinger's Cat situation.

12-15-2011, 09:52 AM
... do tell, please.

12-15-2011, 09:57 AM
More or less I'm 80% sure of my findings. But I need some more samplings to solidify my findings, if not I will just be talking crap over the forum. Ok jus hold back ur real cash will do. U can do anything u like with ur in game-cash, it won't hurt..

Tramp Stamp
12-15-2011, 10:00 AM
I have a feeling I won't be that shocked. To hedge my bets against my uncertainty toward defense buildings I built a pair of level 3 Guard Towers as I was stockpiling cash for Lofts, knowing full well I'd probably sell them off later on to make room for some money building. I don't regret the other level 5 tower or the level 6 Abandoned Building as these were built before I had any kind of grasp on the mechanics.

Jack Bauer 24
12-15-2011, 10:17 AM
Was thinking of finally breaking down and buying some gold bars. Should I stop upgrading my guard towers and abandoned buildings? Only have three abandoned buildings, 2 at level 6 and one at level 8. I have 11 guard towers at level 3, 3 at level 4, 1 at level 5, and 1 at level 6. I'm currently level 42 and trying to make sure I have good defense when I level up higher. Been camping for two weeks upgrading my defensive buildings. Getting bored with that strategy. Could use some wisdom from you guys who have been there and done that. Thanks

12-15-2011, 11:05 AM
Pls don't buy... U can trust my credibility based on the contribution I gave to this forum. I currently sorting out some data and will present to u in a week's time. U will be SHOCKED by my findings!!!

No I wont. Unless you tell me the Agencies are made out of lollipops. For the cost to build (25 Gold) and to upgrade, there are no better defensive buildings. In one day, you can buy 8 Agencies (200 Gold) upgrade all of them to level 5 (165 defense) and gain 1320 building defense. The next day you can upgrade 3 or 4 to level 6 for another 312 building defense. Over time, with 8 level 10 Agencies you will have 6,608 building defense. Even if they nuked the building defense calculations, people see 8 agencies and think twice before robbing. Mind games :D

Basically, any data you show to me personally will be taken with a huge grain of salt. 6k+ defense for under $20 bucks? Yes please.

12-15-2011, 11:49 AM
Defense is useless, invest all in attack. There will always be gold buyers to rob your buildings unless you go insane and get like 100k def. Just harvest them in time, or accept a robbery here and there. With all out attack you can rob just about anyone.

12-15-2011, 11:54 AM
Defense is useless, invest all in attack. There will always be gold buyers to rob your buildings unless you go insane and get like 100k def. Just harvest them in time, or accept a robbery here and there. With all out attack you can rob just about anyone.

Defense is useless...interesting opinion. If you are an all out PVP player, I can see your point. Otherwise, it doesn't really hold water. I know there will always be a bigger fish, but my defense keeps the average to good players away from my buildings. I still get robbed a few times a week (10 max), but that's about it. When I do, it usually 1 person who keeps coming back for revenge. I just ignore them until they can no longer see me. I know this will all change once the higher levels start seeing me, but in the meantime i'll be collecting my money with peace of mind.

12-15-2011, 12:02 PM
@ bredo2, def is not useless, after lvl 100 only respect paying goals left to do are the mafia def and att ones (if you have already completed your PvP streak goals). Plus, you don't need to keep them out 100%, you only need to achieve the 50% rule, i.e. Make them pay 2 stamina for each single robbing, PvP successful attack.

But then again, everyone can play this game the way they want, which makes it so much fun. :)

12-15-2011, 12:58 PM
Defense is useless, invest all in attack. There will always be gold buyers to rob your buildings unless you go insane and get like 100k def. Just harvest them in time, or accept a robbery here and there. With all out attack you can rob just about anyone.

What a load of rubbish. Everyone should invest in defense, whether that is a combination of buildings and weapons or simply weapons on their own.

No one has managed to rob me today, although many have tried and I left my IPAD untouched for 10 hrs. And my defense is far from 100k.

12-15-2011, 02:00 PM
From what I have noticed, defence buildings are pretty much useless, at least up til the point of where i am now (lvl 50, camped for some weeks). Defence buildings seems to only count for robberies and even then as most of you know you don't really need to have alot stronger attack compared to the one you are robbing to succed. I'm a hundred percent sure that defensive buildings don't count for attacks since i attacked over a thousand people in the last week with no more than 5 losses. That is while i'm jumping at anyone who has alot of defensive buildings because then I know that there pvp defence is way lower than what is stated in Rivals Profile.

This may be old news, quite new to the forums but i'm sure there is someone out there who don't know this.
What goes for higher levels when there is such a big difference in levels in your attackers i can't answer for but as it seems now the only realistic way to play to succed and conquer is by investing in money buildings and gearing up.

12-15-2011, 04:17 PM
Currently I'm working on the goal godly where you need to obtain a defense score of 34,000, so I can see my defense stat as it applies to defending attacks from rivals. I can see the increase in defense stats as I add equipment, defense buildings, and defense building upgrades and can see the decrease when I sell off a defense building.

I found that when you first buy a defense building (level 1) you get the full stats of the building applied to your attack defense score. When you upgrade that building you get half of the defense stats applied to your defense score. For example the Bodyguard agency. When you first buy the Bodyguard agency you get 10 defense added to both your profile defense and your 10 your attack defense. When you upgrade the bodyguard agency to level 2 you get 20 defense added to your profile defense and 5 added to your attack defense. Upgrading to level 3 your profile defense goes up 30 and your attack defense goes up by 5.

Level 4 Abandoned Building would increase your attack defense by 5 (2+1+1+1=5)
Level 4 Guard Tower would increase your attack defense by 7.5 (3+1.5+1.5+1.5=7.5)
Level 4 Bodyguard Agency would increase your attack defense by 25 points (10+5+5+5=25).
Level 4 Muay Thai center would increase your attack defense by 45 (18+9+9+9=45)
Level 4 Gattling Turret would increase your attack defense by 62.5 (25+12.5+12.5+12.5=62.5)
Level 4 Sniper's Den would increase your attack defense by 80 (32+16+16+16=80)

I noticed the tycoon bonus did not apply to attack defense only to total defense (the one that shows in your profile). When I built a Sniper's Den I got an increase of 32 defense rather than 36(tycoon). Same with the missile turret, received 42 attack defense rather than 47(tycoon).

I also tested by deleting a few buildings. I deleted my level 7 Abandoned Building and my attack defense dropped 8 points while my profile defense dropped 69 points.

The stats listed on the defense building upgrades seem to only apply to defense against robberies and seem to be a separate calculation from attack defense.

Peacock can you confirm if these are similar to your findings.

If anyone else that currently has a defense goal can do some checks as well that would be extremely helpful.

12-15-2011, 04:30 PM
Currently I'm working on the goal godly where you need to obtain a defense score of 34,000, so I can see my defense stat as it applies to defending attacks from rivals. I can see the increase in defense stats as I add equipment, defense buildings, and defense building upgrades and can see the decrease when I sell off a defense building.

I found that when you first buy a defense building (level 1) you get the full stats of the building applied to your attack defense score. When you upgrade that building you get half of the defense stats applied to your defense score. For example the Bodyguard agency. When you first buy the Bodyguard agency you get 10 defense added to both your profile defense and your 10 your attack defense. When you upgrade the bodyguard agency to level 2 you get 20 defense added to your profile defense and 5 added to your attack defense. Upgrading to level 3 your profile defense goes up 30 and your attack defense goes up by 5.

Level 4 Abandoned Building would increase your attack defense by 5 (2+1+1+1=5)
Level 4 Guard Tower would increase your attack defense by 7.5 (3+1.5+1.5+1.5=7.5)
Level 4 Bodyguard Agency would increase your attack defense by 25 points (10+5+5+5=25).
Level 4 Muay Thai center would increase your attack defense by 45 (18+9+9+9=45)
Level 4 Gattling Turret would increase your attack defense by 62.5 (25+12.5+12.5+12.5=62.5)
Level 4 Sniper's Den would increase your attack defense by 80 (32+16+16+16=80)

I noticed the tycoon bonus did not apply to attack defense only to total defense (the one that shows in your profile). When I built a Sniper's Den I got an increase of 32 defense rather than 36(tycoon). Same with the missile turret, received 42 attack defense rather than 47(tycoon).

I also tested by deleting a few buildings. I deleted my level 7 Abandoned Building and my attack defense dropped 8 points while my profile defense dropped 69 points.

The stats listed on the defense building upgrades seem to only apply to defense against robberies and seem to be a separate calculation from attack defense.

Peacock can you confirm if these are similar to your findings.

If anyone else that currently has a defense goal can do some checks as well that would be extremely helpful.

I believe you just blew this debate wide open! Very, very well done sir. +1000 internets for you. As soon as I have a defense goal, I will test this out.

Once again, you struck the mother-load!

12-15-2011, 04:36 PM
Also keep in mind when you upgrade check your attack defense before the upgrade not after the upgrade completes. The stat increase applies when you first upgrade not after the upgrade completes. Same with building I believe. I was a little confused at first because I didn't realize this.

Its kind of strange. The attack defense is applied right after the upgrade but the profile defense stats don't apply until after the upgrade is completed.

12-15-2011, 04:38 PM
Also keep in mind when you upgrade check your attack defense before the upgrade not after the upgrade completes. The stat increase applies when you first upgrade not after the upgrade completes. Same with building I believe. I was a little confused at first because I didn't realize this.

Yes! This also goes for all money upgrades. As soon as you touch the upgrade button, the upgrade is automatically applied to your stats as if the upgrade is already finished.

12-15-2011, 04:42 PM
Defense buildings do not count for your defense when being attacked. Defense buildings also have little effect on robbers. For example if a person has a level 10 abandoned house and they have 965 defense, when I attack, they will only have 800 defense. 965 - 165 = 800! So please just save your money people!

12-15-2011, 04:46 PM
Defense buildings do not count for your defense when being attacked. Defense buildings also have little effect on robbers. For example if a person has a level 10 abandoned house and they have 965 defense, when I attack, they will only have 800 defense. 965 - 165 = 800! So please just save your money people!

A level 10 Abandoned building would have a total of 11 attack defense. The 165 defense is applied to robberies not attacks.

12-15-2011, 05:23 PM
@jihy: interesting post.

curious to see whether peacock has a similar take.

the suspense is killin' me :D

12-15-2011, 05:28 PM
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12-15-2011, 05:29 PM
Defense buildings do not count for your defense when being attacked...

Wrong, you need to do a bit more homework.

A level 10 Abandoned building would have a total of 11 attack defense.....

How did you get the 11 PvP def number, curious?

12-15-2011, 05:31 PM
How did you get the 11 PvP def number, curious?

Check my post on page 2 (http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?14873-Bodyguard-Agency/page2).

12-15-2011, 05:32 PM
Currently I'm working on the goal godly where you need to obtain a defense score of 34,000, so I can see my defense stat as it applies to defending attacks from rivals. I can see the increase in defense stats as I add equipment, defense buildings, and defense building upgrades and can see the decrease when I sell off a defense building.

I found that when you first buy a defense building (level 1) you get the full stats of the building applied to your attack defense score. When you upgrade that building you get half of the defense stats applied to your defense score. For example the Bodyguard agency. When you first buy the Bodyguard agency you get 10 defense added to both your profile defense and your 10 your attack defense. When you upgrade the bodyguard agency to level 2 you get 20 defense added to your profile defense and 5 added to your attack defense. Upgrading to level 3 your profile defense goes up 30 and your attack defense goes up by 5.

Level 4 Abandoned Building would increase your attack defense by 5 (2+1+1+1=5)
Level 4 Guard Tower would increase your attack defense by 7.5 (3+1.5+1.5+1.5=7.5)
Level 4 Bodyguard Agency would increase your attack defense by 25 points (10+5+5+5=25).
Level 4 Muay Thai center would increase your attack defense by 45 (18+9+9+9=45)
Level 4 Gattling Turret would increase your attack defense by 62.5 (25+12.5+12.5+12.5=62.5)
Level 4 Sniper's Den would increase your attack defense by 80 (32+16+16+16=80)

I noticed the tycoon bonus did not apply to attack defense only to total defense (the one that shows in your profile). When I built a Sniper's Den I got an increase of 32 defense rather than 36(tycoon). Same with the missile turret, received 42 attack defense rather than 47(tycoon).

I also tested by deleting a few buildings. I deleted my level 7 Abandoned Building and my attack defense dropped 8 points while my profile defense dropped 69 points.

The stats listed on the defense building upgrades seem to only apply to defense against robberies and seem to be a separate calculation from attack defense.

Peacock can you confirm if these are similar to your findings.

If anyone else that currently has a defense goal can do some checks as well that would be extremely helpful.

That's a very nice analysis over here! I guess is time to spam 50, level 1 Gatling gun. Space efficient and full stats added to atk defense score!

12-15-2011, 05:34 PM
Check my post on page 2 (http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?14873-Bodyguard-Agency/page2).

Sorry, I missed it, excellent info, thank you very much.

Always knew def buildings added to PvP def, but didn't know if the def skill points had any correlation to the calc or not.

Thanks again :)

12-15-2011, 05:37 PM
Hopefully we can hear back from peacock and some others that are currently working on a stat defense goal to verify.

12-15-2011, 05:43 PM
That's a very nice analysis over here! I guess is time to spam 50, level 1 Gatling gun. Space efficient and full stats added to atk defense score!

good point.

i have a feeling the ongoing conversation will dramatically alter the information gap that exists with respect to defense buildings. eager to read peacock's post.

12-15-2011, 05:46 PM
If the stats jlhy states are dead on, then the argument to have the best lvl 1 def buildings stats to start with in your hood will commence. But ofcourse, those def buildings have the worst def to cost raito. Give and take... love it.

Tramp Stamp
12-15-2011, 06:06 PM
I guess tower farms have their use after all.

Max Power
12-15-2011, 06:47 PM
This does not bode well for me...............

12-15-2011, 06:58 PM
No worries, 50 gattling and 50 missle turrets should put back a smile on your face.

12-15-2011, 07:03 PM
Thanks jilhy
You have pretty much done all my explanation to the rest. Yes, def bldgs only works on robberies and not pvp def. But ppl will argue with u on the importance of skill pts that contribute to ur winnings.

I only confirmed the theory of def bldgs only works on robberies and not pvp def after I verified my theory on skill points. U can leave that to me. I will start a new thread on skill points explanation b4 I move on to def bldgs. ATM the rest can follow this theory to manage ur hood and finance.

PS: U r doing the godly mission? 34k mafia def? Great..The next one is immortal 36k, that will get u the golden gatling gun (40/60). ur avatar name is not jilhy right? Because I usually atk ppl who has 25-35k mafia def and I dun rem seeing ur name. ;p

12-15-2011, 07:07 PM
Thanks jilhy
You have pretty much done all my explanation to the rest. Yes, def bldgs only works on robberies and not pvp def. But ppl will argue with u on the importance of skill pts that contribute to ur winnings.

I only confirmed the theory of def bldgs only works on robberies and not pvp def after I verified my theory on skill points. U can leave that to me. I will start a new thread on skill points explanation b4 I move on to def bldgs. ATM the rest can follow this theory to manage ur hood and finance.

PS: U r doing the godly mission? 34k mafia def? Great..The next one is immortal 36k, that will get u the golden gatling gun (40/60). ur avatar name is not jilhy right? Because I usually atk ppl who has 25-35k mafia def and I dun rem seeing ur name. ;p

Wait either I severely misunderstood jlhy or you did. Am I missing something? jlhy said that defense buildings DO help in PVP defense.

12-15-2011, 07:21 PM
Oh I understand jlhy's theory now, sorry my bad. Def bldgs will give a small contribution to pvp def, but not that great as seen from my samplings. I didn't notice this change becoz i'm done with all the mafia atk/def goals b4 I start to collect my findings. Thanks for pointing it out, jlhy. Good job!

12-15-2011, 07:22 PM
If a bunch of people provided attack/defense skill points and other stats, could someone math smart figure out what impact they have?

12-15-2011, 07:29 PM
Wait either I severely misunderstood jlhy or you did. Am I missing something? jlhy said that defense buildings DO help in PVP defense.

I believe Peacock is referring to the listed defense on the defense building spreadsheet (http://crimecityios.wikia.com/wiki/Defense_Buildings). Those values count towards robberies not attack defense.

Level 4 Abandoned Building would increase your attack defense by 5 (2+1+1+1=5)
Level 4 Guard Tower would increase your attack defense by 7.5 (3+1.5+1.5+1.5=7.5)
Level 4 Bodyguard Agency would increase your attack defense by 25 points (10+5+5+5=25).
Level 4 Muay Thai center would increase your attack defense by 45 (18+9+9+9=45)
Level 4 Gattling Turret would increase your attack defense by 62.5 (25+12.5+12.5+12.5=62.5)
Level 4 Sniper's Den would increase your attack defense by 80 (32+16+16+16=80)

Those values will count towards your defense against attacks.

So basically it seems like defense buildings have 2 separate calculations. One for robberies and one for attacks.

ur avatar name is not jilhy right? Because I usually atk ppl who has 25-35k mafia def and I dun rem seeing ur name. ;p

No its not. But if you do end up attacking me please be gentle. :)

12-15-2011, 07:40 PM
you must have another account attack you, mustn't you ?

I saw one guy with 29k defense but when I attack him only 13k shown. the gap is too large, your formular does not really add up. Unless having another explanation: the defense tower he used does not really have similar defense with those you listed.

Dorian Gray
12-15-2011, 07:56 PM
you must have another account attack you, mustn't you ?

I saw one guy with 29k defense but when I attack him only 13k shown. the gap is too large, your formular does not really add up. Unless having another explanation: the defense tower he used does not really have similar defense with those you listed.
I don't think he had anyone attack him.

jlhy wrote-"Currently I'm working on the goal godly where you need to obtain a defense score of 34,000, so I can see my defense stat as it applies to defending attacks from rivals. I can see the increase in defense stats as I add equipment, defense buildings, and defense building upgrades and can see the decrease when I sell off a defense building."

12-15-2011, 09:23 PM
I saw one guy with 29k defense but when I attack him only 13k shown. the gap is too large, your formular does not really add up. Unless having another explanation: the defense tower he used does not really have similar defense with those you listed.

I'll do a quick breakdown using the Bodyguard Agency.

Lets say you have a defense of 1000 from weapons, armor and vehicles. When a rival attacks you 1000 defense will be shown in the fight screen and when they enter your hood and click on your profile they will see 1000 defense.

Now we'll buy one Bodyguard Agency and upgrade it to level 4.

Profile defense stat
Level 1: 1011
Level 2: 1033
Level 4: 1066
Level 5: 1111

Attack Defense (number that will be displayed in fight screen to your opponent)
Level 1: 1010
Level 2: 1015
Level 3: 1020
Level 4: 1025

I came to this result by using the defense goal I was working on to verify the numbers. Before I bought or upgraded a defense building I would write down my current stats in my profile then I would check it with the number listed under the goal. 644 <---Thats my defense value from the goal list (32267/34000). The value listed in my profile is a lot higher (above 45,000)

The results I came up with were defense buildings provided 2 different values. One for robberies which you see when you look at your profile or your opponents profile. And another value which you see in the fight screen.

The tycoon bonus value doesn't apply to attack defense value.

You get the full value of the defense building +10 defense (for the Bodyguard agency) on the first build and half of that value (+5 defense) after every upgrade to that building.

In the case of a level 10 guard tower, the level 10 guard tower will only add 16.5 (3+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5=16.5) defense to the players attack defense (displayed in the fight screen). The +248 defense of the level 10 guard tower will be added in the profile stats which counts towards robberies.

So in the example mentioned above if the player had 1000 defense from weapons,armor, and vehicles but had 20 level 10 guard towers, their profile defense stat would be 5960 (1000+4960=5960). If you attacked them you would see 1330 (1000+330) in the fight screen.

16.5 x 20 = 330 for attack defense
248 x 20 = 4960 for profile defense.

12-15-2011, 09:42 PM
I don't think he had anyone attack him.

I am. I am the one who attack him. Because I attack blindly without checking people stats.

12-15-2011, 09:46 PM
So should I buy some bodyguard agency or not?

12-15-2011, 09:53 PM
If your trying to prevent robberies, Bodyguard Agencies are a great choice. If you want to beef up your attack defense I'd go with Gattling Turrets, Muay Thai Center, or Sniper's Den. They cost more but will add more to attack defense and they dont take up much space.

12-15-2011, 10:01 PM
So should I buy some bodyguard agency or not?

I laughed hard when I read this, just cut and dry. Yes or no? Bahaha

12-15-2011, 10:09 PM
So should I buy some bodyguard agency or not?

For my preference I would say no. Priority in this game is to to beef up your attack defense first. So u will not b pushed ard by others. After that u can work on defending the robberies. Ram I like to read ur threads. I always look forward to ur new threads and evey time it lightens my day :) Keep it up

12-15-2011, 10:17 PM
I'll do a quick breakdown using the Bodyguard Agency.

In the case of a level 10 guard tower, the level 10 guard tower will only add 16.5 (3+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5=16.5) defense to the players attack defense (displayed in the fight screen). The +248 defense of the level 10 guard tower will be added in the profile stats which counts towards robberies.

So in the example mentioned above if the player had 1000 defense from weapons,armor, and vehicles but had 20 level 10 guard towers, their profile defense stat would be 5960 (1000+4960=5960). If you attacked them you would see 1330 (1000+330) in the fight screen.

16.5 x 20 = 330 for attack defense
248 x 20 = 4960 for profile defense.

Thanks for the explanation.

This really confuse me, that 16.5 compare to 248 about 7%. Anyway, thank you, I will check it when I have a chance.

12-15-2011, 10:41 PM
If your trying to prevent robberies, Bodyguard Agencies are a great choice. If you want to beef up your attack defense I'd go with Gattling Turrets, Muay Thai Center, or Sniper's Den. They cost more but will add more to attack defense and they dont take up much space.


U actually have a better understanding than me in this field because I can no longer view my def stats. It will be best if u can top up the last 3 def buildings security center, surveilance center and missile turret and ur findings will be completed. These 3 buildings are also build goals u have to complete.

12-15-2011, 10:48 PM
How I checked it and came up with the numbers for the defense buildings were to use the defense value in the goal list, 32267/34000. Then I built 1 bodyguard agency and checked back, number went from 32267 to 32277 (+10). Then I upgraded the building to level 2 and checked back, 32277 to 32282 (+5), then one more upgrade to level 3 and checked back, 32282 to 32287.

After that I built a muay thai center and checked back 32287 to 32305 (+18). Upgraded to level 2, 32305 to 32314 (+9). Upgraded to level 3, 32314 to 32323 (+9)

I repeated this process with gattling turret, snipers den, and guard towers. Which is how I ended up with these numbers.

Level 4 Abandoned Building would increase your attack defense by 5 (2+1+1+1=5)
Level 4 Guard Tower would increase your attack defense by 7.5 (3+1.5+1.5+1.5=7.5)
Level 4 Bodyguard Agency would increase your attack defense by 25 points (10+5+5+5=25).
Level 4 Muay Thai center would increase your attack defense by 45 (18+9+9+9=45)
Level 4 Gattling Turret would increase your attack defense by 62.5 (25+12.5+12.5+12.5=62.5)
Level 4 Sniper's Den would increase your attack defense by 80 (32+16+16+16=80)

I also tested by deleting a few buildings. I deleted my level 7 Abandoned Building and my attack defense dropped 8 points while my profile defense dropped 69 points.

Sorry if my explanation is hard to understand. I'm not very good at explaining these sorts of things.

12-15-2011, 10:54 PM
It will be best if u can top up the last 3 def buildings security center, surveilance center and missile turret and ur findings will be completed. These 3 buildings are also build goals u have to complete.

I actually built a missile turret to test, but the completion time was 40+ hours and I wanted to test more buildings so I ended up selling it back. Cost me $250,000, that stung a bit.

The missile turret added 42 attack defense and when I sold it back I lost 42 attack defense.

12-16-2011, 03:39 AM
Added jlhy's findings (thanks!) to the wiki page: http://crimecityios.wikia.com/wiki/Defense_Buildings
Does anybody know if the *.5 fractions are rounded up or down?

12-16-2011, 05:14 AM
Very nice observations :)

The one thing that is still not proven is the impact building defence has on robberies. I'll repeat a recent experiance I had on this thread, at the time:

My Profile Defence 21000
My Mafia defence 16500
My Mafia Att 15000

Rivals Mafia defence (no defence buildings) 18000
Rivals Attack 18000

He would rob me and suceed every time, when I rob him I got a 60-70% sucdcess rate.
I never tried fighting, but when he fought me he would lose some, how many is unknown as news list does not show. We had a rivalry for about a week. If building defence was primarily for defending robbers he should be the one struggling to rob me.

12-16-2011, 05:20 AM
His robbing def would be set to 9k (half of all mafia items used), and if his def stats were very high, and depending upon his lvl and yours, yes it is very possible that you would only be getting 60-70% success....

Ya, I know, grey area sucks.

12-16-2011, 06:51 AM
The thing is, he had no def buildings, so IF it was half his mafia defence I would of won every single robbery and he would struggle with me, not the other way round.

RE Agency: Going from level 9 to level 10 nets you 200def making the total profile defence from a level 10 Agency 826 under Tycoon. Compared with a level 8 Agency that only has 463 defence the final two upgrades are kinda good.

12-16-2011, 08:00 AM
For my preference I would say no. Priority in this game is to to beef up your attack defense first. So u will not b pushed ard by others. After that u can work on defending the robberies. Ram I like to read ur threads. I always look forward to ur new threads and evey time it lightens my day :) Keep it up

Thanks bro!

I already have 20k defense! If I buy 4 or 5 bodyguard agency I will have that extra 2-3k defense that I want...

Max Power
12-16-2011, 08:01 AM
In spite of the gray areas, I put a lot of defense agencies into my hood, it soon started thwarting robberies left and right. My screen went from overnight red to overnight green. Those buildings are of value, I guess I have a hard time knowing exactly how much.

Lola Gets
12-18-2011, 11:25 AM
In spite of the gray areas, I put a lot of defense agencies into my hood, it soon started thwarting robberies left and right. My screen went from overnight red to overnight green. Those buildings are of value, I guess I have a hard time knowing exactly how much.

Great Point Max!

It looks like we have 3 types of building defense:
Defense from PVP Attacks
Defense from Robbery
Defense for Scaring the Crap Out of People who Haven't Had the Pleasure of jlhy's Enlightening Research (That'll probably need an acronym...)