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View Full Version : [B]Buildings not paying??[/B]

12-13-2011, 10:36 PM
Hey guys,

every so often ill log in, and just 1 of my laundromats will pay while the other still needs 4mins or so.. and this after an hour of being in the game, and I always collect them both at the same time. I get this with my sports bar and occassionally italian restaurants and icecream shop. Anyone else have the same problem?

496 285 384
lvl 91

12-13-2011, 10:46 PM
Hey guys,

every so often ill log in, and just 1 of my laundromats will pay while the other still needs 4mins or so.. and this after an hour of being in the game, and I always collect them both at the same time. I get this with my sports bar and occassionally italian restaurants and icecream shop. Anyone else have the same problem?

496 285 384
lvl 91

See this thread (http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?13762-Collecting-time-for-laundromat-resets-.-).