View Full Version : Building output

07-20-2021, 07:15 AM
Hey deca, you seem to have unfixed the problem that occurred a few days ago that affected some building outputs.

Stop nerfing the income portion of the game. Every other stat has seen steady inflation over the years. The game cash economy has remained flat, stagnating with the same old numbers repeating for every new building.

Please figure out some proper improvements and stop sucking so hard at this aspect of the game. And not just building output numbers either. The building designs are ugly af for the last several months, and they still have way too much empty space included in the footprint. It wasn’t always like this, things have never been amazing in this game but nothing used to suck so bad for so long the way this situation with buildings has been permitted to fester.

Get. Your. Act. Together.

07-25-2021, 10:58 AM
Stop nerfing the income portion of the game. Every other stat has seen steady inflation over the years. The game cash economy has remained flat, stagnating with the same old numbers repeating for every new building.

This recent Limited building is, in fact, worse than the Limited buildings from the last several months. With limited hood space this type of step backwards is almost as bad as making a building with a ridiculously huge footprint. Sure it may not take as much space but taking up space for something that’s barely worthwhile makes it seem like this garbage product is intentionally bad.

At this point there are probably about 5 different buildings that rivals could have that might be worth the stamina required to rob them, all of which are years old.

Do better, Deca.