View Full Version : Hardcore Boss is unbalanced

04-23-2020, 05:58 AM
Everybody knows already that hardcore boss is unbalanced.

Deca must compensate monthly token and, at minimum, quadruple strike bonuses that are unreasonably expensive.

Minister Timothy
04-24-2020, 03:39 AM
I would say ridiculous. Even the strongest players may not finish. If your under 10t, which is far less than 10% of a cash hit for level 100 and that is probably 99.999%of players you've got no shot. Taking me 17 refill packs for level 91 and I'm only at 1.5t per hit. That's about 1% damage per hit. Maybe the Revelation accounts are at 5-6t per. That is an exhorbadent amount of energy if the top end doesn't get any easier. So they give out a jewel as compensation. I've never hunted those things because they don't give out building reduction times anymore so I only reach around lvl 17 and I also don't do lockbox. They need to refund packs.

Minister Timothy
04-24-2020, 05:40 AM
Lvl 92 = 92 cash hits. What's also messed up is they are still giving triple strike bonuses for top placement. As it anyone that can finish that high isn't maxed on it already. Didn't plan this even well at all DECA.