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View Full Version : Dual mono Exclusive and next Epic Boss armor elements

09-27-2018, 08:23 AM
Dear Knights,

October is approaching and we have some additional changes to present you and discuss with you. Check it out!

Dual Mono Exclusive

The Exclusive armors in Knights & Dragons have always been the strongest and most wanted of every season.
After collecting some feedback from the community, the GS group and the customer support tickets, we decided to go from consecutive elements to double elements. This mean that the exclusive October armor will be Fire/Fire.

Accordingly, the elements of the fusion tree event armors will be switched into consecutive ones.

As we believe this changes will make the exclusive armor more attractive, we will have two fusion tree events again in October.

As you know, we are testing a few different things at the moment to find the best gaming experience based on your feedback and the data we gather, which means the changes we are making for October are not final and we could still implement other changes in the future.

Epic Boss armor element combination

We are glad to read all the feedback for the Epic Boss Event revamp! A lot of players are enjoying the changes and the empowerment system! As we would like the community to contribute to the direction of the game, we would like your input on which element combination would you like to see for the upcoming Craftable Epic Boss Armor.
The appearance was already chosen but we let you choose the elements!

The element combination to be chosen from are:

You can vote on it here (https://www.strawpoll.me/16537184)

Raid Boss

As suggested by the community, the health points and bonus points of the Raid Bosses did not change much since some time, we are currently working on a system that would give more challenges while not having impact on the newer players.
More info will come soon!