View Full Version : Bfec reward farce

08-04-2018, 02:43 PM
This was supposed to be made fairer (see the monthly meeting notes). Many complained, including me, that the top 5 were getting 120% mafia defence while 75% of the players in the game got none.

So, Deca’s idea of fixing it is to double it? LOL. Great way to kill the game off. I’ll take the 40%+ that we’ll get but it’s just wrong. They need to find a better solution. Deca’s approach of giving more of everything is NOT the answer to this one.

08-04-2018, 11:41 PM
Thats why its importent that the players rep board gets a more variety of players from different teams and not just T5. SA will suffer the same consequenses as war. Where single players can beat an entire teams. Soon the T5 teams can declare nonstop during SA and that will effect all the lower ranked syn aswell.You need the big spenders who bring in money cause keeping the game running isnt for free. But at the same time you dont wanna chase away the rest of the playing field.