View Full Version : HCB Jean Rhyes daily points issue and rewards

06-12-2018, 09:07 AM
Hi Modern Warriors,

We are aware that the HCB Jean Rhyes last week had issues with incorrect total daily point scores and are in the process of sending out the remaining rewards.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience and have made a fix for the next HCB but we are in the progress of sending out the appropriate daily point rewards for HCB Jean Rhyes. This may take some time as there are more than 400k items that need to be sent out.

Due to the fact that the daily points for Day 2 was not logged, we added an additional 10 daily points to all those who participated in the event. We have also extended the end time of the below wrapper rewards, so if you meet their goal requirements you should receive them.

Jean Rhys Daily Rank Expertise I +1% Quadruple Strike
Jean Rhys Daily Rank Expertise II +2% Quadruple Strike
Jean Rhys Daily Rank Expertise III +3% Quadruple Strike

Lastly as a token for the troubles this issue has caused we have sent out a +1% QS to all those who participated in the event and spent gold during the duration of event, which you should have received by now. The rest of the rewards mentioned will take a bit longer since it will be done via a script.

Sorry again for the continued issues and we will keep you updated if necessary here.
