View Full Version : Bans on bases of a faulty detection system and violating the player legal rights

12-21-2017, 01:26 AM
Bans on bases of a faulty detection system and violating the player legal rights to defend himself.

On behalf of several unjustified banned players.

Hello Player,

Thanks for your reply.

While we do not share the results of our investigations, we have made additional checks into your account and our records and security logs confirm that activity that was in violation of our Terms of Service occurred on this account. Your account is banned permanently.


We have seen the last couple of months that the detection method DECA and/or GREE are using, are not without several issues and have several times been at fault. Still you ban players permanently on these faulty detection methods. And what is worse you do not even give the player the opportunity to defend himself.

That isn't under USA and Japanese law (GREE) nor EU law (DECA) allowed. Even if your TOS say you don't have to reveal the evidence the law states clearly that it overrules any TOS that does go against the law.

We are all paying customers of GREE and DECA either by watching adverts and handing over private data or by buying gems. Customers who's rights are at the moment clearly violated by GREE and DECA.

I understand the situation that you want to prevent even more cheats being revealed, but that doesn't release you of the obligation to hand over the proof of your accusation and give the player you accuse the opportunity to defend himself.

As you are clearly in direct violation of the law, what does DECA and GREE propose to fix this clear violation and give the player the opportunity to defend himself?

12-27-2017, 06:14 AM
And as usual Gree doesn't answer. Deca seems to approach these issues in the same manner. Ignore and hope it will disappear on its own. Still haven't learned from the last time you tried that approach?

London Knight
12-28-2017, 04:42 AM
Lightbulb on iOS seems to have got banned due to the fact his old phone constantly resenting itself . The reply to his inquiries contradicted ITSELF in the first three sentences ...

Perhaps it's a case of remaining silent & being thought to be fools - rather than opening their mouths & confirming it ......

01-02-2018, 04:57 AM
Lightbulb on iOS seems to have got banned due to the fact his old phone constantly resenting itself . The reply to his inquiries contradicted ITSELF in the first three sentences ...

Perhaps it's a case of remaining silent & being thought to be fools - rather than opening their mouths & confirming it ......

I know Gree did it before. Didn't help them :)