View Full Version : Guild limited time quest

Laura TCK
10-27-2017, 09:05 AM
On the 14th of Nov you have listed a guild LTQ running and starting at the same time as an individual LTQ is this meant to be or do we have to choose to help our guild or do our own or are there drops on the individual LTQ needed for guild but they finish on different dates, please answer if anyone can be bothered these days

Vile Lynn
10-27-2017, 01:20 PM
On the 14th of Nov you have listed a guild LTQ running and starting at the same time as an individual LTQ is this meant to be or do we have to choose to help our guild or do our own or are there drops on the individual LTQ needed for guild but they finish on different dates, please answer if anyone can be bothered these days

Let's see what happens when the events are live.... I think they will run in tandem, meaning NPC kills or drops from NPCs for the Indy Quest will count for the Guild Quest. I'm not even sure what the formate, kills or collecting drops, will be for these quests; I hope kills since drops are random.

If I find out any more info, I'll post here :)

Laura TCK
10-28-2017, 02:03 AM
Thanks Lynn would be good to find out as if it is drops the guild finishes 2 days after Indi so could be in 2 parts like RB but we need to know to kick the sleepy members awake

11-11-2017, 11:11 AM
My goodness the lack of chatter here is crazy. Still in the dark about what is coming up?

Vile Lynn
11-12-2017, 11:17 AM
My goodness the lack of chatter here is crazy. Still in the dark about what is coming up?

Yes... I asked about the GLTQ during the last KA meeting, held this past Thursday and every 2nd Thursday of the month, and hopefully we'll have some light on Monday.

I think most of the chatter has moved away from the forum to chat apps. Not really much to talk about here anyway... things are going ok, not much to complain about, and it takes time for them to code and test the new features we've requested... and then even more time to get them approved by Apple

This is the first time Deca is doing a GLTQ, and they have never seen it in action while GREE transitioned the development to them. So I can understand it must be a little unusual from their side trying to decipher templates into actual events, and we know the game better from the players' point of view :)

Vile Lynn
11-12-2017, 11:23 AM
Thanks Lynn would be good to find out as if it is drops the guild finishes 2 days after Indi so could be in 2 parts like RB but we need to know to kick the sleepy members awake

Thanks for noticing the end of the events time difference... I'll be sure to ask about this, too

11-12-2017, 02:37 PM
Thanks for the feedback Vile Lynn. Things have been running smoothly lately...coders deserve a pat on the back ((knock on wood)). Probably right about the chat apps...shame though.

Laura TCK
11-14-2017, 09:18 AM
Shame we never got an answer, but not all of us get to see the notes from Deca's/player meetings so actually it would be good Lynn if you could post them here for alll to see who visits this site

11-14-2017, 10:32 AM
I agree. It was informative to see the notes you posted a couple of times. I would like to encourage you to pick that practice up again.

Vile Lynn
11-14-2017, 01:19 PM
Thanks for the feedback Vile Lynn. Things have been running smoothly lately...coders deserve a pat on the back ((knock on wood)). Probably right about the chat apps...shame though.
We can change that :) I'll do my best to be more active here.
Thanks for the kinds words, too!

Shame we never got an answer, but not all of us get to see the notes from Deca's/player meetings so actually it would be good Lynn if you could post them here for alll to see who visits this site

I agree. It was informative to see the notes you posted a couple of times. I would like to encourage you to pick that practice up again.

Yes! I would love to share the meeting transcripts again, and I will... Real life got in the way... my apologies. When I get my PC back up and running, the first thing I'lll be doing is past meting transcripts.

Deca did get back to us about the GLTQ and there was some miscommunication; the GLTQ & iLTQ was meant to overlap with dates and goals but a different template was used for the iLTQ. Deca has never seen a GLTQ in action, so they're trying their best to figure these things out from templates.

I'm still not sure if the GLTQ is for drops or NPC kills, but we'll find out when event begins later today.

The LTQ on the schedule will be a regular LTQ.

And we'll see how it goes...
Good luck everybody! ;)

11-15-2017, 02:23 AM
Most assume Deca used one of the older templates when they implemented this quest for prizes. Lots of players were looking forward to a guild iltq but the prizes other than wrapper doesn't make their army. Any chance of adjusting these?

Lord Vyper
11-15-2017, 03:32 AM
Not only the rewards but also the number of mobs is totally wrong - it's from a time when the energy glitch was a big problem and it was possible to kill much more mobs than today. Even with higher energy regen only a few guilds will be able to finish this event - for crap rewards....
I believe that a guild LTQ is there to motivate a guild. A guild gets motivated when they work together and are able to reach a goal. Indi events can be tough and designed to be only solved with gems - a Guild LTQ shouldn't! It should be possible to solve it with activity (but without gems).
I know that top guilds want something challenging - but personally I believe a guild quest is the wrong place for that. Guilds will fail to finish and members will be frustrated (because some did spend gems, other members not, etc etc... In the end player will leave the guilds and even worse: KA
Gree didn't understand this and I fear Deca is making the same mistake

11-15-2017, 04:15 AM
Very well said Lord Viper. Agree completely.

Laura TCK
11-15-2017, 10:49 AM
Agree a few guilds will complete but as the rewards are poor except wrapper and I have not seen heroic yet, but then your going to start a new LTQ halfway through, we may complete if you scrap the LTQ due to start in a couple of days otherwise some ,embers may stop and do that for crates etc etc

Laura TCK
11-18-2017, 12:36 AM
It's confirmed peeps forum is not used well maybe by 3 of us and yes Decca have fallen into the numpty stats as Gree, starting an Indi LTQ while running a hard guild quest surely it's simple to see, I mention it but nothing what a total waste and sadly see Decca not helping to keep the game alive

11-18-2017, 07:51 AM
But running concurrent events is nothing new:
MW and CC are still running multiple concurrent LTQ'S .

With that said , i enjoy a guild ltq once in while- just adjust the prizes a bit and maybe add a lesser wrapper for normal & regular, and make the heroic wrapper a hardcore boss refil or V&V points increase