View Full Version : Help! HC Sold his Account to an 'Saboteur' just before War started! 8-o

London Knight
02-25-2017, 12:14 PM
RIght one of our mid level HCs had too much University work , and sold his Account to another player about 40 minutes before current War started .
Said player is much younger , went on to try & boot many Commanders , accept his Alt Account into the Guild AND is now sabotaging all our planned Battle Times !

I didn't get online till 5 minutes before the War , & didn't get a chance to Boot/Demote him , as I was fixing other damage he did .

He doesn't speak much English , appears to have some sort of Special Needs ( I have mild Aspergers myself , but his problem is on a whole different level ) , and refuses to stop !

This us causing much annoyance to our Teammates , has ruined battles & has but me on edge , as being GM , I've got to be alert 24/7 now to prevent being farmed for points! :-/

And suggestions ??

02-26-2017, 02:18 PM
Sadly, I have been in a similar situation before. I even tried submitting a ticket to Gree directly .. the short version of their answer was "sorry, we can't change anything during an event" .. you just have to deal with it for this event, and as soon as you get a gap, punt the offender. You - might - make more progress during the event by reporting the "sold HC account" to Gree .. I'm fairly sure that is against TOS, and they - might - take action on it.

Good luck

Edit to add: Future reference, punt FIRST .. then fix

London Knight
02-27-2017, 04:12 AM
Luckily a Guild member knows a friendly Hacker , & he put a denial of service attack on his account . Have now booted him & Hacker has left a 'stay away' message up before unblocking him again .

Where Gree fails , thinking outside the box seems to have worked !

02-27-2017, 11:11 AM
LOL Two wrongs don't make a right .. but I'm glad you got it fixed.

03-30-2017, 01:31 PM
aw gawd. buying/sellig account violates TOS ..... and hacker x.x?!?!?!??!?!

London Knight
04-06-2017, 04:11 PM
As I said extreme measures . We had so much screaming & swearing at the saboteur , that it was affecting Guild cohesion .
His posts 'attack' or 'fight now' just wound people up even more & I had to stay awake most of that weekend to try & curb his damage . I was a nervous wreak by the end ...

While I don't necessarily condone hackers , at least some of the benign ones ( I was at school with two of the UKs best 'good' hackers ) , can help against the malicious ones . One Top #50 team has had to disband due to persistent attacks . The number of Accounts and GUILDS/Guild GM slots being sold on Euro server has grown rapidly in last few months .
The services of 'mercenary saboteurs' are also available : one team apparently lost out on a Top #3 finish due to last minute booting before a War & non tactical striping causing constant loses .
Some people are not good sports & will happily stab people in back for cash ... at least it's only pixels ...

05-26-2017, 11:20 PM
I hear Asshatery. HHM for life

London Knight
06-28-2017, 02:48 AM
Really ? No need to be rude though ...

Check 'K&D account hacked' or 'K&D account stolen' on Facebook if you want more info .
Problems are much greater on iPhone version than Android apparently - my friend Lightbulb lost his account & has had new one attacked just recently .