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View Full Version : War points question for developer, fix needed?

12-23-2016, 08:59 PM
Does a PA hit only use the modifier based on a single regular hit avg 1 time added to the points of a regular PA, or is it doing what would be fair and adding the modifier somehow to the whole hit?

Below explains that question and why I ask in more detail.

I have noticed that single hits use the ip points modifier for each hit. So say you had a 100% modifier and a regular hit would be 500 you would get 1k points on a regular war attack total.

But, I have been testing then PA hit, which should be counted as a 4x - 5x hit count or 1 single huge hit. For ease of calculation I going to just say 4 hits of 500 for what would be 2k points for a winning pa BEFORE MODIFIER does not give 4K points with 100% modifier.

To demonstrate I hit target a 4 times with regular hits and got 1100-1400 points, I do 2 pa attacks and get 2247 and 2374 points.

So it seems to me that it gives the bonus on 1 regular hit value and then just adds 3 more regular hits without modifier correct?

Is that the way it was designed or just an oversight on PA calculations?

Thank You for any insight to issue.

King Ma$$
12-24-2016, 07:23 AM
Naturally you get on average more points for single hits rather than a PA. But the PA tallies points faster and much less xp. Its not meant to provide more points than 4 singles.

12-24-2016, 08:43 AM
PA is also only the value of 3 hits

12-24-2016, 06:10 PM
As stubby said... a PA points multiply your current attack by 50%... by doing so... you are only awarded a score as an average based on 3 single hits...

So... randomness in points is the same as a normal hit.. which could have a range of 600 difference (or more, or less).. but standard is.. by using a PA, you lose 1 attacks worth of points... its basically as if your paying 25% worth of points to raise your stats 50%..

You understand?