View Full Version : Quest dates

Laura TCK
10-13-2016, 05:05 AM
So you finally put dates for the quests and box events and other things on the help page, I then hear that's only for internal staff and so it has been removed, Gree why can it not stay you can remove rewards and all info from this and just leave dates, why is it so hard for you not to give us dates so bring it back but just shows lack of any understanding of your paying customers as per normal

10-15-2016, 03:54 PM
And, why, oh why, do we have to have these infernal LTQs ALL the time! Particularly through war weekends. Surely the pounding by the top guilds gives you enough revenue, so that we don't get this constant boring dross which is just so samey. I skip them, but many in my guild do some and skip the rest, but they all bemoan it, so I can't avoid it completely. And, please can you fix the spelling of 'Yield' in the no timed crafting quests and resurrection has one S and two RRs. Don't you proof read anything before it goes out to your not always so willing public?

Laura TCK
10-16-2016, 02:48 AM
Sadly I don't think there is the revenue there once was, since forced update I now don't bother where I used to spend to finish, now I know I can't I don't bother, see the rewards COK only now top 600 guilds where it used to be twice that players are leaving still sadly but at least RK and a few others still want to go for it keeping the game alive but yes also stop LTQ after LTQ the lvl reward now takes over 30 secs to come up just keeps getting slower and slower

And, why, oh why, do we have to have these infernal LTQs ALL the time! Particularly through war weekends. Surely the pounding by the top guilds gives you enough revenue, so that we don't get this constant boring dross which is just so samey. I skip them, but many in my guild do some and skip the rest, but they all bemoan it, so I can't avoid it completely. And, please can you fix the spelling of 'Yield' in the no timed crafting quests and resurrection has one S and two RRs. Don't you proof read anything before it goes out to your not always so willing public?

10-18-2016, 12:33 AM
I don't think the revenue this weekend was an issue. I am part of a top 5 guild and there were gems flying, despite good regen time! I just wish we'd had more honour within the prizes. I do feel though, that the game is waning and that it will end. Everything now is gem based and spenders keep the game ticking over and yes, there used to be 1200 placing years ago and now, only half of that, so who knows :-/