View Full Version : Why was latest update forced?

09-23-2016, 08:15 AM

Why did you force the current update????

I would appreciate it if only Gree answers.

Assault and Flattery
09-23-2016, 10:39 AM
The 3.7.2 force upgrade is to patch an exploit in the game.

Laura TCK
09-23-2016, 11:51 AM
I understand that A&F but you advertised the upgrade as preformance improvements but clearly it's still as slow as ever lol

09-23-2016, 01:51 PM
Thank you for being honest.

I will be honest too. This exploit was so old and beloved that most people thought it was intentional. Did you really want to kill it? Many have retired or will quit after war over this. Really seems like there is no strategic understanding of why people play this game.

War player
09-23-2016, 02:15 PM
Lol. I remember reporting that glitch as a beta tester years ago. After 8 reports, I stopped reporting it as I also thought it was intentional.

Personally, I wish GREE would actually fix the game. I mean, all the crap broken has yet to be fixed, especially the entire minute it takes me to log into the game. All that should have been in front of the line instead of that glitch, but that's just my opinion.

09-23-2016, 02:27 PM
Thank you for being honest.

I will be honest too. This exploit was so old and beloved that most people thought it was intentional. Did you really want to kill it? Many have retired or will quit after war over this. Really seems like there is no strategic understanding of why people play this game.

Jomama, that was the best they could do, because if they follow their "rules" they would have to give the "B" hammer on all that use any exploit and that would mean, giving the "B" to ALL top 800 guilds.............hahahahahahaha, or just take KA offline

But agree with you, becuase what they did, only has 2 responses from players
1- many will stop playing the game
2- the rest will just stop spending and playing less as there is NO EVENT that can be finish free

let's see

A-Box event.....pfff, many only try to open to get the guild portion, other (me included) just skip it
B-EB......only kill for guild daily goal, as the mayority cannot get to 150 and those that do, stop there as are not wasting gems on legendary
C- RB, better not say anything as I do not want to Jinx it
D- ILTQ another event only normal is done by 90% of players as it is way too time consuming not to mention the ridiculous amount of energy needed
E-ILTB also not saying anything to not Jinx it
F- War event, well here we all know who will get what prizes even before event stars

of course this does not apply to those "got to have it all" addicts that love to burn gems in ALL events

PS: Jomama................A&F did not state which exploit out of the 5 or 6 that are still out there............so..................sshhhhh no more comments please :rolleyes:

09-23-2016, 03:13 PM
deleting - you should too

09-23-2016, 03:36 PM
What a pity GREE doesn't see fit to fix its customer service too. As regards the above, I am so sick of these infernal LTQs that I stopped doing them, so no real issue for me on that one. I'm sure if some glitch is fixed, peeps won't bother to line GREE pockets with gems; not the ones with any sense, anyway!

Laura TCK
09-24-2016, 01:09 AM
I'm also not bothered re this fix but revenue will fall over this, please try and concentrate on taking nearly 3 mins for game to load, when war starts I'm approx 2 mins into the battle before it shows up, your customer service staff should actually play the game, if you fixed this players would come back/play more and yes a revenue increase

09-24-2016, 01:45 PM
Hey, now that I know 1) there was an exploit; 2) it has been around a long time; 3) many of the top players use it; and 4) it has been fixed, would Gree please post here what that exploit actually was and what benefit it offered? Details about its scope of use and how long it was available would be appreciated.

I'd like to know how well or poorly Gree has kept the playing field level for me as I consider whether garbage like this is the final straw and I quit. Also, why on earth would there even be a thread like this? How much intelligence does it take to realize you probably shouldn't publicly admit to closing a long-standing bug. How hard would it have been to blame iOS or management or ANYTHING.

09-24-2016, 04:56 PM
Lets not give Gree crap for being honest. And playing dumb is silly.

09-24-2016, 05:13 PM
Well, now there's a box event; or should I say another box event, where one can pay to gain 30 pearls for 20% conquest points and 15% alliance defence for the complete boxed set! Set you all up there for a crack at knocking the newly crowned Warlord off the top spot. Hats off to them and congratulations for humbling the Knights!

If only we could have fewer server errors, which cost a lot of energy; yet, when ticketed, complaints are 'passed to the development team' without anything being done and of course, fewer Windows before we can actually log in would be great and mobs complete with the mob and the arrow to hit.....but a girl can dream.

I have no problem with GREE being honest; it took a few goes though and in my opinion (and that is all it is) GREE is only honest when it suits. The fix was labelled as an 'improvement' fix; not quite the same as a glitch fix. The devil is in the detail. Not sure if it will improve GREE's revenue though; hence the 'generous' box event, and abundant gem 'offers', which fall outside the gem program apparently, but I've hijacked this thread enough on that subject. I'm very sorry!

I will continue with half decent energy and good regen, until I am unable to continue, but for me, gem purchase is a thing very much in the past. Each to his own.

09-25-2016, 07:31 AM
That's my point - they seem to be chasing away a broader base of players to maximize short term profit. Seems unise to continue this trend.

Laura TCK
09-25-2016, 01:45 PM
they have been doing that for years

That's my point - they seem to be chasing away a broader base of players to maximize short term profit. Seems unise to continue this trend.

09-27-2016, 12:44 PM
they have been doing that for years

Very true, and when wars started prizes were for the top 4000 guilds
after GREE made some "improvements" over time, prizes were eventually only for top 2000 guilds
after GREE made more "improvements" we are down to 800 guilds for war events

I guess there were 3,200 dead games or mini campers, or players just found a great fixed to their KA issues on their own, by "deleting it":rolleyes:

Laura TCK
09-28-2016, 11:37 AM
sadly now if your active and a single player you can prob reach top 150 just playing by yourself just have to look now at leaderboards and compare to old ones, Gree sadly has pushed so many players away that would have stayed but for there greed of short term profit, but maybe that's what the gaming industry is about maybe it's a rare things games last this long so when they bought it from Funzio they thought maybe 2yrs then dead so profit was key and just kept it going

Very true, and when wars started prizes were for the top 4000 guilds
after GREE made some "improvements" over time, prizes were eventually only for top 2000 guilds
after GREE made more "improvements" we are down to 800 guilds for war events

I guess there were 3,200 dead games or mini campers, or players just found a great fixed to their KA issues on their own, by "deleting it":rolleyes:

09-30-2016, 08:56 PM
Gemmers might give profits , but if have no one to compete with , then they will stop spending too.
Just wait until the top players craft the new items and the epic boss and ltqs are made harder so that they have to keep spending

Laura TCK
10-01-2016, 12:33 AM
So true sadly

Gemmers might give profits , but if have no one to compete with , then they will stop spending too.
Just wait until the top players craft the new items and the epic boss and ltqs are made harder so that they have to keep spending