View Full Version : Epic battle multiplier....not working?

07-24-2016, 09:49 AM
Anyone else notice that the CP for Epic battles seems to be a bit on the low side? In all the Epic battles we have pulled, we are getting about the same CP that we do in regular battles. We are actually getting more CP in all the premium battles we are pulling.

Laura TCK
07-24-2016, 11:42 AM
My cp varies so much I would never know and quite frankly don't understand why hits can range from 350-750 for the same player on a premium battle always hit a lvl 250 in all guilds except RK but that's Gree trying to make you gem for more cp I'm guessing

07-24-2016, 01:28 PM
As a level 250 who isn't in the top 5 ; I always think my scores are low.

It seems the scores have a wider range of high to low this time . I've had legendary scores differ by 500+.
My smaller toon- level 214 hit a 222 and scored 289- considering he has a 57% points bonus - means the raw score was under 200!!

07-25-2016, 07:27 AM
I think average CP per hit has gone down. I believe Gree changed formula and spread is wider too. Pretty annoying as we spent money on CP bonuses.

IPB can you confirm whether or not it makes a difference if two people hit same target?

Laura TCK
07-26-2016, 05:15 AM
Yes I do believe Gree has lowered the cp to try and make you gem more, legendary was 2.2 now only 2x and yes some hits I do in a normal battle without cp bonus is lower than 150 and there over 30 levels higher so yes answers please, has it been lowered, does it make a difference two members hitting the same target, is there more cp in the last 10 mins

I think average CP per hit has gone down. I believe Gree changed formula and spread is wider too. Pretty annoying as we spent money on CP bonuses.

IPB can you confirm whether or not it makes a difference if two people hit same target?

07-26-2016, 11:21 AM
The general belief has been that your score will be less if many players target the same opponents. I do think there should be a different formula for when a 250 attacks a 250

07-29-2016, 06:11 AM
I think the 2.2X multiplier was lowered to 2 many months ago. Something new has happened.

Many also think that points lowered by attacking same target is a myth and that its just random variation. At this point I think Gree should confirm what is happening here as the increased variation is bringing this up again.

07-29-2016, 08:08 AM
I play 6 devices at once and I frequently hit the same target on all devices. I have not seen a lowering of points in that situation.