View Full Version : Stats are screwed up

06-14-2016, 04:30 AM
So I bought the 270 temporary items and now my attack is lower than it was before I bought them. The defense number looks right. The items I earned from the Hate and Revenge events aren't in my inventory. I can't tell if anything else is missing.

06-14-2016, 06:27 AM
The temporary items lowering your stats is a display error, when you attack someone you will see your actual stats.

As for the missing HR items, I heard some others had an issuse with that, I would definitely send a ticket in. Seeing as how this new EB format (which sucks) only takes your top 10 items from each category, those huge stat items are vital for you going far in this event.

And by far I mean to boss 30, then half of us are screwed